Deadbat's Season Review / School Report 23-24 - Part 5: Defence

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Aug 6, 2009
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Chris Basham
The ever popular Bash went into his last year of his deal but we not really expected to play too much but that was said the previous season and he had made 35 appearances either as a starter or off the bench when the Blades went up. I think we ever-popular expected him to back up Anel Ahmedhodzic but other than the odd stint off the bench or for cover, expected him to be more there for his experience and just being a top pro/bloke who embodied all the best qualities of being a Blade.

After the disastrous summer in terms of planning, Bash somehow ended up starting the opening day in midfield but he and Norwood struggled against the pace and athleticism of the Palace midfield. He came on against Fulham and Man City in two close defeats and started against Lincoln but was largely on the bench. Did play at Spurs and I thought had a decent first half but then struggled with the quickness and movement of their forwards in the late defeat. He came on against Newcastle and West Ham but then started at Fulham as we had a number of injuries yet again. He was making a run forward when his foot got caught in the turf and we saw the horrific injury and replays were hard to watch. Tim Ream came and sportingly supported him but everyone knew this was a bad one. There was a huge delay and I think quite quickly we knew that was not only his season finished but his career was in real jeopardy. A really sad way for him to end his days at the Lane and he deserved better than that. Interviews with him around Easter and him appearing on Sky Sports News saw him in positive spirits but he had only just started to even do the basics in terms of any work on his leg.

36 this summer, Bash was out of contract and even before his serious injury, you thought it might be the end of the road for him anyway but his confirmed departure was still hard to digest even though it was the right move for all parties. Watching the videos and tributes was really difficult and summed up his contribution to the club. Fantastic player, great bloke and gave it all when on the field. He has played 338 appearances and has been here 10 seasons. A remarkable contribution he has made to the Blades history and will do down as one of the all-time legends – as much for his attitude, perseverance and what he symbolised (never say die / one of the overlapping centre backs) as his actual ability – which was underrated too! What a servant he has been. I do hope he recovers and can finish his career playing again – even if it might be a way down the leagues possibly. He seems a real home bird and expect him to go back up North with his family. Maybe he ends up with a year at somewhere like Hartlepool? Whatever happens, whenever he comes back to the Lane, he will be sure of an amazing reaction. Thanks Bash – a true Blades legend.

Grade E (Last season B-)

John Egan
Egan had sort of proved his critics wrong the previous season with another solid performance again as United had a fairly tight defence most of the promotion winning campaign. He did make mistakes and have poor games but had far more good games and made some real meaningful contributions. The concerns going up was not his character but more to do with his lack of pace and struggling with the ball over the top against the pace at the higher level. We had seen him do really well the first season in the Premier League but then he started to struggle (with the rest!) after Covid and for the relegation season. It was felt with Anel (who has some pace and covering) and newcomer Trusty (who we did not know much about) we would have some coverage for his lack of mobility. The season started and Egan was not great in the opening games. It was odd as one of his strengths was winning headers but he lost some key ones that led directly to goals. He continued to skipper both us and Ireland – although was always a worry they seemed to play him every minute, whether a friendly or a qualifier. He played in two tough games against France and Holland and maybe this took it out of him, as he came back and was part of that horrible display against Newcastle. He had a bit of a nightmare that day, as did the rest and visitors cut us apart.

A week later we went to West Ham and he ended up falling awkwardly and seemed in some pain. It seemed like it might be an injury that would keep him out for a bit but weeks (listed as an Achilles) then became months and as the season went on, we heard nothing in terms of any return until some pictures emerged of him training towards the end of the campaign.

As much as he had struggled to start the season, we did miss him as we looked a real soft touch in the middle. Having him available surely could have helped us in the backline despite some of the concerns I have highlighted – he had shown at this level before that he could be ok and you think maybe we would not have had so many goals going in if he had been available? Maybe I am wrong and they still would have occurred anyway. The one consolation is he was not part of any of the other hammerings that happened later in the season so at least if he does return then he is not part of that hangover.

He has played a lot of games for club and country over the last few years and has been one of our real trojans and dependable in almost always being available so this season is the first real long-term injury I have known him have? It does raise questions though as will be 32 next season and after such a serious injury you wonder if he can come back and be ready for the start of the season. Of course, he is out of contract too and when I have heard Wilder discuss the likes of him, Baldock, McBurnie and Lowe, in general terms, you wonder if the club will move on from many of these players citing their unavailability/age (in some cases)? I think that would be harsh on Egan as he has been dependable in terms of his fitness record, before the season. I do not think he is good enough for the Premier League and now at his age, I would be shocked if he ever plays there again, but at Championship level I would no issues giving him another 2 years on his contract – he was never that fast anyway! I think we will need to make lots of changes this summer anyway and do not see anyone at the club that can automatically step in – you think that Anel may be sold too. With Trusty looking far from convincing and no young players coming through in this position, we would be left with Jack Robinson and that is it! If we can do a deal and sort out his contract that suits both parties, I would bring him back. If he left, I would not slate the club though but feel (bit like McBurnie) you are going to have to spend a fair bit of money to replace him and money we do not have really and in the short term he is perfectly fine at the lower level.

