Memories of 1st of April 2001 Wednesday 1 Blades 2

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Dec 19, 2015
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I saw an article earlier today about that joyous day from the Star - decent article in fairness and it made me think I'll put my personal memories of the day on here and see what other memories come up! Two friends and I decided we were going to Hillsborough, the only problem was that the tickets had just sold out! So we only had one choice! To try and get tickets in their end! I didn't think there was much chance of this, but I thought it's got to be worth a try! So I set off down to the wrong side of town and stepped into their ticket office. As I approached the lady on their desk I just asked for three tickets in the south stand for the Sheffield United game. I couldn't believe the response! "Which team do you support sir"? Incredible that that was the security check! I replied coolly with "Sheffield Wednesday", I think I may have even followed that up with "Of course". Cringing inside, it had to be worth it just to see us hopefully beat Wednesday! The lady replied with "that's fine, where would you like to sit"? I thought as far away from the away end as possible, but then again I didn't want to be near their kop either! I didn't want to be amongst the Wednesday fans that goad the away fans, especially not our fans! So we went for about two thirds along - nearer the kop. On the very back row of the stand.

On the day of the game we drove off to Hillsborough via Penistone Road, there was a tape in the car, my mate Bob put the tape in. Hopefully something really fist pumping, perhaps "United" by Judas Priest. No, it was Lionel Richie! "Three times a lady's" on, we're three blokes stuck in traffic surrounded by Wednesday fans with "Three times a lady" blaring out! I was too nervous to laugh, we weren't wearing United gear at least - obviously! Into the stands right from the off it just felt wrong, I think only sat if I was I sat in a Tory conference listening to Boris Johnson would it have felt as wrong!

Then the game started, I had my hands stuck under my arse for the most part, just worried I'd cheer at the wrong moment, the first half was fairly dull, typical derby, scrappy and not much quality. Not long into the second half a long ball beyond Des Walker, Carl Asaba outmuscles him and holds the ball up beautifully before laying off for Laurent D'Jaffo to slam home past fatty Pressman! The one thing that I remember is seeing the away end erupt, it was a thing of beauty! Gutting to just sit there silent, I didn't even dare break out into a smile, but at the same time you never normally get the chance to see it because you're normally in there celebrating! Wednesday fans now giving more abuse, I was really worried that someone would note we weren't regulars and would oust us and we'd get our heads kicked in! One bloke in the kop celebrated when we scored and there was this huge melee, I didn't want that to be us! Then the stadium announcer announced something like "will any Sheffield United fans in the home end refrain from cheering" or something similar referencing to our fans, it was well known there was hundreds of United fans in the home end from the earlier league cup game. This Wednesdayite screams out "I know who you are you dirty piggy b@@@@@@s!

70 minutes gone and Carl Asaba adds a second, a superb header that was behind him at the moment of impact, it may not have been fast, but the direction beat Pressman all ends up. The away end in pandemonium, the home fans squealing with displeasure, then suddenly out of nowhere Sibon scores. I did jump out of my seat, out of fear for being outed, my two friends were more restrained it has to be said; it took me months to stop feeling guilty if honest, obviously I was gutted they'd scored but I was so fearful by this point! Near the end Wednesday almost equalised, Di Piedi almost on the end of a cross from Sibon, thankfully we survived to win 1 - 2!

A day I'll never forget, I couldn't wait to get out of there back into the car and listen to Lionel Richie! I have to say I'll never do it again - go to Hillsborough in their end that is! It was awful, I'd not recommend it, but on the other hand, to see the away end celebrate and then sing "high ho Sheff United" to their awful song blaring out from the tannoy after the final whistle which none of their fans sung, that was something that will live with me forever! For those that are interested, see the video of the day beneath. It's not a derby match that will be remembered as much as the bounce killer one, but still that was the first time we'd won at Hillsborough since Bobby Davison's double back in 1992. We'd had years of Wednesday in the Premier League and then to beat them away was a massive win at the time. We had a decent team looking back with Devlin, Asaba, Brown, and Ndlovu the pick, Jags, Tonge and Monty all about to come through. A good time to support United looking back and that team of course went onto the amazing double cup season and play off.


