Three cheers for Chris Wilder

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2014
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north anston
We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday

We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday

We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday

Didn't someone ask the other day if we thought Chris Wilder was on this board? Well.... :rolleyes:
We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday

Oh fucking help me God.
We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday
No doubt you will still be peddling this shite when we are in League Two and still struggling................................. fucking hell fire. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Three cheers for proof in the pudding (i.e. results, not the crap served up so far by a bloke that currently appears to be out of his depth) would be well said!
I'm glad all the clubs know that the suckers of the whole English Football League won't be fleeced anymore.
Now let's get after those cheap League 2 players we should be able to afford them.
Should have been after Matty Taylor in the summer he is way over our heads now.
There's a massive grey area though, isn't there? I'm all for sticking to principles and the club not being fleeced as we don't want any more Dean Hammond's.

My issue is I don't trust the board one bit. The rhetoric I'm hearing now is that we won't be paying any substantial fees regardless of whether the player is worth it. That's not ambition - nowhere near it. Ambition doesn't mean you need to be ripped off.

Take Lavery - lives locally, SW happy to sell, player reportedly happy to move. We need a player like this. The only thing holding up is likely to be our 'technical board'. Wilder mentions it's not easy signing players but I cannot see the issue with this one. It's nothing more than a board that's penny pinching.

BTW, this is no dig at Wilder. It's just likely to be the case that he ends up as the next manager sacked by the ever-failing Kevin McCabe.
We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday

This is a message from Sheffield United Football Club Public Relations Office .

Hope you appreciate the article above , and win , lose , or draw , enjoy your football on Saturday at BDTBL .

Remember you are the 12th man , so don't you lose confidence too .

We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday

Please explain the value for money rhetoric and how this is happening.
It's OK, no need, just asked my grandad to explain relative to your post and he said " well, son, you have heard of Iceland, the frozen food place well just imagine them as a football player shop; imagine that! that's were united are getting their players from.That's value for money "

He then muttered something about sell by dates I had lost interest by then and didn't ask him to explain any more.

Fuck Off... NOT havin' that.

SUFC are shopping at Jack Fulton's.

We can't even contemplate shopping at Iceland, unless Katie takes over from Kerry and
Big Harv secures a BOGOF deal.

Give it 'til the New Year and we'll be privileged to have first options with the Co-Op bins at closing time.
Are you serious? Like he has a say in it? The board/"technical board" make all those kinds of decisions. All CW has done so far in the transfer window is mention a lot of players our club is unwilling to fund.
I doubt that any Blade doesn't want Chris to do well for us and is prepared to give him some more time but cutting off your nose to spite your face regarding transfer fees will only end one way for a big club with heavy expectations.

Whether the source of the problem is the technical board, Wilder's naive valuations, other clubs being d***s or agents being c***s one thing is for sure, someone at our end needs to bend a little and spend a bit more.

Chris will be judged on results, all patience will eventually run out no matter who is to blame and managers always cop it first.

Hopefully by November these early concerns are dead and buried and we are climbing the table.
We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday
Complete and utter bollocks. This is the worst period in our entire history and you talk about vfm. Unbe-fucking-lievable
There's a massive grey area though, isn't there? I'm all for sticking to principles and the club not being fleeced as we don't want any more Dean Hammond's.

My issue is I don't trust the board one bit. The rhetoric I'm hearing now is that we won't be paying any substantial fees regardless of whether the player is worth it. That's not ambition - nowhere near it. Ambition doesn't mean you need to be ripped off.

Take Lavery - lives locally, SW happy to sell, player reportedly happy to move. We need a player like this. The only thing holding up is likely to be our 'technical board'. Wilder mentions it's not easy signing players but I cannot see the issue with this one. It's nothing more than a board that's penny pinching.

BTW, this is no dig at Wilder. It's just likely to be the case that he ends up as the next manager sacked by the ever-failing Kevin McCabe.

If we're looking at Lavery, well there's a huge obvious potential wage issue for starters. He's been offered and equal or better wage to his current one by a Championship club. That's likely to be a high wage for us, given the amount of money they've been chucking around. Then there's the fee. Wednesday want him to stay. We've likely bid sod all. They don't want to sell to us at the best of times (for obvious reasons) so why would they sell unless we made them an offer that they couldn't refuse? By delaying it makes other clubs aware of his availability. He was never going to start for them anyway, so nothing to lose from their perspective - pissing us off is probably a huge bonus.
We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday

I think you need to save your best work for Saturday evening.
The fun thing is, I thought in appointing Wilder and 'downsizing' the budget/wage bill, we'd be scouring L1+2, even non-league for the best young talent...getting them all in early and drilling the fucker's into a unit that is more than its separate parts.

...and yet here we are, a week away from the window closing with same bullshit about 'we tried', 'ridiculous fee's' etc...whilst desperately chasing 31 year olds coming to the end of their careers...
We finally have a manager who tells it how it is and is sticking to the new club policy of not being bullied into paying over the odds for players .There is a blades price and a 1st division price we have been a easy touch previously ,Mr Wilder is looking for value for money not paying an inflated price.Agents have fleeced us in the recent past !! you have to be strong and say no.Last season Wigan (who still had parashute payments available ) built a new team but didn't get fleeced , yes they paid fees but got value for money as the table
proved.Although they had a bigger. Budget than us the actual wage part of that budget was smaller what does that tell you ?. Value for money which we are finally striving for, OK we are a bigger club than Wigan
,should that mean we get fleeced ?.
Still think we will get players in but Mr Wilder is not for turning more power to his elbow.
Now let's put all this to one side and support the team saturday

Not quite got this football finance thing thing have you?
I watched the 'Class of 92' tonight, and it was interesting to hear the Salford City Chairman say the same things Wilder has been saying re new players. That is 'When they hear that it's Salford, the price doubles, getting players in is a nightmare'.

There's obviously something in what Wilder is saying, but there has to be a way around it or we'll sign nothing but dross.

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