Cue meltdown

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All fair points that means his valuation should be low, based on this season he's nothing more than a 100K striker.
Not sure if you went to the matches when Ched played in league 1 but he totally terrorised league 1 defenses and was probably up there with our best allround strikers since Brian Deane. So we've seen with our own eyes that he has the potential to be upper Championship, possibly even lower PL standard.

The other players like Marcus Maddison we don't know how good they could be, so more of a risk.

Theres no denying how good he was when he played for us, he scored for fun every week, his finnishing was amazing and he was excellent on teh ball, I'm just worried about whether he still has it. Its a risk, if it pays off it could the greatest managerial decision Wilder has ever made and I really do hope it pays off

Glad to see the forum has its head screwed on straight, looking at twitter I was starting to think I was the only one who doesn't want him back.

Fair enough he was found not guilty and deserves a second chance.. but after the shit we went through because of it, I really don't think we owe him anything, and he's done nothing to prove that he'd actually be an asset to this squad.

Anonymous since August, 500k? Get to fuck.

Fantastic to be with my own kind on day like this with people who live through it. Because i happened to be in an argument about ched evans on FT316 (bbc fighting talk) on Facebook. They were absoultely clueless about the witchhunt & the crap we went through twice because of him & letting us all down give him a chance hes had a terrible time losing 2 1/2yrs of his life. Hes the victim. We arent victims. They got both barrels. Because as i said nothing against ched but it was worst time in my utd life. & now ive got to relive it
Nevermind all this.

Will the signing of Ched Evans have an impact on my loyalty points?
Around three weeks ago I was told Evans will be coming, there was talk some time ago that he was taking us to court because of his contract, apparently the contract he was talking about was the one offered when he was released and not his old/ original contract and which United changed there minds on, apparently United have decided instead of fighting it and maybe losing they may as well let him come as they are paying him anyway, no way can I back this up and the reason I didn't mention it before was because of oh no not another ched thread, but there you go, coincidence? I have no idea.
Wilder may walk if it isn't his decision. He has clearly stated on many occasions that he and he alone makes all final decisions on transfers. If he had this one forced on him risking all the hard work he had put in uniting the players, fans and club then who could blame him? He would still be held in high esteem by the supporters and would be snapped up immediately. Let's just all hope it was his decision and his alone
wilder doesn't have to play him, KM honoured the promise/contract, cheds got his money. Just not in one payment, its spread over the length of the contract. Everyone's happy.
Everyone has their own moral compass, but if someone can justify him playing for us without struggling even a little bit with it, they should be asking themselves some serious questions - starting with "what if it had happened to my daughter? How would I feel then?"

When did we stop thinking about people and just concentrate on football. He is well below the moral standards we should expect. And therefore I still won't believe it until he actually signs.

What if it happened to my daughter? Why what happened? He had sex with a woman? The only thing Ched did wrong was go behind his girlfriends back. Are you forgetting this? Are you insane? He was found not guilty of the charges. I don't get your point?

For what it's worth, the lad did time for a crime he did not commit. It's £500,000 not £5 million. If anyone can get a tune out of him then it's Wilder. If Wilder can't then it's £500,000 up the swanny, hardly a massive gamble ffs
So does he play Sunday now.. score a goal at BDTBL and stop us getting to the magic 100?
I don't care whether we sign him or not but the timing of this sucks as we are playing the team he is contracted to and being crowned champions.
Couldn't it wait a week?
What if it happened to my daughter? Why what happened? He had sex with a woman? The only thing Ched did wrong was go behind his girlfriends back. Are you forgetting this? Are you insane? He was found not guilty of the charges. I don't get your point?

For what it's worth, the lad did time for a crime he did not commit. It's £500,000 not £5 million. If anyone can get a tune out of him then it's Wilder. If Wilder can't then it's £500,000 up the swanny, hardly a massive gamble ffs

Great point, if people think "up to" £500k is a gamble in the Championship, then we need a wake up call after Division One.
What if it happened to my daughter? Why what happened? He had sex with a woman? The only thing Ched did wrong was go behind his girlfriends back. Are you forgetting this? Are you insane? He was found not guilty of the charges. I don't get your point?

