BP garage/surrounding businesses.

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Nov 21, 2016
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I appreciate this is a bit of a boring question but I’m just interested to know if Sheffield United football club have to pay any sort of compensation to businesses for loss of trade or do we actually improve it? Obviously the road closures aren’t for that long but people avoid the area knowing there’s a match on. I’d like to know what the normal takings are on a Saturday afternoon compared to match days at say that golf place or the kids play area thing.

I appreciate this is a bit of a boring question but I’m just interested to know if Sheffield United football club have to pay any sort of compensation to businesses for loss of trade or do we actually improve it? Obviously the road closures aren’t for that long but people avoid the area knowing there’s a match on. I’d like to know what the normal takings are on a Saturday afternoon compared to match days at say that golf place or the kids play area thing.

I'd hazard a guess that the only real loser would be the BP garage, but that's a joint venture between an oil company and a multinational supermarket so fuck 'em.

Everything else is mostly accessible on foot as far as I'm aware. No reason you can't still visit on a match day. Also not like it was a secret that there was a football club in the vicinity so hard to complain about loss of earnings for business owners!
Only business I've noticed that doesn't get busy on match day is the takeaway next to the chippy doing just about everything, no more then a few in there while man frydays are queuing down past the bus stop.
Maybe we’d have found a more sustainable source of energy, sooner?
The oil industry is about a lot more than energy.
Its quite possible that oil would/could become too valuable to just burn off to make things hot...
I appreciate this is a bit of a boring question but I’m just interested to know if Sheffield United football club have to pay any sort of compensation to businesses for loss of trade or do we actually improve it? Obviously the road closures aren’t for that long but people avoid the area knowing there’s a match on. I’d like to know what the normal takings are on a Saturday afternoon compared to match days at say that golf place or the kids play area thing.

Well considering how inflated prices are in the BP I doubt their turnover takes a dip on matchdays, probably the complete opposite..

The club should issue this sort of apology to them, I'm sure they'll understand and accept it in their own language
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I'd hazard a guess that the only real loser would be the BP garage, but that's a joint venture between an oil company and a multinational supermarket so fuck 'em.

Everything else is mostly accessible on foot as far as I'm aware. No reason you can't still visit on a match day. Also not like it was a secret that there was a football club in the vicinity so hard to complain about loss of earnings for business owners!
i would say that as they redesigned and extended it a few years ago its more than washing its face, the mark up on sweets and pop alone make it worthwhile
I appreciate this is a bit of a boring question but I’m just interested to know if Sheffield United football club have to pay any sort of compensation to businesses for loss of trade or do we actually improve it? Obviously the road closures aren’t for that long but people avoid the area knowing there’s a match on. I’d like to know what the normal takings are on a Saturday afternoon compared to match days at say that golf place or the kids play area thing.
I wonder if the garage gets paid for allowing the police to park in there on matchday?

Who knows what advances that we don’t even know about now, might have happened instead.

The world’s history and future isn’t pre-determined.
The only thing we can be certain if is that we actually needed oil, and thank fuck we had it. We might have found other ways forward, and there might be a pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow - but we definitely needed oil.

Oil and Gas was the source of most of our energy over the last 100 years, and all the rest is just wishful / blue sky thinking.
The only thing we can be certain if is that we actually needed oil, and thank fuck we had it. We might have found other ways forward, and there might be a pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow - but we definitely needed oil.

Oil and Gas was the source of most of our energy over the last 100 years, and all the rest is just wishful / blue sky thinking.
Just because it was, that doesn’t mean it needed to be.

If we were having this argument 150 years ago, you’d be saying coal instead.

Things can change and humans don’t always find the best solution first. If we did, we’d have never have got to oil in the first place, would we?
Just because it was, that doesn’t mean it needed to be.

If we were having this argument 150 years ago, you’d be saying coal instead.

Things can change and humans don’t always find the best solution first. If we did, we’d have never have got to oil in the first place, would we?
We've been running out of oil, and known the effect on the planet, for decades. And even with all the best brains and technology of today, we're plugging the shortfall, effectively with the technology of a dynamo running a light off your bicycle wheel. Even now when the wind doesn't blow, or the sun doesn't shine, we can't tackle the storage problem without spending a fortune.

The idea that 50 years ago we could have chosen another path, and not been immeasurably worse off, is totally fanciful IMHO.
I have to laugh how a post about local trading issues on match days has somehow morphed to debating the pros and cons of oils and alternate histories where we were perhaps quicker to go green. Victorian steam punk solar panels and wind mills sound pretty awesome tbf
Any businesses that were there before the ground was there deserve a little sympathy I guess...
like that shed where we used to buy our footie boots , The world is a lesser place without it
or hillsborough motors where i always bought my jensens back in the day
Don't forget BP are in for a bit of that sweet, sweet diesel infused Subway action.

" What bread do you want?"

"Four-star please"
I have to laugh how a post about local trading issues on match days has somehow morphed to debating the pros and cons of oils and alternate histories where we were perhaps quicker to go green. Victorian steam punk solar panels and wind mills sound pretty awesome tbf
It’s like when you’re in the pub discussing the pro’s and cons of salted and dry roasted peanuts and end up arguing about euthanasia literally 5 minutes later.
It’s like when you’re in the pub discussing the pro’s and cons of salted and dry roasted peanuts and end up arguing about euthanasia literally 5 minutes later.

If the 70 million extra people who arrived on planet earth last year were euthanised that would slow down our use of fossil fuels.
Rather slow down our increased use of fossil fuels.

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