Grade E+ (Last season B+)

Auston Trusty Hailing from Pennsylvania, Trusty started out at his home town club the Philadelphia Union – this was after he was originally going to go to North Carolina. He played 56 games in two years before he was traded to Colorado Rapids – another MLS side. In January 2022, Arsenal had seen something in the young defender and brought him to the UK, but he was firstly allowed to play the rest of the season in Colorado – in a loan deal. After coming over to England, he was immediately loaned again – this time to Birmingham City.

He had a really promising debut season over here and was a regular, albeit in a struggling side – and played 44 times and scored 4 goals (only Ahmedhodzic scored more at this level as a defender) and was named Birmingham’s player of the season.

He did go away with Arsenal on their pre-season tour and was involved but with tough competition for places, he opted to sign for the Blades for a fee that could rise up to 5 million pounds with add ons. He seemed to be on the face of it, the perfect sort of signing. Only 24 when he signed, he looked to have lots of the attributes we would welcome – namely appearing quite mobile, quick, decent in the air and also a no-nonsense defender. He also was left footed and thus could help solidify this side, which was the weaker area of the Blades defence. I thought he would go straight in and oust Robinson but as the season started, Heckingbottom went with the previous incumbent to begin the season. Robinson was one of our better performers but the defence were conceding and the clamours for Trusty be given an opportunity grew.

His first league start came at Fulham in a poor defeat and he struggled. He kept his place against Man Utd but then was part of the drubbing at his former club Arsenal as Nketiah scored a hat trick – many of which directly against Trusty. The pace and movement seemed to be too much for him and he was not as dominant as I would have hoped. He remained in the side in wretched defeats against Bournemouth and Burnley and sadly seemed to be no better than what we had and made no real difference. Wilder came in and he played left wing back and did quite well against Salah but then against Brentford felt it was more of a struggle and we saw against Luton him giving a run around by Doughty – which became a theme when he played there.

He ended up back in a more central area but again he was less than impressive sadly and it was hard to see what his strengths were? More big defeats came and he was making routine errors with ball watching, not getting tight enough to his man and at times simply not being aggressive enough. It was not perhaps helping him being moved around positionally and clearly playing him left wing back/left back was not working but even when he played in a more central area – either in a two or a three – it was concerning his performances remained less than impressive and another signing that seemed like a poor one.

He did better, again at Liverpool but then mistakes came in again for the game against Chelsea – losing his man twice on both goals. He was at fault for more goals in the defeat at home to Burnley and seemed to not be able to do the basics of marking, cutting out the balls or going with runners. We conceded more big scores in subsequent defeats.

He seems another affable sort of chap but it seems the Premier League was too much for him and the pace/movement and ability again was just too much of his respective opponents. Worrying that we spent a fair bit on him (not in Premier League terms I suppose) and he is not even close to an upgrade on Robinson – the position he was signed to compete for. He did well in the Championship last time so maybe the drop down will see him regain some form but he was another signing that has been so far disappointing. He has another three years of his contract left but will need to improve quickly if he wants to be a first team regular, even at the lower level. Another that if we moved on and got even close to what we paid, I would be happy with. However, no one is going to pay close to what we paid for him and he has to knuckle down and improve. I would not be surprised if he ends up back in the States at some point as despite a decent season for Birmingham, English football just looks too powerful and quick for him.

Grade F (Last season NA)

Anel Ahmedhodzic was an absolutely inspired signing when we plucked him from Sweden, after he had been previously with Forest and on loan in France. He came in and instantly hit the ground running and showed he was strong, quick and a ball player. He came out with the ball from defence, provided an attacking threat and scored goals! However, for all the attacking play, it was his no nonsense defending and ability to make tackles, read the game and do the nitty gritty why I really liked him. As we panned ahead to being back in the Premier League, I had little doubt he would make the step up and felt he was one of few that would be fine making the step up. Shows how little I know! Almost from the first game to the last, it has been an almighty struggle for him. He made mistakes in the early games through poor marking/not attacking the ball as teams scored from headers and as we were defending so much, we rarely saw him come out from the back.

He seemed a long way off the player we had seen and been excited by, but then maybe the level below he stood out just because he was quicker and stronger than most but the step up saw players against him that actually were quicker and more athletic and stronger too. He really struggled with the pace and physicality and as well as issues with not concentrating/marking, we saw players run past him easily and he resorted to cheap fouls or would simply get shrugged off it. His body language started to become poor and he almost sort of moped about for a while. Maybe it did not help losing Egan/Basham (experienced heads) but even before these went out, we saw the struggles he had. He started to wave his arms around and his head went down quickly. His body language was really poor and we saw little fight from him or him rallying the troops. As the season went on, we released it probably was not simply a loss of form or confidence but actually the step up had been too much. We saw why no one had maybe come from him before apart from Championship teams. I think if we had more options, he would have been dropped for stretches but seemed to play most games despite the number of hammerings we had.

Wilder came in and made him captain – maybe to try and boost his confidence but despite a few better games initially, I felt he continued to be well off the standards required for the top level. He constantly seemed to foul his man and got 12 bookings and a red card throughout the season and served suspensions. A fan favourite from a year ago, he seemed to lose this support and fans started to tire of his poor performances and seemingly not seem to care and just go through the motions. He also did not wear the rainbow armband further drawing the ire of supporters for not supporting equality.