I moved house the day before. The in-laws travelled down from Scotland to help with moving stuff etc. There were still a few things to move on the Sunday but I had told the in-laws that I had to help my mum for a "few hours" but only my mum and Mrs Silent knew I went to the Sheffield derby instead and what a great day it was topped by seeing Warnock in his shorts celebrating with the Blades fans at the Leppings Lane End!
It was a wonderful day, warm sunshine, Esteemed Forgeblade (who was only about 14 at the time), and me, his dad, setting out in good spirits but secretly rather worried about this. We needn't have worried, it was a great day. One of the highlights, after the game, was travelling on one of the "football special " buses (remember them?) back into town through Parson Cross and Shiregreen, watching all their miserable faces. Oh, and massive bulldog in a Blades shirt stood on a junction somewhere in S5 laughing his considerable bollocks off with his equally happy owners.
Happy days!!!
First time I saw us beat Wednesday.

Was 11 and on the back or next to back row, at that time I was scared of heights and although it’s not really high I was terrified.

Two blokes next to us had stopwatches timing the game to the second and I thought one was going to spontaneously combust when the ref played over in added time.

I went to Bradfield School deep in S6 at the time, think there were only 6 Blades in my year out of 180.

Monday morning was glorious recreating The Lion of Hillsborough’s goal on the school pitch with said Blades.

Looking back it’s no wonder I got bullied..
I saw an article earlier today about that joyous day from the Star - decent article in fairness and it made me think I'll put my personal memories of the day on here and see what other memories come up! Two friends and I decided we were going to Hillsborough, the only problem was that the tickets had just sold out! So we only had one choice! To try and get tickets in their end! I didn't think there was much chance of this, but I thought it's got to be worth a try! So I set off down to the wrong side of town and stepped into their ticket office. As I approached the lady on their desk I just asked for three tickets in the south stand for the Sheffield United game. I couldn't believe the response! "Which team do you support sir"? Incredible that that was the security check! I replied coolly with "Sheffield Wednesday", I think I may have even followed that up with "Of course". Cringing inside, it had to be worth it just to see us hopefully beat Wednesday! The lady replied with "that's fine, where would you like to sit"? I thought as far away from the away end as possible, but then again I didn't want to be near their kop either! I didn't want to be amongst the Wednesday fans that goad the away fans, especially not our fans! So we went for about two thirds along - nearer the kop. On the very back row of the stand.

On the day of the game we drove off to Hillsborough via Penistone Road, there was a tape in the car, my mate Bob put the tape in. Hopefully something really fist pumping, perhaps "United" by Judas Priest. No, it was Lionel Richie! "Three times a lady's" on, we're three blokes stuck in traffic surrounded by Wednesday fans with "Three times a lady" blaring out! I was too nervous to laugh, we weren't wearing United gear at least - obviously! Into the stands right from the off it just felt wrong, I think only sat if I was I sat in a Tory conference listening to Boris Johnson would it have felt as wrong!

Then the game started, I had my hands stuck under my arse for the most part, just worried I'd cheer at the wrong moment, the first half was fairly dull, typical derby, scrappy and not much quality. Not long into the second half a long ball beyond Des Walker, Carl Asaba outmuscles him and holds the ball up beautifully before laying off for Laurent D'Jaffo to slam home past fatty Pressman! The one thing that I remember is seeing the away end erupt, it was a thing of beauty! Gutting to just sit there silent, I didn't even dare break out into a smile, but at the same time you never normally get the chance to see it because you're normally in there celebrating! Wednesday fans now giving more abuse, I was really worried that someone would note we weren't regulars and would oust us and we'd get our heads kicked in! One bloke in the kop celebrated when we scored and there was this huge melee, I didn't want that to be us! Then the stadium announcer announced something like "will any Sheffield United fans in the home end refrain from cheering" or something similar referencing to our fans, it was well known there was hundreds of United fans in the home end from the earlier league cup game. This Wednesdayite screams out "I know who you are you dirty piggy b@@@@@@s!