For what it's worth, the lad did time for a crime he did not commit. It's £500,000 not £5 million. If anyone can get a tune out of him then it's Wilder. If Wilder can't then it's £500,000 up the swanny, hardly a massive gamble ffs

"The only thing he did wrong was go behind his girlfriend's back?"

If you see it like that, we'll not get anywhere discussing it. You're entitled to that view.
You guys probably may not read this but I'm gunna put my point across.

I am AGAINST the signing of Ched Evans. And I have my reasons. Just to clarify, this is nothing to do with the private life (shall we say) he had quite recently but these are my top 3 reasons.

1) Value -> Ched Evans is now a 28 year old striker, who was to play in the forth tier of English football having only scored seven goals in League 1. Now I'm no businessman, but it does not take a brain surgeon to work out that the cost of bringing him back in bizarre. £500,000? For a player that is approaching his 30s? A player who is still recovering for the trauma he has been through? To me that is silly business and there is guaranteed to be players younger, fitter and hungrier to prove their point in the second best prize in English Football. Think about it, we've been scoring goals left, right and centre all season, when was the last time you uttered the words "we need a frontman" this season?. If Evans hadn't had played for us before then would we be signing him now? No I didn't think so either.

2) Dividing Fans -> A classic examplar of a family club are Sheffield United and the fact of the matter is our fans have been sensational this season in particular with getting behind the boys that the legend Chris Wilder has marshalled. Dividing fans should not even be considered in this section but you know as well as I do, there fans will disagree with each other. But subjects like this can provoke fans highly to the point where crowd trouble could occur. After a season where our fans were United in the namesake of our glorious football club. I feel as if in a few months time the feeling of being United as fans will disappear over the signing of Evans.

3) Bad Memories -> The day Evans got sent down were horrible and it badly effected our 2011-12 campaign to the point where we were pipped to automatic promotion by non other than another Sheffield side. Yes that was bad, but moving a few years forward to the day where the headline "Ched Evans Released From Prison" was seen in front of you, can you remember the two weeks after that? I can, and it was painful. Never in my 35 years of the supporting the Blades did I feel sick and sad by what was being said about my team all over the news and every tabloid you picked up. I felt bullied and genuinely felt heartbroken that my team are becoming one of the most hated clubs in Britain, over what? A player who was convicted for which the case was later quashed and the defendant was found not guilty? This is the kind of unnecessary event that could only happen to Sheffield United, but still bring back some horrible memories of discomfort and rage.

All in all, IF Evans comes back I'll still be here to cheer HIM and the Blades on. I'm not going to be a supporter that is going to avoid Bramall Lane(I can understand their point also). But I can also understand that I may be a minority with my view and I fully support you guys with your views in the fact you'd love him back at the club. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Fucking hell my arms are killing after writing that...

Enjoy it, this season just keeps giving and giving.
Tell us what else he did wrong then

Sure ok.

Turned up in a hotel room on a mission to shag someone without caring if she even remembered.

His actions have led to her life, hitherto, being ruined.

Called into question the reputation and stance on rape of Sheffield United football club.

Showed remorse only for his relationship with Natasha, not for anyone else, including a young woman who woke up in a hotel room covered in God knows what with no recollection of how she even got there.

Exposed the nation's frankly shocking attitude to rape. This may prove to be a positive, but is not right now.

Made me have to type this message at 7:50am :)

Whether he's guilty or not, he's a selfish, reprehensible individual who deserves to be nowhere near our club, morally or on football reasons.

I'm sure there are more.

We've had players with far worse morals in the past. The hypocracy of fans eh?
I reckon there's something going off behind the scenes and it's not purely a football decision.