We were linked with selling him in January – with talk of Napoli and other teams sniffing around – the fee being north of 10 million but I do not believe this for a minute as surely United would have moved on? Maybe it was just speculation but he remained? We saw the odd decent game and he had a spell where he seemed more determined but it was not long before he dropped off again. The amount of goals we conceded with him as a regular has to be a real concern for any potential suitors. Him elbowing his man and getting a second yellow as he tropped off shrugging, at home to Forest, summed up his season.

We also had the news we had not even paid for him properly (amongst others) and led to the points deduction. I think United will look to move him on this summer. I do not think he is up to the top level, although proved he is a good Championship player, so can only assume any move would be to the continent? Still only 25, maybe he will bounce back but think we have seen that the fee we paid was probably about right and if we get anything above that, I would be delighted.

Grade E- (Last season B+)

George Baldock
A fan favourite, he has seemingly been pitched in competition with Bogle for the last 3 seasons now but invariably he has been the starter and the better option. He had started to pick up a few injuries the previous season but still played 50 games for club and country and seemed to be often more available than his teammate Bogle. We always seemed to play better and defend more resolutely when he played and that proved in the promotion season. A real steady eddy and he seemed to get better as the season went on. Really bought into the United ethos and one of the most consistent players over the recent times. He was seen (along with Egan, Ahmedhodzic, McBurnie) as being of those that whilst would have some difficulties at the higher level, still should be ok and was earmarked as a starter. He played the first game against Palace but then got an injury but played against City – but ironically Bogle came on and scored. He started against Everton but picked up another knock and we did not see him until Arsenal as a sub in the big defeat. Back in the team against Wolves, he won the penalty that saw us win the game and he played at Brighton the next week. He was ‘off it’ against Brentford and Burnley in two awful defeats and thought he had a bit of a nightmare at Villa Park and got away with a few potential penalty appeals. After we lost the games over Xmas, he got yet another injury and was out for a while.

He came back in the defeat at home to Arsenal and improved us after he came on and then played at Bournemouth but he was of course now playing for Greece a lot more. He damaged a calf muscle and then at a press conference a few weeks later, Wilder said he was out for the season. Another that is out of contract and this season he only started 10 games and there were rumours in early May of him signing a three year deal for Panathinaikos. You could not begrdudge him getting one last deal somewhere and a chance to play in his adopted country and play in the sun and it was confirmed he would be leaving before the end of the season. He is 31 now and despite his excellent service has picked up several injuries. If we had kept him and he continued to be injury prone (till this season – like Egan – that had not been an issue) then it would have been seen as a waste of valuable funds. Like Basham, he has been a bit part of what we have done and his fight, determination and never say die attitude means he will be seen in an extremely positive light for his contribution to the club. I think Bogle’s form since Wilder come in and Baldock’s injuries have kind of swayed which way we are going to go likely but regardless of that, he really needs to be saluted for being such an integral part of a mostly great period.

Grade D- (Last season B+)

Rhys Norrington Davies Worryingly, I did think his situation would be very much like that of Jack O’Connell such was the length of his absence and the lack of details around it/his return. He was injured in mid-October 2022 with a ‘hamstring’ injury but clearly was a bad one and the lack of information was concerning. Over a year went by and he had not even started training yet but when Wilder came in, we had information he was ‘back on the grass.’ Due to him being out for so long, I was surprised when he was on the bench not long after Wilder came in after playing a few u21 games and not suffering any ill effects. He came on right at the end of the Man City game and then played at Gillingham in the Cup playing at centre half. I winced every time he went into a challenge but he seemed fine and had a really good game. He came on against West Ham and then started in the cup against Brighton where it was much more of a struggle for him. He then came on at Palace but again felt he looked slow and struggled to deal with the movement. He started against Aston Villa, back at left wing back, but was given an absolute torrid game and was taken off. Surprised he started at Luton after that performance but then in the opening minutes he pulled up and was in real distress and seemed to know it was a bad one. He went off and his season was effectively done. It was a different injury (leg) to the one he hurt before but after only making four starts in effectively almost 20 months of football, you worry about his future in terms of ability to stay fit. A bit like Brewster, as much as it sounds harsh and you feel for the lad, we cannot carry people if they are not available. I think before the injury it was nice just to see him back and there has been some glimpses of the play he showed to start last season but then he also struggled with pace and the physicality, understandable after such a long time out. If he had remained fit and played and done ok, United would have offered him something I am sure as he is still only 25 despite being around for a while. However, the relegation, his injury record and our own financial situation means his future at the Lane is in real doubt. We do not have many (any?) left backs on our books I suppose.

I expected him to be released but there were rumours he would be given another year or another year’s extension would kick in. I would be surprised as we need players who can play and hit the ground running next season. He had shown some real promise a few years ago but now we need to have fit, athletic players that can be available and that probably rules him out. I think a sensible option would be to give him a month-to-month contract as a back-up (whether he would take that – but not sure clubs will sign him till he proves he is fit?) and then see how we go but do not expect this to happen.

Grade F (Last season B-)

Jayden Bogle He had been disappointing the previous campaign and not pushed on after some good performances despite us being relegated and then showing a real purple patch when Hecky took over. I felt he lost his way and had a number of injuries and invariably Baldock was rightly preferred. Baldock started the season of course but Bogle came on and scored against Man City. Baldock went down with a few injuries and Bogle ended up starting. His form was patchy and I felt he showed his weaknesses defensively, even if we saw some decent attacking play. He was part of the defence that got a number of hammerings and at times some good wingers gave him a tough time (Gordon for Newcastle at the Lane). I felt he really struggled versus the pace and power of the sides at this level. Wilder replaced Hecky and played Baldock and Bogle for a spell but then Baldock got injured again.