70 minutes gone and Carl Asaba adds a second, a superb header that was behind him at the moment of impact, it may not have been fast, but the direction beat Pressman all ends up. The away end in pandemonium, the home fans squealing with displeasure, then suddenly out of nowhere Sibon scores. I did jump out of my seat, out of fear for being outed, my two friends were more restrained it has to be said; it took me months to stop feeling guilty if honest, obviously I was gutted they'd scored but I was so fearful by this point! Near the end Wednesday almost equalised, Di Piedi almost on the end of a cross from Sibon, thankfully we survived to win 1 - 2!

A day I'll never forget, I couldn't wait to get out of there back into the car and listen to Lionel Richie! I have to say I'll never do it again - go to Hillsborough in their end that is! It was awful, I'd not recommend it, but on the other hand, to see the away end celebrate and then sing "high ho Sheff United" to their awful song blaring out from the tannoy after the final whistle which none of their fans sung, that was something that will live with me forever! For those that are interested, see the video of the day beneath. It's not a derby match that will be remembered as much as the bounce killer one, but still that was the first time we'd won at Hillsborough since Bobby Davison's double back in 1992. We'd had years of Wednesday in the Premier League and then to beat them away was a massive win at the time. We had a decent team looking back with Devlin, Asaba, Brown, and Ndlovu the pick, Jags, Tonge and Monty all about to come through. A good time to support United looking back and that team of course went onto the amazing double cup season and play off.

Like you I had a similar experience B4. Due to work I'd not bought a season ticket for a few years so had to go and buy a ticket at the Sty. It was a last minute decision as I was having some personal and family problems due to being away all the time. I'd lost touch the last few years with the lads I used to go with and the few Blades at work who had tickets were on the LL so I went on my own for the first time.

I had no problem getting a ticket as I was still on their records having bought a ticket on the North Stand when we played them in 92. I'd also got one on the same stand in 89 for the Xenith Data. For some reason I opted for a South Stand ticket near the away end probably because it was the only stand I hadn't sat in. Had a local beer and caught the tram up.

Soon realised inside the ground I'd dropped a bollock with the seat as I was sat 5 rows in front of a number of their boys who spent the entire match stood up shouting abuse at Blades. First half was a non event yet you felt unlean when mixing with them in the concourse at half time.

Second half Djaffo scores and I look down at the floor stifle a yes and
Like you I had a similar experience B4. Due to work I'd not bought a season ticket for a few years so had to go and buy a ticket at the Sty. It was a last minute decision as I was having some personal and family problems due to being away all the time. I'd lost touch the last few years with the lads I used to go with and the few Blades at work who had tickets were on the LL so I went on my own for the first time.

I had no problem getting a ticket as I was still on their records having bought a ticket on the North Stand when we played them in 92. I'd also got one on the same stand in 89 for the Xenith Data. For some reason I opted for a South Stand ticket near the away end probably because it was the only stand I hadn't sat in. Had a local beer and caught the tram up.

Soon realised inside the ground I'd dropped a bollock with the seat as I was sat 5 rows in front of a number of their boys who spent the entire match stood up shouting abuse at Blades. First half was a non event yet you felt unclean when mixing with them in the concourse at half time.

Second half Djaffo scores and I look down at the floor stifle a yes and 2 Blades 4 or 5 seats down jump up and the stewards pile into them. One of the Blades has a crutch and as he's being escorted out a Pig whacks him one in the face. Pig sees me staring at him and says what you looking at. I tell him he's out of order because the Blade was disabled. Pause thinking the nut jobs behind are staring at me. Suddenly a few Wendies in my row agree and we all sit down. A number of Blades around me then make their way to the Stewards and are escorted out. My loathing of Pig stewards continues as some take liberties and give Blades a clip as they take them out.

Asaba scores and I go to the bogs to cheer the goal. Sibon gets one back and I stand up and to the back again. When I come back to my seat the nob head and his mates are staring at me. Luckily the gates were just being opened so I make my way out and am able to get on the LL for the last 10 minutes. The best part is I had a distinctive leather jacket on so the nob head went ballistic when he saw me on the front row amongst Blades giving him the finger.

