New podcast - Norwich report + taking our time

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Active Member
Mar 21, 2017
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New podcast episode just went live, taking a closer look at what was (I reckon) an excellent win at Norwich.


- A match report (02:20)
- Stats and analysis for those who like that sort of thing (06:58), and why less possession may actually have benefited us
- Notes on the debuts of Evans, Leonard and Wilson (10:02)
- Special praise for The Don (14:01)
- Strength in depth at last! (15:08)
- & playing in a different way (take your time) (16:20)

As always, it can be grabbed (for free, of course) on Soundcloud:

Or the old Apple Podcasts:

Incidentally, I would be keen to have a guest on here to get a second perspective / break up my monotonous voice, if anyone would be interested in having a chat... feel free to, ahem, slide into one's DMs.

On top of that, feedback of any kind is always very welcome, cheers and UTB!

Enjoyed spoke well and sounded quite professional. Thanks.
I liked that. A nice little bit of extra analysis for people who can’t attend for whatever reason, and isn’t radio Sheffield.

1 little bit of ‘criticism’ (I suppose?!) is there were a few too many um’s & err’s throughout. Other than that, enjoyable! Will be listening again.
I liked that. A nice little bit of extra analysis for people who can’t attend for whatever reason, and isn’t radio Sheffield.

1 little bit of ‘criticism’ (I suppose?!) is there were a few too many um’s & err’s throughout. Other than that, enjoyable! Will be listening again.

I er don’t know what you mean...

That’s very fair, I don’t script them beyond general bullet points of what I want to hit, hence the occasional pause. I do want to keep them quite natural and conversational but I am definitely trying to limit my umming and aahing. Thanks for the feedback!
Agree that due to the length of the podcast an improvement would be having a 2nd voice to offer some variety and interest.
Your style is pretty sober and straight, so it might help if you have someone with a contrasting style
maybe you could have someone who could introduce some humour (a Keith Lemmon type).

You could cover the normal stuff, introduction, match report, player ratings, analysis and conclusion.
Whereas this other guy could cover more alternative stuff not covered in normal match reports like
‘What are you impressions of the ground” “What was the atmosphere like in the stadium” “What was the mood like in the United end”
‘What was your highlight in the match”.

In fact part of the podcast could be interviewing a fan with designated carefully thought out pre set questions.
Always be mindful of the length though. People in general want quality not quantity, so don’t make the podcast too long.
Good stuff as usual.

If you plug Maggie May's you could quiz Gary Sinclair on his favourite nicknames and ask him how it feels to call Mark Duffy 'Duff' in front of 25k people.
I er don’t know what you mean...

That’s very fair, I don’t script them beyond general bullet points of what I want to hit, hence the occasional pause. I do want to keep them quite natural and conversational but I am definitely trying to limit my umming and aahing. Thanks for the feedback!

I once knew a bloke who shagged a sheep. Too much bumming and baahing...
You could cover the normal stuff, introduction, match report, player ratings, analysis and conclusion.
Whereas this other guy could cover more alternative stuff not covered in normal match reports like
‘What are you impressions of the ground” “What was the atmosphere like in the stadium” “What was the mood like in the United end”
‘What was your highlight in the match”.

In fact part of the podcast could be interviewing a fan with designated carefully thought out pre set questions.
Always be mindful of the length though. People in general want quality not quantity, so don’t make the podcast too long.

Sound suggestions. Cheers!

Good stuff as usual.

If you plug Maggie May's you could quiz Gary Sinclair on his favourite nicknames and ask him how it feels to call Mark Duffy 'Duff' in front of 25k people.

Great idea. Maybe I can get him to sign my Gaz Band CD while I'm at it.

I once knew a bloke who shagged a sheep. Too much bumming and baahing...

BladesPod is intended for audiences of all ages...

Great listen


Thanks very much! The podcast (briefly) made it to 100 in the sports podcast charts earlier today, really appreciate all the listens and feedback!
I liked that. A nice little bit of extra analysis for people who can’t attend for whatever reason, and isn’t radio Sheffield.

1 little bit of ‘criticism’ (I suppose?!) is there were a few too many um’s & err’s throughout. Other than that, enjoyable! Will be listening again.

Agree with that and, for future reference, please note we are not Uni-ed, we are United, with a 't'

Sorry, but the glottal stop t does my head in nearly as much as 'of' instead of 'have'.
Hi Beans, loaded your podcast via "beyond pod" on my android phone and great stuff, but currently can only see up to episode 7, and updating doesn`t yet bring in 8 and 9, any idea why?
Just had a listen. Very enjoyable. Intelligent, enthusiastic, positive without being starry-eyed. Far better than Radio Hackpig. I will listen again. Well done.


Cheers Pinchy.

Agree with that and, for future reference, please note we are not Uni-ed, we are United, with a 't'

Sorry, but the glottal stop t does my head in nearly as much as 'of' instead of 'have'.

I hadn't even noticed I did that... I will now :D No promises, I might of been saying it that way for 20 years for all I can remember.

Hi Beans, loaded your podcast via "beyond pod" on my android phone and great stuff, but currently can only see up to episode 7, and updating doesn`t yet bring in 8 and 9, any idea why?

Hmm, not sure - I'll take a look at that when I get a sec, not familiar with Beyond Pod. Tested it on Android using Podcast Addict and it seemed to work fine, so thanks for letting me know.
Great pod - listened since the first episode and it’s got better each week.
Really enjoy a football podcast on my commute and the main ones (guardian, ramble, totally football, the game, Sunday supp) although good, tend to all cover the same ground.
Not the Top 20 is great but episodes are few and far between, and I’m not feeling the Totally Football League pod.
Really wanted something more Blades-centric and this ticks all the boxes.
Agree with the idea of getting a guest or two on - maybe a Blade journalist to give their take...John Ashdown of the Guardian would be good.
Anyhow, I’m grateful for what you’re providing as I’m sure this is only intended to be a hobby.
Keep up the good work!
Very easy listen - decent comments and a nice relaxing voice.

Where are you from - I have a mate from York who sounds exactly like you, but you’re not him ‘cos he’s not a Blade.

Thanks Swannyblade!

a nice relaxing voice.

That's going on my podcast description.

Where are you from - I have a mate from York who sounds exactly like you, but you’re not him ‘cos he’s not a Blade.

Sheffield! Although I spent 10 years or so living in London until fairly recently, so I think the old accent has softened a bit. Get a few pints in me and ask me to react to a dodgy refereeing decision and it soon comes back.

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