Bogle was another who picked up so many yellow cards and cheap free kicks too and meant we ended up having to concede lots of set plays which we struggled to defend. We had the odd game where he would get out and offer an outlet but we did not see much in terms of assists/goals but gradually he started to be more consistent and I also thought his effort and determination marked him out from many others. He seemed to care and put a lot more into games than he had for a while. Despite the defeats coming almost every week, Bogle was quickly becoming one of the better player and fans saw this. Wilder singled him out quite a bit as the season petered out, as one the fans were not criticising. He showed some pride in his performances and then we saw some of the attacking threat we had seen a few years ago – he scored a good goal v Chelsea and took another one calmly at Old Trafford. He had a few other efforts on goal and was one of our main threats going forward. Defensively, he still makes mistakes and/or gives his man too much room but he did do better in this area too with a few good tackles or blocks. He seemed to be more up for it than he had been for ages and I think most fans hope we do hold onto him – knowing he can be a real asset at the level below – where he will not have to defend as much. He certainly finished the season really well and one of few who seemed to be ok-decent in games and looked like the really cared although even he trailed off in the final games and was poor at home to Spurs.

We have young players like Curtis, Sachdev and Seriki below him – but they are all a long way off being first team players in my opinion. Baldock was always my preference for many seasons and even though Bogle has had moments, felt Baldock was the more consistent player and had the edge on him (maybe not attacking wise) in most areas of his defensive work. However, Baldock had become more injury prone than Bogle was and obviously is a fair few years advanced of Bogle too. I think if we had to keep one now (ideally would keep both but unlikely) then Bogle may get the nod – that is not discounting the superb contributions Baldock has given at the Lane. Bogle should absolutely be a stand out player in the Championship – the key is maintaining the level of performances he has shown towards the end of the season, staying fit and being switched on defensively. He will always offer a fair bit attacking wise, especially in a weaker league so has to do the other stuff well and then he would be a vital cog for next season. I have heard we have a one-year option; then there was talk he wanted to try and stay in the top league but whatever the contract situation, he needs to be retained – one of the few I am saying that about!

Grade C (Last season C)

Jack Robinson
The player in the backline that people earmarked as someone that had done well last season and turned a lot of fans opinions around, but the step up to the next league would be too much – as evidence from the season he spent there last time when he took over from O’Connell. A wholehearted player and become a bit of a cult hero, but most wanted us to improve in this area and when we signed Auston Trusty, you would have thought he would now be more of a squad player and not start that much. He began in preference to Trusty and even though United had a really poor start, felt he was one of the better performers in the backline. We had injuries and others were out of form which meant others were rotated around but he was one of the few constants in the side. He continued to give wholehearted displays and yes he was part of some battering’s but always felt he was one of few who at least tried to put his head in, make tackles and show some real pride to wear the shirt. He still made mistakes and showed his lack of pace and at times physicality (more that he is quite short for a centre back than his ability to tackle/get stuck in which is never in doubt!).

Ahmedhodzic struggle and newcomer Trusty also looked out of his depth, this coupled with Egan and Basham being sidelined for the season, meant that Robinson was being relied on to be a mainstay in a struggling team and defence. He had off games but he would also have a number where he was our best player and the one trying to stem the tide. Fans saw his effort and this was also appreciated by Wilder, who eventually made him captain and spoke glowingly of him being one of the few leaders in the group - a group that looked rudderless for the most part. I felt sorry for him at times as player around him switched off or did not do the basics and at times he almost had to do the job of two men. He seemed to be the one who would try and be vocal (we saw his skirmish with his own man Souza) and at least galvanise but others did not follow his lead. He was out of the team for a few games and you could see how much we missed him – this is in a team that was getting hammered most weeks! He came back and struggled against Forest and Everton and maybe even he was seeing the affect of a long, terrible season and his standards dropped.

He signed a two-year deal last season and in the level below, he will be absolutely fine. He has rightly earned plaudits and been one of the few players who may come out with any credit but he is still probably not a Premier League player and the fact he will be our player of the season says as much about the others around him really. However, this season he has been the best of a really bad bunch and at least shown he cared and has offered some level of consistency that no one else has really offered.

Grade C (Last season B)

Max Lowe Lowe had played 32 games the previous season and had ended up being the starting left wing back much of the season. He had started the campaign quite well and linked well with RND down this left side but after the latter got injured, he started to struggle. He remained in the side but more due to the lack of options although as the season went on, it was clear he was one of our weak links and you did not think he would be seriously considered as a starter at the higher level. We signed Larouci but that seemed a bit of a punt and you worried that we had really upgraded properly in this area? He ended up starting the season which summed up our recruitment and financial situation but he struggled in games against Palace and Forest. Larouci then got the starts but he struggled and quickly Thomas came in. Lowe also got a number of niggly injuries. We did not see him till Wilder came in as he was not fit but was sub against Liverpool and Brentford. He played at Stamford Bridge and was not great and was back on the bench. The only time he got ‘proper’ minutes was at Luton when RND was injured but he then got injured too and we only saw him in the last stages of the season when he surprisingly came back.