This game restored my love affair with SUFC. A few months later got promoted and rose up the ranks improving my personal life and career prospects. Bought a season ticket again next season and had one ever since.
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Like you I had a similar experience B4. Due to work I'd not bought a season ticket for a few years so had to go and buy a ticket at the Sty. It was a last minute decision as I was having some personal and family problems due to being away all the time. I'd lost touch the last few years with the lads I used to go with and the few Blades at work who had tickets were on the LL so I went on my own for the first time.

I had no problem getting a ticket as I was still on their records having bought a ticket on the North Stand when we played them in 92. I'd also got one on the same stand in 89 for the Xenith Data. For some reason I opted for a South Stand ticket near the away end probably because it was the only stand I hadn't sat in. Had a local beer and caught the tram up.

Soon realised inside the ground I'd dropped a bollock with the seat as I was sat 5 rows in front of a number of their boys who spent the entire match stood up shouting abuse at Blades. First half was a non event yet you felt unclean when mixing with them in the concourse at half time.

Second half Djaffo scores and I look down at the floor stifle a yes and 2 Blades 4 or 5 seats down jump up and the stewards pile into them. One of the Blades has a crutch and as he's being escorted out a Pig whacks him one in the face. Pig sees me staring at him and says what you looking at. I tell him he's out of order because the Blade was disabled. Pause thinking the nut jobs behind are staring at me. Suddenly a few Wendies in my row agree and we all sit down. A number of Blades around me then make their way to the Stewards and are escorted out. My loathing of Pig stewards continues as some take liberties and give Blades a clip as they take them out.

Asaba scores and I go to the bogs to cheer the goal. Sibon gets one back and I stand up and to the back again. When I come back to my seat the nob head and his mates are staring at me. Luckily the gates were just being opened so I make my way out and am able to get on the LL for the last 10 minutes. The best part is I had a distinctive leather jacket on so the nob head went ballistic when he saw me on the front row amongst Blades giving him the finger.

This game restored my love affair with SUFC. A few months later got promoted and rose up the ranks improving my personal life and career prospects. Bought a season ticket again next season and had one ever since.
Sounds like your experience was even more eventful than mine Addison! I'd never do it again, I can't imagine how bad it would have been if we'd lost! Thinking back I think I was in their North Stand not the south, it was the one opposite the main grandstand. Hillsborough hasn't changed at all since 2001 which is funny and long may that continue!
I saw an article earlier today about that joyous day from the Star - decent article in fairness and it made me think I'll put my personal memories of the day on here and see what other memories come up! Two friends and I decided we were going to Hillsborough, the only problem was that the tickets had just sold out! So we only had one choice! To try and get tickets in their end! I didn't think there was much chance of this, but I thought it's got to be worth a try! So I set off down to the wrong side of town and stepped into their ticket office. As I approached the lady on their desk I just asked for three tickets in the south stand for the Sheffield United game. I couldn't believe the response! "Which team do you support sir"? Incredible that that was the security check! I replied coolly with "Sheffield Wednesday", I think I may have even followed that up with "Of course". Cringing inside, it had to be worth it just to see us hopefully beat Wednesday! The lady replied with "that's fine, where would you like to sit"? I thought as far away from the away end as possible, but then again I didn't want to be near their kop either! I didn't want to be amongst the Wednesday fans that goad the away fans, especially not our fans! So we went for about two thirds along - nearer the kop. On the very back row of the stand.

On the day of the game we drove off to Hillsborough via Penistone Road, there was a tape in the car, my mate Bob put the tape in. Hopefully something really fist pumping, perhaps "United" by Judas Priest. No, it was Lionel Richie! "Three times a lady's" on, we're three blokes stuck in traffic surrounded by Wednesday fans with "Three times a lady" blaring out! I was too nervous to laugh, we weren't wearing United gear at least - obviously! Into the stands right from the off it just felt wrong, I think only sat if I was I sat in a Tory conference listening to Boris Johnson would it have felt as wrong!

