Hecky on Sports Heaven tonight (6-7pm)

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Listening to Hecky do not be suprised if he walks out, clear as day he is fed up.

The Prince needs to either back Hecky or find a new owner ASAP.

I have not heard a manager sound so downbeat and p*ssed off since Warnock.
Just like the last two managers .they cannot all be wrong can they?

One thing I didn't like was the tough love with the two young strikers. Maybe they are the type where it suits them better but it came across a little harsh and wasn't the first time either
PH worked miracles for the club last season, while they made themselves busy trying to sell out to crooks and shysters.

He continues to be treated with distain by senior management with a ludicrous PL budget and now he’s been shafted by our best player at the eleventh hour.

And yet despite all this and the obvious frustration, he continues to conduct himself with dignity, diplomacy and restraint.

Massive respect Hecky. Hope you want to and are allowed to stick around. Who else could work within the constraints of this current shit show?
No one could have put that any better in words,spot on . 👍
I don't think we should be starting an anti-Darren witch hunt, I'm not sure that's fair. HRH gives him info, and Darren the shares it with fans that want to know. Hecky isn't a fan so it needs to stop (which is unfortunate because I personally enjoy hearing the behind-the-scenes stuff) but blame HRH not Darren.

Can anyone actually tell me what Darren has leaked that wasn't available from other sources?
Is there any evidence that the Prince is the person leaking info to this Darren chap? Smoking gun and all that.
The Prince needs to either back Hecky or find a new owner ASAP.
a) he does not have the Wealth to back Hecky

b) he won’t go until someone gives him over £150m for the club, which no one will ever do.

basically we are stuck in this situation for the foreseeable. Anyone thinking he will drop the price to something realistic (around the £70m mark) anytime soon is deluded,
I don’t do social media, so would someone please tell me, who the hell is Darren Smith, and what does he do?
Claims to know the Prince and that certainly seems to be the case and he uses his platform on Twitter to discuss the inner workings of the club it started with him commenting on the financial state of the club given his professional background as an accountant and connections with the prince but it has transcended that now and he comments on anything and everything about United from the inner workings of the club to transfer dealings and contract negotiations. As you can imagine that information is all presented from one point of view given its source. Also plenty of times his narrative has been later disproven or he’s gone on to contradict himself. He seems to be an unofficial PR outlet for the Prince specifically not the club.
Bit of a nothing interview to be honest, unsurprising from RS. Hecky didn’t want to be there, also unsurprising.

As I said in a prior post, we’re less than 2 weeks away from our season starting and our recruitment has barely started.

One other thing, since the Ndiaye money “totally changes things” then we sure as shit better bring some quality first teamers in, not bench warmers.
From that interview he told you everything we as supporters need to know. There’s enough shit coming from within our own forum speculating on “Hecky will walk” etc.
It was encouraging to hear that all of the Ndiaye money will be put back into the team. Whether it will be of course is another matter, but he seemed confident and I imagine that was part of the decision to sell him.
PH worked miracles for the club last season, while they made themselves busy trying to sell out to crooks and shysters.

He continues to be treated with distain by senior management with a ludicrous PL budget and now he’s been shafted by our best player at the eleventh hour.

And yet despite all this and the obvious frustration, he continues to conduct himself with dignity, diplomacy and restraint.

Massive respect Hecky. Hope you want to and are allowed to stick around. Who else could work within the constraints of this current shit show?
Well said
Claims to know the Prince and that certainly seems to be the case and he uses his platform on Twitter to discuss the inner workings of the club it started with him commenting on the financial state of the club given his professional background as an accountant and connections with the prince but it has transcended that now and he comments on anything and everything about United from the inner workings of the club to transfer dealings and contract negotiations. As you can imagine that information is all presented from one point of view given its source. Also plenty of times his narrative has been later disproven or he’s gone on to contradict himself. He seems to be an unofficial PR outlet for the Prince specifically not the club.
Thank you.This does help me understand what all the fuss is about.
Wish the club would get it’s communications act together.

Both of them ending up making a bollocks of everything?
But they are not as good as this prince for doing bollocks up as you put it . His other clubs are also in the shit to but i suppose thats down to the managers to
Thank you.This does help me understand what all the fuss is about.
Wish the club would get it’s communications act together.
Yes it probably would be helpful if we had a more conventional coms strategy if the club wants to give fans more insight then that’s up to the club but it should be a decision taken by the entire management structure at the club and done by the club itself either through its own channels or sanctioned media interviews. That way the left hand knows what the right is doing so to speak.
But they are not as good as this prince for doing bollocks up as you put it . His other clubs are also in the shit to but i suppose thats down to the managers to
Closest you’ve ever come to a factual post on here.
Be better for everyone if he kept his mouth shut, difficult to confirm what is fact , ie. What he has been told and what is opinion. So better keep quiet and let it all come out in the wash

This is probably the most pertinent point. Due to his ego he states everything as fact (even if later admitting he was guessing) so it's hard to tell what is from the club/HRH and what is his own opinion.

This is a very dangerous mix and one that could potentially cause more damage than good.
This is probably the most pertinent point. Due to his ego he states everything as fact (even if later admitting he was guessing) so it's hard to tell what is from the club/HRH and what is his own opinion.

This is a very dangerous mix and one that could potentially cause more damage than good.

Like herpes, he’s in it long term l’m afraid.
The Prince tried to sell Ndiaye and Berge in January.

We accepted an offer for Ndiaye from Everton and he turned them down. PH has half-confirmed that tonight.
He was also actively trying to find a buyer for Berge (and still is) and although we had strong interest it didn't materialise into a firm offer.

The Prince inadvertently did his very best to derail our promotion last season and he hardly bankrolled the first.
All this stuff about him "holding his nerve" and "playing a blinder" in January is bollocks.

Let's stop listening to the bloke and the PR spin he puts out through his social media vessels.

PH has also now come out and publicly said he doesn't like the leaking of news stories on social media.
The leak is the Prince himself and he uses high profile internet Blades to get his messages out there to distract us.
If they care about the club they should cut ties with the Prince and do what's right by the playing staff. They're the ones that have taken us on these rides.

In the meantime, the clock is ticking on nearly all of our players contracts.
What's he doing about that? He's pissed away the last season or 2 negotiating the sale of the club we love to fraudsters and criminals.
Yet he tells Sky "I won't just sell to anybody, they must be a good custodian."
Get to fuck.
Bloke should hide behind his lawyer again like he did the last time things looked bad.
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Claims to know the Prince and that certainly seems to be the case and he uses his platform on Twitter to discuss the inner workings of the club it started with him commenting on the financial state of the club given his professional background as an accountant and connections with the prince but it has transcended that now and he comments on anything and everything about United from the inner workings of the club to transfer dealings and contract negotiations. As you can imagine that information is all presented from one point of view given its source. Also plenty of times his narrative has been later disproven or he’s gone on to contradict himself. He seems to be an unofficial PR outlet for the Prince specifically not the club.

Good god has your full stop button broken? Almost suffocated by 'negotiations' .

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