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Nov 21, 2016
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I don’t know about anyone else but pre season gets me thinking about all sorts of questions.

Now we’re premier league has anyone stopped to think about or has any ITK information on which brand of alcoholic beverages will be served at half time? I tend to just drink whatever piss waters on offer without looking am I correct in saying we had fosters and Heineken last season?

Don't buy it

If I'm allowed to say that of course
But if anyone wants a fucking argument about it
It was going to be Peroni but that ran out.

Then the moretti ran out.

You’re left with Carling extra pissing wet or Asda’s own make (labelled 8lade).
I don’t know about anyone else but pre season gets me thinking about all sorts of questions.

Now we’re premier league has anyone stopped to think about or has any ITK information on which brand of alcoholic beverages will be served at half time? I tend to just drink whatever piss waters on offer without looking am I correct in saying we had fosters and Heineken last season?

Not had a beer in ground for years and years. Booze in the pub till about 2:40pm then moan that the queues for the turnstiles are massive when I get to ground
I don’t know about anyone else but pre season gets me thinking about all sorts of questions.

Now we’re premier league has anyone stopped to think about or has any ITK information on which brand of alcoholic beverages will be served at half time? I tend to just drink whatever piss waters on offer without looking am I correct in saying we had fosters and Heineken last season?

I have on good authority by a mate in the trade that Heineken have the pouring rights locked down. Heineken's global policy is that the Heineken brand is synonymous with football so they don't allow other lagers to be poured.

In short, there's Fook all chance of us getting Moretti on draft anytime soon... However, the International Bar does offer a few more choices.
Here's a picture of Karlie Kloss to cheer you up:

Where have the kit thread and the watch this space thread gone?! Two threads that were actually suppressing my boredom a bit.

Either I've got a technical problem or theres been some threads deleted
Where have the kit thread and the watch this space thread gone?! Two threads that were actually suppressing my boredom a bit.

Either I've got a technical problem or theres been some threads deleted

I’m wanting solid answers on catering, someone is withholding information on what pints will be served and also the cost. Also are the chips still shite? Do we still sell McCoy’s? Are Yorkies still available? These are the questions 1000’s of Blades want answering not “when’s the new kit launch” or “why haven’t we signed 8 players yet?”

I agree, serious issues. I was delighted with the thread informing us all about contactless payments next season. That £20 cashback I get at the crown each Saturday is now a thing of the past. No more issues with getting the round in if you end up getting cort short of cash at the ground

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