Then the game started, I had my hands stuck under my arse for the most part, just worried I'd cheer at the wrong moment, the first half was fairly dull, typical derby, scrappy and not much quality. Not long into the second half a long ball beyond Des Walker, Carl Asaba outmuscles him and holds the ball up beautifully before laying off for Laurent D'Jaffo to slam home past fatty Pressman! The one thing that I remember is seeing the away end erupt, it was a thing of beauty! Gutting to just sit there silent, I didn't even dare break out into a smile, but at the same time you never normally get the chance to see it because you're normally in there celebrating! Wednesday fans now giving more abuse, I was really worried that someone would note we weren't regulars and would oust us and we'd get our heads kicked in! One bloke in the kop celebrated when we scored and there was this huge melee, I didn't want that to be us! Then the stadium announcer announced something like "will any Sheffield United fans in the home end refrain from cheering" or something similar referencing to our fans, it was well known there was hundreds of United fans in the home end from the earlier league cup game. This Wednesdayite screams out "I know who you are you dirty piggy b@@@@@@s!

70 minutes gone and Carl Asaba adds a second, a superb header that was behind him at the moment of impact, it may not have been fast, but the direction beat Pressman all ends up. The away end in pandemonium, the home fans squealing with displeasure, then suddenly out of nowhere Sibon scores. I did jump out of my seat, out of fear for being outed, my two friends were more restrained it has to be said; it took me months to stop feeling guilty if honest, obviously I was gutted they'd scored but I was so fearful by this point! Near the end Wednesday almost equalised, Di Piedi almost on the end of a cross from Sibon, thankfully we survived to win 1 - 2!

A day I'll never forget, I couldn't wait to get out of there back into the car and listen to Lionel Richie! I have to say I'll never do it again - go to Hillsborough in their end that is! It was awful, I'd not recommend it, but on the other hand, to see the away end celebrate and then sing "high ho Sheff United" to their awful song blaring out from the tannoy after the final whistle which none of their fans sung, that was something that will live with me forever! For those that are interested, see the video of the day beneath. It's not a derby match that will be remembered as much as the bounce killer one, but still that was the first time we'd won at Hillsborough since Bobby Davison's double back in 1992. We'd had years of Wednesday in the Premier League and then to beat them away was a massive win at the time. We had a decent team looking back with Devlin, Asaba, Brown, and Ndlovu the pick, Jags, Tonge and Monty all about to come through. A good time to support United looking back and that team of course went onto the amazing double cup season and play off.

Booker4 downplays this somewhat. We who were going with him were bloody dreading it for a fortnight, confident that we wouldn't be bellends and get ourselves a kicking, but with all the confidence in him that we had in Jack Robinson pre-Christmas.

He was just about sane til Sibon scored, when in method acting which would have done Brando proud, he absolutely hit the fucking roof going mental celebrating, which wasn't far off making us other 2 blow our cover by absolutely pissing ourselves at the eejit.

Nearly as funny as when he spontaneously burst into tears when the teams came out against Liverpool in the League Cup semi 🤣🤣
Booker4 downplays this somewhat. We who were going with him were bloody dreading it for a fortnight, confident that we wouldn't be bellends and get ourselves a kicking, but with all the confidence in him that we had in Jack Robinson pre-Christmas.

He was just about sane til Sibon scored, when in method acting which would have done Brando proud, he absolutely hit the fucking roof going mental celebrating, which wasn't far off making us other 2 blow our cover by absolutely pissing ourselves at the eejit.

Nearly as funny as when he spontaneously burst into tears when the teams came out against Liverpool in the League Cup semi 🤣🤣
I totally dispute your version of events there Raimond re middle paragraph! I jumped out of my seat and that was about it!
A neighbour had set off fireworks after they beat us in the cup earlier in the season. After we won this one it was on like Donkey Kong. We drove around Sheffield to find some fireworks (not easy in a Sunday in April) - eventually we did and then we sat out on the front drinking fizz and watching our prize…and it wasn’t even dark! :-D
My daughters first ever Derby away game. We were sat in the open corner. I remember everyone going mad when Asaba scored.
I saw an article earlier today about that joyous day from the Star - decent article in fairness and it made me think I'll put my personal memories of the day on here and see what other memories come up! Two friends and I decided we were going to Hillsborough, the only problem was that the tickets had just sold out! So we only had one choice! To try and get tickets in their end! I didn't think there was much chance of this, but I thought it's got to be worth a try! So I set off down to the wrong side of town and stepped into their ticket office. As I approached the lady on their desk I just asked for three tickets in the south stand for the Sheffield United game. I couldn't believe the response! "Which team do you support sir"? Incredible that that was the security check! I replied coolly with "Sheffield Wednesday", I think I may have even followed that up with "Of course". Cringing inside, it had to be worth it just to see us hopefully beat Wednesday! The lady replied with "that's fine, where would you like to sit"? I thought as far away from the away end as possible, but then again I didn't want to be near their kop either! I didn't want to be amongst the Wednesday fans that goad the away fans, especially not our fans! So we went for about two thirds along - nearer the kop. On the very back row of the stand.

