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Jan 17, 2010
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Im sorry but at present I dont know were go from here. 10 goals in 15 games. 5 home defeats 13 goals conceded. No leadership on pitch. Truly starting to worry.

We are in huge trouble, nobody can deny that, Speed's appointment was a cheap option, and a case of potentially the right man at the wrong time, he should have been made caretaker, especially given the likes of Paulo Sousa are currently unemployed!
We need to start getting results, but I think more importantly we need to start getting convincing performances and doing the simple things right.
If this is part of Mr McCabe's Blades Way,then 15000 crowds,bottom 3 by December,our inevitable relegation to Division 1,and away trips to such footballing giants as Dagenham & Redbridge and Yeovil must be part of the great masterplan then.

The club has the odour of decline & disillusion.Patience is wearing thin and those who previously would have died for the club simply just can't be arsed anymore.

Which,strangely enough,is the reputation Mr McCabe is starting to get- a man who simply can't be arsed anymore.If anybody from the club is reading this,please inform Kevin that he needs to step up to the plate,stand up and be counted,and stump up to help his team out of this deepening hole.

However,if he's simply no longer interested,then maybe it's time to ship out,as much as it pains me to say it.The dark days of huge debts,unfit and improper board members,empty grounds,players not fit to wear the shirt,and football played at the lowest level should not be allowed to return. However,continue the way that we are,and they could be back sooner than you think... :(
New faces is the only answer. A couple of signings plus hopefully Henderson and Williamson back.

Speed has a fecker of a job on here.
Where do we go ? ................... thats easy down a league.
Penny beginning to drop at last?

Well to be honest it sounds like we're going backwards. I can't speak about today as I wasn't there, but last week was worse than it had been a few weeks prior.

We've lost a key player in Morgs and unless we can replace him then its going to hurt us. We don't have the characters who are strong enough to lead us.

Yes we need players. But that said, players like Bartley, Quinn, Ward, Cressy, Ched etc are better than the performances are suggesting.

I like the way Speed talks, he's straight down the line but its his job to sort this mess, regardless of the other "issues" off the field.

I don't think this thread is one for discussing what has gone wrong, there are far too many of them, but I'd like to know what people think we can do with the playing staff that we have and the management team
Agree. I didnt want a moaning thread. I honestly i am stimped. Wrve got these players until january. So loan players. We need a strong centre half and a striker. Hopefully reid will be kept for a longer period.
I'd like to know what people think we can do with the playing staff that we have and the management team

The bloke sat behind me today raised a laugh when he said he'd kick them all over Shirecliffe tomorrow morning. :)
What now?

A curry and a pint or two of Jaipur.

As for United... buggered if I know :D
I don't think this thread is one for discussing what has gone wrong, there are far too many of them, but I'd like to know what people think we can do with the playing staff that we have and the management team

What can we do? We can't play hoof because of Cresswell et al up front and a general lack of pace. We can't play pass and move because our players are capable of neither and again, a general lack of pace.

I'd be quite happy to see a whole shedload of kids being picked at the moment. What alternative do we have? This lot aren't showing and I can't see the kids getting a load of stick when we already know what the other options are. They'd probably lose a load of games and we might go down anyway but fuck, at least we'd go down fighting. And we might even be able to generate some hope for the future instead of suffering this groundhog matchday torpidity.
.The dark days of huge debts,unfit and improper board members,empty grounds,players not fit to wear the shirt,and football played at the lowest level should not be allowed to return.:(

Huge debts, rock bottom football, players not fit to where the shirt. Aren't we there already?


---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

But that said, players like.................Ched etc are better than the performances are suggesting.

From a year and a half of football, can you give me any scraps of evidence of that? I can't believe people are still persisiting with such faith. What on earth am I missing?

What now? I think many fans now realise we are in a relegation scrap...if they are expecting a promostion push they need to wake up and problably not bother going down to the matches as they will only be disillusioned.

On the pitch,Speed won't be going anywhere(I assume) and he'll be on a steep learning curve at the moment....we can't infuence what he is trying to do. What the fans CAN infuence is actually trying to get behind the side instead of being hyper critical during the game as is doesn't work out like it does on the latest football manager game.If the fans actually support the team instead of booing them,they might actually respond to the encouragement.

Listening to P&G now and some fans are calling for a clear out..clear out the players now,who will come in? If players leave for money,it will no doubt be our so called better players as that is the only way we will raise the funds to fund a wage bill. Do you think that we should gamble on the Kids(Slew,Chappell,James) in a relegation scrap? Wouldn't like to be in Sppeds shoes at the moment.

Some won't like this but we are missing Henderson and I really hope we hang on to him when he gets fit...other players to go ? Yeates?Ward?Britton?Monty?Quinn? are the only players who i think other clubs may be interested in. Can the club afford to lose some of these players?

Worried? Too right I am
Its time to ask McCabe what his intentions are with SUFC

How to ask the question ? - Boycott the next home game, its on the TV afterall, anyone with a season ticket can still see the game.

Drop the attendance so low it gets McCabes attention, cos to date I dont have any indication he gives a flying fuck, any longer.

