A confession

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Staff member
Aug 8, 2006
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Sunny S8
After having the hump on, saying that United can sod off and that I'm not having anything to do with the play-offs... guess which idiot has got tickets for both legs?

I'm very sorry to all the people who I've let down. I know it's stupid. And if it's any consolation, I'm not looking forward to either game - I still think United are shit. I'm going along with the "may as well" sort of attitude.

I've done someone a favour and swapped to stay at work late tonight. Foxy hasn't got the channels properly mapped for Sky Sports on the big telly. It's easier just to go to the damned match than try and get home and watch it. And I'm on a promise of a curry afterwards.

As for Monday, Foxy's got a delivery run for work. If he goes but I don't, I face a Bank Holiday Monday of being on my own, doing housework. He's got space in the van... I may as well go with.

Has anyone else capitulated?

First you say you won't
then you say you will
you keep me hanging on
and we're not moving on
or standing still...
I have not capitulated. Despite having a pass for the game on Monday. I shall be watching on TV.

If we get to the final however, despite my protestations from last season, I feel I may lapse.....again!
Yes, under pressure from my Grandson,, brought the Home tickets, while I was there got tickets for Monday, still don't know why I got the Yeovil Monday game. Have to now explain to the wife, we are not going away on Saturday, and coming back Monday, after telling her for the last 2 weeks there is no way I was going......

Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye....
Sky Sports for me still at the moment, I've wavered a couple of times towards the online ticket sales but standing strong so far.
the chances of me getting into Central london tonight to watch the game are rapidly receding due to my complete inability to stop farting around on the internet and actually write an essay that i'd hoped to complete by 6 tonight.

Going to unplug the internet now.....:)
Typical woman!

Its like when you're in a restaurant with your mrs and the waiter brings the pudding menu. "would you like to see the menu madam?"

Oooh no, i'm full (turns to fella) - are you having one? Fella says yes.

She decides against, but when his arrives, you either want his or you order your own!

Like puddings, you know Sheffield United are bad for you, but you go anyway!
You shouldn't apologise for going to support the team, Linz. I hope they prove you (and the rest of us) wrong and give Yeovil a couple of pastings.

Your cave in, though, is a great example of why supporters are not like other "consumers" or "customers". If we were, there would be no one at all at the Lane tonight.

As for me, I am not going but am resorting to desperate measures. I have bet heavily on Yeovil not to lose tonight, a tactic I haven't tried since I bet on the Pigs to beat Palace at the end of 2010....
Said I wasn't going and I'm not. Will power.
Going to a piggy mates house to watch tonight but will probably miss Mondays game altogether.
You know you'll love it Linz.

I'm going tonight and I wasn't meant to be going on Monday because of my finances, but I've been talked into the away leg by Foxy so I'll be there. If we're 2/3 goals down after tonight I might regret it though :(
Not going tonight, not going on Monday (rarely go away anyway).

Won't be going to the final if we somehow get there.

Apathy thy name is Houso.
Typical woman!

Its like when you're in a restaurant with your mrs and the waiter brings the pudding menu. "would you like to see the menu madam?"

To which, as Foxy will attest to, my answer is always, without fail, "yes please".

I am not a woman who dithers over dessert.
Must be mad! On a train to Brighton for a meeting, before train back to London, onto Donny and then back into Sheffield at 7.16. Hate the friggin play offs and cannot see us even getting to the London Money pit, but i like you Linz wavered at the last minute. Monday will be courtesy of Sky in my comfy chair.

Meeting this morning is with a tranmere fan, who I will commiserate with.

I'm waivering still. Awaiting a mate's text which will proabably turn me. Failing that it's the sofa and a glass of plonk.
Jeez Linz your easy, all it takes is the promise of a curry.
What would you do for a slap up meal at the Victoria Hotel? :)
After having the hump on, saying that United can sod off and that I'm not having anything to do with the play-offs... guess which idiot has got tickets for both legs?

I'm very sorry to all the people who I've let down. I know it's stupid. And if it's any consolation, I'm not looking forward to either game - I still think United are shit. I'm going along with the "may as well" sort of attitude.

I've done someone a favour and swapped to stay at work late tonight. Foxy hasn't got the channels properly mapped for Sky Sports on the big telly. It's easier just to go to the damned match than try and get home and watch it. And I'm on a promise of a curry afterwards.

As for Monday, Foxy's got a delivery run for work. If he goes but I don't, I face a Bank Holiday Monday of being on my own, doing housework. He's got space in the van... I may as well go with.

Has anyone else capitulated?

Wemberlee, Wemberlee
They’re the famous Linz and Foxy
And they’re going to Wemberlee ;)
Friday night kick-off and Bank Holiday Monday dinnertime make it very easy for me to watch both games over a few beers this year. I've had a sneaky look at train prices for 19th though :eek:
Friday night kick-off and Bank Holiday Monday dinnertime make it very easy for me to watch both games over a few beers this year. I've had a sneaky look at train prices for 19th though :eek:

Are you fancying a trip to Malta this summer as well, Jim?
Got mine earlier this week and persuaded a mate to bring his American gf to the game. I told them to get a decent seat quick before the waverers change their minds.
Since when did not going to the the home game especially become something to be proud of.

I best get a divorce before I get this feeling
im not going. gonna watch it on the tellybox.
an i dont really wanna do that if im honest.
theres bound to be summat better on.
is it holby city night?

After having the hump on, saying that United can sod off and that I'm not having anything to do with the play-offs... guess which idiot has got tickets for both legs?

I'm very sorry to all the people who I've let down. I know it's stupid. And if it's any consolation, I'm not looking forward to either game - I still think United are shit. I'm going along with the "may as well" sort of attitude.

I've done someone a favour and swapped to stay at work late tonight. Foxy hasn't got the channels properly mapped for Sky Sports on the big telly. It's easier just to go to the damned match than try and get home and watch it. And I'm on a promise of a curry afterwards.

As for Monday, Foxy's got a delivery run for work. If he goes but I don't, I face a Bank Holiday Monday of being on my own, doing housework. He's got space in the van... I may as well go with.

Has anyone else capitulated?

No capitulation for me - just can't not go.

And I don't have Sky Sports so up yours Mr Murdoch

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