Came in with Bogle and has never really convinced in his four years at the club. He looked on his way out when he went to Forest but ended up back here and to be fair had some decent games to start this season but then struggled again. Lacks defensive awareness, strength and more importantly ability. Switches off defensively and just makes basic mistakes with and without the ball. Offers little going forward too as his crossing is poor but it is decisions he makes that means he is not up the level required – whether that be the Premier League (nowhere near) or Championship. He was out of contract and was expectedly released. He has only ended up playing so much due to us not being able to find someone competent in this position. I think he ends up in League One but probably has enough about him to have another 5 or 6 years at least at this sort of level (nearly 27). A signing that never really worked and as I say played a lot more games than he should have done due to us having issues with Stevens being injured/dropping off and Norrington Davies never available.

Grade F+ (Last season D-)

Yasser Larouci Began at Le Havre but was quickly jettisoned into the Liverpool academy as a 17-year-old. Liverpool won the FA Youth Cup and he impressed but never really seriously threatened the first team, only playing one game as a sub in the FA Cup. He was released and ended up back in France at Troyes and in two seasons there, he became a regular despite his side getting relegated in 2022-23. Holding dual nationality, he has been involved with the Algeria national team and was a non-playing sub in the recent African Nations. He was linked with a few teams, including Preston, but United signed him on a season long loan. Pre-season saw him fail to convince at all and he struggled even against lower ranked sides. He seemed erratic with the ball and also made mistakes. He did show good pace and some athleticism, attributes United clearly would need at the top level.

I recall seeing him against Stuttgart and he looked atrocious so not surprise Heckingbottom went with Lowe against Palace. Larouci came on but looked a bit rabbit in headlights but then did quite well at Forest when he came on the following week and showed some ability to carry the ball forward. He came on for the injured Osborn against Man City but he made a really bad mistake that led to their winner and was perhaps harshly really criticised by many fans after this. It was clear with the injuries and poor form, we still had not sorted out this position and so another left wing back came in (Thomas) although Larouci I felt did ok v Everton – he was taken out of the team soon after. He only made one sub appearance till Wilder came in but started at Villa and I thought did alright against a top winger in Baily. He was back on the bench until Brighton where he struggled but started at Wolves and was not the worst player. Did ok at Brentford too when he started but then tired badly showing his total lack of fitness. He played at Everton but again did not last long into the second half.

He was really mocked early on and clearly was not up to this level but when he has played since, he has not been the disaster many have envisaged after that inauspicious start to his Blades career but clearly like many others, way off the level required. He looked lively and could run but then by half time of games, erm…couldn’t run. Positionally he was all over the place and his use of the ball was not great. Just looked extremely erratic even if a decent athlete.

He was clearly a real punt of a signing and nowhere near the level we signed him to play at. Fortunately, he was only a loan deal and will almost definitely return to his French club now who were in danger of a second consecutive relegation as I type this!

Grade F+ (Last season NA)

Mason Holgate A Doncaster lad, Holgate was a player Wilder had been linked with in his first spell at the club. His career had sort of fallen off, at the highest level, after a promising beginning. He was signed by Everton for a six-figure fee when he was still a teenager from Barnsley. I recall him being a regular, particularly under Ancelotti, and he played full back, centre back and defensive midfield, showing his versatility. He sort of lost his way and a few injuries did not help and ended up out of the picture. Went on loan to West Brom last season and played 19 times but was less than convincing. He ended up back out in the Championship this season, at Southampton, in another loan deal. It seems he was less than impressive there and did not even hold down a regular spot and only played 5 games. It was somewhat of a surprise, despite Wilder’s known admiration of him previously, that he ended up back in the Premier League. His signing was widely criticised by most Blades as it seemed a bit of a pointless signing and waste of money. He struggled on debut against Villa but did ok at Luton a win the following week. He was then sent off for a stupid and dangerous tackle on Mitoma in the game at the Lane against Brighton that ended up with another big defeat. He was suspended for three games but after he came back he quietly did ok – in games against Fulham and Liverpool. I thought he defended intelligently and showed his good positioning and anticipation.

He dropped off again with poor showings in a trio of heavy defeats at Man Utd, Newcastle and at home to Burnley. The game at St James Park he was miles off it and seemed so slow to react to danger and looked clumsy after he had improved as discussed above. He was taken out of the team yet again and never really established himself even as a loan player.

He has another year left on a pretty big wage at Goodison Park. Not sure he will want to give up money s the chances of him coming back are remote. At the lower level and in the right system (there is an argument we should move away from the 5 at the back) I think he would be fine and be a sort of non-nonsense player that just does a job. I would not be shocked if we took him on a season loan as Wilder seems to like him but on the evidence of games so far (and how he was at WBA and Southampton) then we probably should look elsewhere to use the previous funds we have.

Grade E (Last season NA)
Luke Thomas Came thought at his home town club, Leicester, and made his debut against the Blades in July 2020 in a 2-0 win. He played more games the following two seasons and played and did well in the FA Cup final win against Chelsea but was never a regular starter despite Leicester struggling. Even this season at the lower level, the new management team did not seem to fancy him (played a flat back four and it was reckoned he was better as a wing back) and he rarely even made the bench. It was a surprise when United signed him but we were quite desperate with Lowe/Osborn/Larouci our only options and many of these often injured! We probably saw the promise of a few years ago but when you only have two domestic loans – it seemed a bit of a waste but showed our situation in this problem position.