On the day of the game we drove off to Hillsborough via Penistone Road, there was a tape in the car, my mate Bob put the tape in. Hopefully something really fist pumping, perhaps "United" by Judas Priest. No, it was Lionel Richie! "Three times a lady's" on, we're three blokes stuck in traffic surrounded by Wednesday fans with "Three times a lady" blaring out! I was too nervous to laugh, we weren't wearing United gear at least - obviously! Into the stands right from the off it just felt wrong, I think only sat if I was I sat in a Tory conference listening to Boris Johnson would it have felt as wrong!

Then the game started, I had my hands stuck under my arse for the most part, just worried I'd cheer at the wrong moment, the first half was fairly dull, typical derby, scrappy and not much quality. Not long into the second half a long ball beyond Des Walker, Carl Asaba outmuscles him and holds the ball up beautifully before laying off for Laurent D'Jaffo to slam home past fatty Pressman! The one thing that I remember is seeing the away end erupt, it was a thing of beauty! Gutting to just sit there silent, I didn't even dare break out into a smile, but at the same time you never normally get the chance to see it because you're normally in there celebrating! Wednesday fans now giving more abuse, I was really worried that someone would note we weren't regulars and would oust us and we'd get our heads kicked in! One bloke in the kop celebrated when we scored and there was this huge melee, I didn't want that to be us! Then the stadium announcer announced something like "will any Sheffield United fans in the home end refrain from cheering" or something similar referencing to our fans, it was well known there was hundreds of United fans in the home end from the earlier league cup game. This Wednesdayite screams out "I know who you are you dirty piggy b@@@@@@s!

70 minutes gone and Carl Asaba adds a second, a superb header that was behind him at the moment of impact, it may not have been fast, but the direction beat Pressman all ends up. The away end in pandemonium, the home fans squealing with displeasure, then suddenly out of nowhere Sibon scores. I did jump out of my seat, out of fear for being outed, my two friends were more restrained it has to be said; it took me months to stop feeling guilty if honest, obviously I was gutted they'd scored but I was so fearful by this point! Near the end Wednesday almost equalised, Di Piedi almost on the end of a cross from Sibon, thankfully we survived to win 1 - 2!

A day I'll never forget, I couldn't wait to get out of there back into the car and listen to Lionel Richie! I have to say I'll never do it again - go to Hillsborough in their end that is! It was awful, I'd not recommend it, but on the other hand, to see the away end celebrate and then sing "high ho Sheff United" to their awful song blaring out from the tannoy after the final whistle which none of their fans sung, that was something that will live with me forever! For those that are interested, see the video of the day beneath. It's not a derby match that will be remembered as much as the bounce killer one, but still that was the first time we'd won at Hillsborough since Bobby Davison's double back in 1992. We'd had years of Wednesday in the Premier League and then to beat them away was a massive win at the time. We had a decent team looking back with Devlin, Asaba, Brown, and Ndlovu the pick, Jags, Tonge and Monty all about to come through. A good time to support United looking back and that team of course went onto the amazing double cup season and play off.

I was on there kop that day and was only 12 at the time .The blade you mentioned who celebrated sat a few rows away from me and several Wednesday fans were ejected for trying to hit him as he was being led away.The sight of blades celebrating the goals on Leppings lane was also something I will never forget.

On the tram home a kid got there leg trapped badly in the door at the cathedral stop.I walked to the old McDonalds top of the moor from the cathedral and the whole route was full of smiling blades and miserable owls.

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