Although Wilder seems to be able to get the best out of his players.
We've already seen with our own eyes that Ched at his best is upper Championship/ lower PL standard, so £500K might be a decent gamble.
Who are the players with worse morals than Ched?
What level of form did he show in championship for united?
This is possibly one of the most moronic decisions the club has ever made if this comes about, and that is saying something. The ability of the club to shoot itself in the face time and time again never ceases to amaze.
There really are some thick bastards at the top.
McCabe must be sanctioning this.
So instead of the players who gave us a tremendous season getting 'total' acknowledgement on Sunday, we're going to have to put up with loads of songs about Evans.

Anti social Sheffield in rapture. More unwashed Manorites to the fold. Is that the brave new Blades world?
Rape is good if a chav feels like it..despite the twat being cleared of rape.
There are some very sheltered people with old fashioned values on this forum who haven't seen much life.

They don't realise that many young men and women get paralyticlllay drunk then have sex with whoever they can. Then one or both can't remember anything the next day. Also loads of young adults have threesomes, group sex etc. There are male, and believe it or not female sexual predators out every weekend but some men refuse to believe that some women love sex and will sleep with anyone because they love sex. But I suppose some of the old fashioned types would call them slags because in their mind women aren't allowed to enjoy and want sex more than men.

One of the big issues is the sexualisatiion and drink culture within society. Times are so different to when the rape laws were writtten. Technically speaking rape probably occurs 1000's of times a week but those women and men wouldn't even class it as rape.

Thats the reason Ched was found not guilty on trial because very similar events have happened regularly to the girl. Remember she never accused Ched of rape because she couldn't remember, that's the difference. It's weird but surely it must be a relief to the girl to realise she wasn't raped after all but so many people want to be offended and assume she didn't want a threesome, simply because in their morals they refuse to believe any girl could ever want a threesome
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Stop exagerrating, he was dissapointing at Championship but still scored a few, hardly crap.
However at league 1 level for anyone that went to matches they'd see he was a revelation, the best player we'd had for years and arguably close to PL standard.
Crap he was.
This is already old news for everyone else in the country, no one's bothered about it anymore, yesterday's chip paper.

There won't be all the hysteria and media circus, there wasn't much when Chesterfield signed him and there won't be now.

For me that just leaves one issue, is it a good football move? It's a gamble that's for sure but in championship terms it's a no brainer for the money.

Wilder did say in a recent interview that some ins/outs might surprise a few, can't we just wait and see how it pans out before crucifying the club.

One last point, lots of people criticising the club on the timing, the club didn't break the news.
Anti social Sheffield in rapture. More unwashed Manorites to the fold. Is that the brave new Blades world?
Rape is good if a chav feels like it..despite the twat being cleared of rape.
That's obviously patently untrue isn't it?
If that were the case, why bother charging him,taking him to court and sentencing him to 5 years imprisonment?
Don't let your outrage overwhelm your thinking capacity. ;)
Crap he was.

Proves you never saw him play in league 1.

By the way, apologies for my post above about saying people having sheltered lives.
I've re-read it and I come across as an opinionated loud mouth know it all.
Tried editing some of it but got timed out. My views are opinions written with respect for other posters.
Monster striker ...did f*** all in the championship didnt he ? had his day and I dont want to believe our manager has had anything to do with this what a joke we are again

Chris Wilder was interviewed over the possibility of signing him before we played Chessie in Nov. His response was something along the lines of "believe me, if there is a good player that we need to be looking at, we're already aware of them".

Edit - found his words “Any player could join this football club at any stage of their career. I’m not singling anybody out.”

This has been a done deal for weeks.

So does he play Sunday now.. score a goal at BDTBL and stop us getting to the magic 100?
I don't care whether we sign him or not but the timing of this sucks as we are playing the team he is contracted to and being crowned champions.
Couldn't it wait a week?
He won't play. He isn't fit and hasn't been for a while now. The timing isn't good but this isn't down to united. Now we have all had time to digest it we just need to concentrate on Sunday, getting a win, 100 points and lifting the trophy. Let's just enjoy the day for what it's meant to be

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