The Sheffield Star

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Aug 6, 2009
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I have bought this rag since I used to deliver it 35 years ago ,today is the last time I ever buy this biased boring piece of shit. It has always favoured the other side of the city ,no question , even deciding to put denials in its editorial a few weeks ago to cover its back. I have put up with that knowing its position like I put up with some nationals despit their political affiliations. However the coverage of Cheds case is the final straw for me ,2 days of utter bilge and lazy reporting almost revelling in our misery. Johnstone press is threatening to make it into a weekly instead of daily because of falling readership ,add one more to that I hope it goes out of existence and hope other Blades take the same view and hasten its demise.

Couldn't agree more, Sitters. Some posters on here think the pro-Wendy bias is a figment of our imagination. It's not.

Regardless of this, The Stir's days are numbered. They must have seen the internet revolution/free newspapers coming so how did they react? By producing a virtual parody of a newspaper that would not be worth reading if it was given away for free.
My parents gave up taking The Star years ago. Anyway, print is dead.
Just had a skim through, and it seems no more biased than usual. Which is admittedly quite biased, but it's not really any worse today considering what happened over the last three days.

The editorial is by a woman whose usual attempts at journalism are along the lines of "My bloke's got man flu. Pathetic. Amirite ladies? lol", so I don't think there's a footballing agenda there. Besides, while OTT, a lot of what she says is basically correct.
I too used to deliver it almost 50 years ago and read it avidly from being a kid up to a few years ago. It really has hit rock bottom and I decided to end my association with it quite a few years ago when Jo somebody or other started trying to sound like a 'modern woman' in her column and only succeeded in sounding feckin stupid.
As for the sport and the bias bit, well, I've never quite subscribed to that bit, I think they just about try to balance it, but the content is shite.
Only thing I miss is the births, marriages & deaths (more the deaths these days ;))
I have bought this rag since I used to deliver it 35 years ago ,today is the last time I ever buy this biased boring piece of shit. It has always favoured the other side of the city ,no question , even deciding to put denials in its editorial a few weeks ago to cover its back. I have put up with that knowing its position like I put up with some nationals despit their political affiliations. However the coverage of Cheds case is the final straw for me ,2 days of utter bilge and lazy reporting almost revelling in our misery. Johnstone press is threatening to make it into a weekly instead of daily because of falling readership ,add one more to that I hope it goes out of existence and hope other Blades take the same view and hasten its demise.

From my experience with them I'd put my house on the Star and its senior staff and sports team not being deliberately biased, it's a bit more complicated than that.

There's no doubt if for instance anyone bothered to research the number of positive comments in The Star about the numbers, vociferousness or loyalty of Wendnesday fans compared to United in recent years then the pigs would be massively ahead - far more so than even the most deluded pig could justify.

This isn't because The Star is intentionally biased it's because they have a Wednesday reporter who is a Wednesday fan and who understandably writes and angles his articles in a different way to Shields who is from London and has no connection with United fans. Why else does he keep calling us a 'South Yorkshire club' when writing in The Sheffield Star!

The Wednesday reporter is bound to fight his corner in a different way on all stories.

Above them is the sports editor who generally over the years have been Man Utd fans and don't have a particular affinity/understanding with us.

As the coverage of United has undoubdtedly got worse in recent years there has been a silent boycott of The Star by many Blades, who like me see no reason to buy the paper for it's United covereage because it is rubbish, out of date and the OTT pig coverage winds me up.

So then when The Star brings out things like football specials or pigs are doing well they find that sales are higher (conpared to if we're doing well) so they start believe they have more pig readership and play to it.

Local journalism and local news coverage is important for all sorts of reasons and needs to be sustained somehow but sadly The Star for many reasons appears stuffed in anyrthing like it's current format.

Few Blades will shed a tear

Can't comment on their rape coverage cos I haven't read most of it but it's important to appreciate that a lot of their coverage would have been restricted by resources and legal considerations before the verdict and moral ones since it.

Ramble over.
The star has been a disgrace for a while now but this season it has reached new depths.

Even the little report about the PFA award triple seems begrudging.

I hope SUFC ban the Star from Bramall Lane!

I will never buy that rag again!
Been reading Jo Davison's column. She reminded me of when a female family member of mine decided to change solicitors regarding her divorce from her husband because she felt that the solicitor is a "man-hater" because the solicitor said "we will screw every penny from him". Jo should have waited until the outcome of Ched's appeal.I am sure the Stir wouldnt have printed her article if Ched was a Wendy player
I have never engaged in the Sheffield Star bias argument, as always found it a bit petty from both sides. However, I did find it interesting that in the Ched edition, our lass read and said "I think they support Wednesday in this paper"
Noteworthy that our lass does not know virtually anything about football.

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