He did well on debut against Everton but never built on this. He played 12 games but recall him being him being awful in that Newcastle game and struggling badly in subsequent games at West Ham and Fulham. He remained in the side but the defeats mounted up and after the latest hammering, at Burnley – Wilder came in and he was taken out of the team. I could not work out what he was good at. Seemed quite quick but he was painfully weak in the challenge, did not get close to his man or stop his winger. Offered absolutely nothing going forward too.

He returned for the City and Gillingham games but again less than convincing and with his season long loan having an option to be ended in January, it was not a surprise when we did this. He ended up at Middlesborough but quickly showed his weaknesses there and was even taken out of their team but did get back in briefly but opinions were mostly not positive from Boro fans! His contract is up at the end of the season – do not expect a stampede of clubs trying to sign him and another that will struggle to get an offer of a contract higher than League One.

Grade F (Last season NA)

Jili Buyabu Formerly at Palace, he had trained with Chelsea and been linked with a few clubs as he played at Hornchurch and then Forest and Peterborough were linked with him but United ‘won’ the race to sign him a few seasons ago. Was a regular in the u21s and then also got on the first team bench this season and then made his bow at Birmingham and joined in the celebrations at the end. He came on in the League Cup game against Lincoln and continued to look promising in the second-string games and we signed him to a longer-term deal. After this he was sent on loan right up to Motherwell but their fans said they had a lot of right backs so seemed an odd move and he only played 30 minutes as sub in one game. He then came back not long after – it was cited his return was due to personal reasons? We don’t have the same strength at left wing back/left back as the other side so expect him to be involved in pre-season but not sure he is close to the first team and may need a ‘better’ loan where he actually plays. Still only 20 and the fact we signed him to a 3-year deal suggests we see something.

Sai Sachdev
I watched a fair bit of him in the young sides the last few years and was quite impressed. He had been in some of the England youth sides and then he even got on at Stoke last season. He did get a few injuries towards the end of that campaign but was back fit this season and made his England u19 debut in September. Played mostly for the u21 side before going on loan at Oldham, as we had a bit of a log jam at this position with Bogle, Baldock, Seriki and now Curtis coming in. Reports were mixed from his time at Boundary Park but good for him to get some senior games under his belt but Oldham fans on the whole were not too sad when we recalled him. He played a few times for the u21’s but seemed to have regressed from the bits I saw. I do wonder what the plans are at right back. Assuming one of Bogle/Baldock move on, we still have the other, Seriki and Curtis. Seems a lot of players for the first team and u21 level – we also have young Waldron coming through here too? Does have another year on his 2-year pro deal he signed so maybe he will go back out on loan again?

Sam Curtis
We had been linked with him for a while before we signed him. Apparently a number of clubs were after him but the Keith Andrews link helped us to get him. Seen as a real talent he made his debut in the League or Ireland at 14 for Shamrock Rovers before signing for St Patricks. He was a regular in the first team the last two seasons and allegedly Chelsea and Man City had been scouting him. Still only 18, he signed for United and has been on the fringe of the first team squad but as expected began with the u21 side. I have seen him a few times playing at right wing back and not sure I have seen anything to get too excited about. Seems steady enough but looks on what I have seen, to be a long way off starting level in the English League. He came on at Goodison and the leap up showed even in limited minutes. Lacks pace and athleticism but decent on the ball but nothing I saw made me think, he’s close to the first team. Another who may need a loan next season but United clearly think a lot of him, signing him to a three-year deal.

Evan Easton
Defender who came from Partick Thistle in Scotland last September and was plugged into the development side. He was on the bench in the Cup Game at Gillingham. Has been a regular for the u21’s this season but lack size/pace perhaps to be ready for the 1st team but looks a decent ball player. Still only 19 – he may benefit from a loan. He has one more year of a two year deal to run.

Dovydas Sasnauskas
Young defender who came from Chelsea last season and quickly moved up from the u16 to the u18s and played some u21 games but was a shock when he was on the bench at Wolves (and had a few other games in the match day squad)! We had a lot of injuries but even so, clearly Wilder and his coaching staff had seen something they liked. A ball playing centre back with decent size, he will hope to have a season at u21 level where he plays regularly next time (has been starting most of the game to close the season) and maybe some loan time out in ‘men’s’ football.

Harry Boyes Boyes is someone who seems to have been here forever now and after being signed from Man City as a youngster, he was impressive in the u21 side before having a series of loans. Firstly, he went to Bradford Park Avenue and then moved up, signing for Solihull Moors in the National League and then he was moved up again as he went to play for Forest Green. It seemed a bit hit and miss there but got some good reports and then he recalled as we had a few injuries. Ended up at Lincoln, so a team higher up in League One but again never really a regular. This season he went on loan again, also at League One level, to Wycombe. He played 17 times but again did not really build fully establish himself and was on the move again in January – to another struggling side Fleetwood. He has barely played here but still has another year left on his deal at the Lane but would not be surprised if he moved on now – bit like Harrison Neal and George Broadbent etc. The fact he has not really established himself at League One after showing some real promise, suggests United probably do not see a future for him at our club at least.