Time to act is now. Remove Speed and Ellis, get the experienced man in that should have been appointed when Blackwell left. It will then give him a month before the window opens to decide what he needs and then give him some funds to get in whoever he needs to keep us out of League 1. If that is short term or 6 month loans so be it just to make sure that when the summer comes we are still in the same division. Then we can rebuild. At the moment it is a Red Adair job because we smell of relegation and if we go down we maybe a long time coming back.
Huge debts, rock bottom football, players not fit to where the shirt. Aren't we there already?


Point taken,but we're not in Division 3.


Also,although Ched is the 21st Century Guthrie,do we have current matches in our squad to the combined talents of Duggie Brown,Tony Moore,and Derek Richardson? Now they were proper shite.
A bottle of Pinot (or two) and an Iranian. That's all I'm fit for tonight.
Went to Watford v Forest today; pretty poor tbh. VR is more like a morgue than ever.
There's only one real answer and that is new players. McCabe NEEDS to get his hand in his pocket otherwise we're going down, the players are simply not good enough. Does our chairman care anymore? Not sure to be honest.

Speedo you have my sympathy. You're on a hiding to nowt at the moment and it ain't gonna get much better anytime soon.
Point taken,but we're not in Division 3.


Also,although Ched is the 21st Century Guthrie,do we have current matches in our squad to the combined talents of Duggie Brown,Tony Moore,and Derek Richardson? Now they were proper shite.

Don't forget Mick Guy,John Flood and Dennis Longhorn. :D
Its funny that people are now calling for Speeds head. Is sacking the manager the answer? Speed has his hands tied in so many ways right now that anyone coming in to replace him would still have the same issues to deal with.

Speed needs time. But obviously the closer we get to the relegation zone, the less patience people have.

We HAVE to work with what we've got and we've got to get behind the team.

I also don't see what getting McCabe to clarify things will do to help right now. We can't buy players just now, we can only get loanees, regardless of what people think of this current policy its here to stay until 1st Jan, So lets get what we can with any money that we have. We've been unfortunate that Reid and Morgs got injured. Hendo and Willo are still seemingly a while away from come backs, so forget them for now.

I've said it before. Yes the club makes mistakes, but at times like these us fans need to be behind the club and become UNITED.

Personally I think we can turn it around, but we need to get solid at the back, that back four has to now become a settled unit. If it means persisting with Bartley and Noz then thats what we need to stick with.

And if you don't want to support the team, don't go. If the discount ticket deals arrive too late, don't take up the offer. Its a choice we all have. Personally, despite how shite we played last week, it didn't stop me wanting to go to the lane.
Point taken,but we're not in Division 3.


Also,although Ched is the 21st Century Guthrie,do we have current matches in our squad to the combined talents of Duggie Brown,Tony Moore,and Derek Richardson? Now they were proper shite.

I think Evans is bad enough to cover all of them.


McWobblegob is the man to blame.....appointing an inexperienced manager to manage a team made up of crap is unforgiveable.
UNTIL someone realises that selling your good players and replacing them with CUNTS will do us no good we are where we are on merit.

Ched Evans the new 'BAG OF SHIT' (we used to refer to Mr Cadette as this) what a cunt.
Time to act is now. Remove Speed and Ellis, get the experienced man in that should have been appointed when Blackwell left. It will then give him a month before the window opens to decide what he needs and then give him some funds to get in whoever he needs to keep us out of League 1. If that is short term or 6 month loans so be it just to make sure that when the summer comes we are still in the same division. Then we can rebuild. At the moment it is a Red Adair job because we smell of relegation and if we go down we maybe a long time coming back.

Time to act was when Speed was appointed and the guy who Boro have got was available.
Might be too late now.
Sacking Speed = paying up the rest of his contract. Do we want to be a club that sacks managers without giving them a chance?

As far as getting new players in, where do these players come from? We can only sign players that are out of contract until the January transfer window, so who will the players be? They're not out of contract because they are great players, it's because nobody wants them. We can only get loanees in, and we can't just approach a club asking for their best strikers and expect anything other than a polite but firm "fuck off".

Many posters on here have highlighted the need for players and they are right, but who are these players and how do we afford them in January? It's all very well saying that we need to give the manager funds, but who will be providing these funds? It won't be Kevin McCabe, it won't be me, it's highly unlikely that lenners will put his money where his mouth is as I suspect that he's not a millionaire either, and we've more chance of seeing any imminent investment from Narnia or Tattooine than Malaysia. We're not going to see any players come through from our wonderful links to foreign clubs either, as these "links" just seem to be McCabe blowing smoke up our collective arses.

We all know we need bettere players, but who are they and how do we afford them considering that we are skint? It's all very well saying that we need players, but how will we get them? They sure as hell won't come for the love of the club, so what can we do?
A logical argument Shoreham but at the risk of crying over spilt milk our current plight is because the whole management team did not understand the implications from selling young established players we could not afford to replace. Even a novice like me could see that this was short term gain with no appreciation of the wider picture. I fear that Speed will be the fall guy for a catastrophic season...the immediate future is bleak and I question the notion that there are several teams worse then us though the form guide would suggest that there are three teams worse then us. Thats too close for comfort for me though

we've more chance of seeing any imminent investment from Narnia or Tattooine than Malaysia.

Trevor Birch confirmed in yesterday's programme that investment from Malaysia now looks unlikely. He's off to India and China this week but I think it would be a surprise to everyone if something turned up.

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