Femi Seriki
Seriki stood out at U21 level a few years ago and then of course he ended up at Beerschot but this did not go well and he was barely used. He came back and was the surprise start v Forest in our first season back at Championship level when we were beset with injuries. He looked a long way off the first team and then finished with Boston United a long way down the pyramid but seemed to really stand out again here. He ended up with Rochdale last season but he was in a struggling side and he was in and out a lot of the season. He remained at the Lane and seemed to get back to form and was impressive in the u21’s again. Wilder came back and had clearly liked him before and he was given a new longer-term contract which surprised me. He went on loan to Rotherham but even in a struggling side, did not get to start much although did play in a win against Millwall but Millers fans said he looked really raw when used and a long way off a first teamer -even for them.

Miguel Freckleton
The Blades apparently beat a number of sides including Southampton, Hull, and Cardiff City to sign Freckleton a few years ago. He was with Mangotsfield United after leaving Bristol Rovers. Freckleton dropped out of the Rovers academy and went onto the South Gloucestershire and Stroud College football programme. There, under the guidance of former Leeds manager David Hockaday, Freckleton is said to have impressed and United stepped into sign the young defender. He has featured a fair bit in the U21’s in 21-22 and then had a decent campaign at Wealdstone and Yeovil and ended up on loan at Chesterfield this season. He had some decent games (played well in the cup at Watford) but was often shunted out to full back and was never a regular but his side cantered to the National League title. Expect we will probably try to get him out on loan again?

Next season

This area of the team, like many others, has so many questions. With experienced players like Basham, Baldock and Lowe going, and uncertainty over Ahmedhodzic, Norrington Davies, Bogle and Egan – there is essentially only one player, Robinson, that you think will remain and definitely start. Even Trusty’s future is not clearcut, due to his really poor performances this year but he is under contract.

I’d like Bogle and Egan to return but would gladly move Anel on – yes he did well last time out this level but think he is someone that seems he does not want to be here and in that sense I feel we need to get what we can and move him on. We will almost definitely need a left wing back – even if RND remains (Osborn can do a job there) as he is not guaranteed to be fit – even to start the season. If Anel moves on, we need a right sided centre back – probably two – as no cover there. Curtis/Sachdev/Seriki not shown enough to suggest they could be counted on to play many games either. We probably need to bring in 4 or 5 defenders even if a few of Egan/Anel/Bogle remain – but more if they leave. The defence was appalling last season so we need to ensure we bring in no nonsense defenders that do not make it easy for teams to score against us. Set plays/crosses we were appalling but teams just got through us too easy. We need players to make it really tough for attackers and win headers/challenges and intimidate. I would like some big, physical defenders that can really toughen up this area – we are linked with the likes of Worrall and Ayling (heard he is going to Boro) as veterans and both would be solid at this level but also would like some younger, athletic players who can improve. Will be hard to achieve either type of player with little funds.

Player / Position Years remaining (contract expires) Red this yearOrange next year - Green longer contract


Auston Trusty 3 years (2027)

Anel Ahmedhodzic 2 years (2026)

Jack Robinson 1 year (2025)

Chris Basham Out of contract (2024) – CONFIRMED AS LEAVING

John Egan Out of contract (2024)

George Baldock Out of contract (2024) – CONFIRMED AS LEAVING

Max Lowe Out of contract (2024) – CONFIRMED AS LEAVING

Jayden Bogle Out of contract (2024)

R Norrington Davies Out of contract (2024)

Youngsters involved in 1st team last season or loans out (contracts unknown if not stated)

Femi Seriki 3 years (2027)

Jili Buyabu 3 years (2027)

Sam Curtis 3 years (2027)

Sai Sachdev 1 year (2025)

Miguel Freckleton 1 year (2025)

Harry Boyes 1 year (2025)

Evan Easton 1 year (2025)

Dovydas Sasnauskas 2nd year Scholar

Return to loan club:

Yasser Larouci to Troyes

Mason Holgate to Everton
No keeper and only 1 or 2 defenders really worries me.

The fact that Holgate got higher marks than some of our other players shows how shit we were at the back.

I just hope for a fit again Egan alongside a decent ball player (TBC) with JLT there if we don’t manage to sign another better player.

Wing backs we need a complete overhaul at LWB or we need RND back and fit for a decent campaign. Bogle might get away with it in the Championship but we really need another RWB.

Get some money for Anel to hopefully fund 2 or 3 replacements would be the ideal scenario.
To sum up:

Basham - got badly injured
Egan - got badly injured
Trusty - new signing, awful at PL level
Anel - poor at PL level, non-trier at times
Baldock - mostly injured, decent to mediocre when played
Bogle - decent season, better forward than in defence
JLT - decent season, not quite good enough at PL level but had no help
RND - got badly injured, again
Lowe - mostly injured and poor at PL level
Larouci - new signing, awful at PL level
Holgate - new signing, poor at PL level
Thomas - new signing, awful at PL level

A perfect storm of awful transfer business and an awful injury record.

I would also venture to suggest that our defensive coaching was wretched. The same mistakes were made week after week. Trusty can't mark a man. Larouci never learned where to stand. Wingers who can shoot constantly shown inside. Poor and puny marking on set pieces. From game 1 to game 38.

Happy trails to Bash and Baldock
Robinson and Bogle is something to build on. A fit Egan and a fit RND would help too, but should we be re-signing injured players?
I would be quite relaxed about never seeing any of the rest of them in a Blades kit again.
Sorry Deaders, Bogle was an F, and that's being generous. You're talking about the defence and he can't defend, simple as that really.

Yeah I think I have been too generous with C - I actuallly think he might be closer to a D - but then I think final few months definitely influenced me.

I actually think even though Robbo might get player of season just ahead of Hamer - noone might be much better than a D but just felt that would be really harsh on those that have done better.

BBD and Arblaster only ones to get proper passes for me!
We've failed miserably to replace JOC. A lack of aerial ability cost us goals. Florist away being a prime example and Luton at Home. In the Championship next season we will experience doses of hoof waffen. We need two quality headers of the ball at the back left and right. Step forward my suggestions Scott Mckenna and Joe Worrall.

Egan will be needed for 46 games. Squad rotation and rest will be crucial with International matches interspersed across the season. Kenny the ROI Manager overplayed Egan and we saw the results. When you get into your 30's players have to manage their bodies and fitness carefully. Norwood realised this and retired from International football. For the benefit of his career following a serious injury Egan should consider the same imo.

Assuming Anel is sold we will need a minimum of 5 centre backs to pick 3 from as its unlikely with this manager we will change formation. That would give us Egan, Worrall, Mckenna, Robinson and Trusty. We have no youngsters that could step in although young Dovy looks one for the future. Rumours are we're considering Edwards at Spurs on loan who was at Plymouth this year. Wouldn't be averse to adding him in as with our post injury recovery facilities we are likely to have a high injury list again.

As for full backs wing backs etc there is a dearth of players who understand the basics of defending. With Baldock going a huge loss we will need to get in adequate replacements. Baldock I understand was offered new terms but we couldn't match the offer from Greece. There were also stories of him being unhappy with his injury management, his elder brother is a qualified physio, another nail in the coffin of our medical team. Buyabu has the attributes at 6 foot plus and pacy but he's way off the first team.

Bogle as I've said before will make a good wide midfield player or winger. In fact he is one player on the books other than those already identified for transfer that may get some enquiries this summer. Wolves and Leeds were previously interested but have new managers now. In the absence of any information to the contrary I'm assuming we've taken up the 1 year option on him and its non negotiable.

Most of all we need some quality coaching whether it was Hudson under PH or Knill under CW they failed. The latter is really surprising as in his previous tenancy we were rock solid. An additional set piece specialist who understands man marking that matches players up in similar size and stature(JLT at Home against VVD never going to work) is preferable to zonal marking would be a welcome addition.

In summary not one defender can come out of the season with any credit. They achieved the unthinkable. The second worst ever number of goals conceded in a season in the history of the top flight. Only Darwen in 1892 conceding 112 have fared worse. All should score F for Fail.
We've failed miserably to replace JOC. A lack of aerial ability cost us goals. Florist away being a prime example and Luton at Home. In the Championship next season we will experience doses of hoof waffen. We need two quality headers of the ball at the back left and right. Step forward my suggestions Scott Mckenna and Joe Worrall.

Egan will be needed for 46 games. Squad rotation and rest will be crucial with International matches interspersed across the season. Kenny the ROI Manager overplayed Egan and we saw the results. When you get into your 30's players have to manage their bodies and fitness carefully. Norwood realised this and retired from International football. For the benefit of his career following a serious injury Egan should consider the same imo.

Assuming Anel is sold we will need a minimum of 5 centre backs to pick 3 from as its unlikely with this manager we will change formation. That would give us Egan, Worrall, Mckenna, Robinson and Trusty. We have no youngsters that could step in although young Dovy looks one for the future. Rumours are we're considering Edwards at Spurs on loan who was at Plymouth this year. Wouldn't be averse to adding him in as with our post injury recovery facilities we are likely to have a high injury list again.

As for full backs wing backs etc there is a dearth of players who understand the basics of defending. With Baldock going a huge loss we will need to get in adequate replacements. Baldock I understand was offered new terms but we couldn't match the offer from Greece. There were also stories of him being unhappy with his injury management, his elder brother is a qualified physio, another nail in the coffin of our medical team. Buyabu has the attributes at 6 foot plus and pacy but he's way off the first team.

Bogle as I've said before will make a good wide midfield player or winger. In fact he is one player on the books other than those already identified for transfer that may get some enquiries this summer. Wolves and Leeds were previously interested but have new managers now. In the absence of any information to the contrary I'm assuming we've taken up the 1 year option on him and its non negotiable.

Most of all we need some quality coaching whether it was Hudson under PH or Knill under CW they failed. The latter is really surprising as in his previous tenancy we were rock solid. An additional set piece specialist who understands man marking that matches players up in similar size and stature(JLT at Home against VVD never going to work) is preferable to zonal marking would be a welcome addition.

In summary not one defender can come out of the season with any credit. They achieved the unthinkable. The second worst ever number of goals conceded in a season in the history of the top flight. Only Darwen in 1892 conceding 112 have fared worse. All should score F for Fail.
There are in fact 12 top flight teams who have conceded more goals in a season than we did this season. The record is 125 by Blackpool (who stayed up!) in 1931.

The most recent team to concede more than us was Ipswich who let in 121 in 1963-4.

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