‘Can I have your shirt’ begging

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I'm conflicted.
I love to see players give their shirts away (Baldock have his, and Olsen gave away his gloves against Barnsley) but I HATE to see those signs.
Definitely more of a tourist club thing though isn't it? Your Man U and Liverpools etc
Don’t know about shirts, but at Old Trafford Ole will be giving players away to the crowd before long.

The only thing that should be held up at a football match is a tin foil and cardboard FA Cup, by a child. That's it.
I remember the Coventry fans had one of those, how me and Lady HB chuckled as we passed their team coach on the M1. I chuckled all the way back up the M1 to fetch my house keys that had fallen out of my pockets the next day.
I got Kazim-Richards and Lee Martins shirts.

Still got em.

Thought I'd share.
Friend of mine years ago was always doing things to raise money for local charity, he happened to be a massive Wednesday fan (no pun) he rang Wednesday re getting a ball signed, I forget the amount of money they asked for, even after shown proof it was a charity, the reasoning it will be sold, on and on.

Happy to say he ended up at the Lane, got the football signed and bit of other merchandise for his auction
About 25 years ago, I asked local businesses if they would be prepared to donate towards some prizes for an event I was running. United sent me a letter to pass on to whoever won that entitled them to obtain two tickets for a match of their choosing. Wednesday sent some pencils with owls on.

As for the OP original question, it irritates me, because it has taken away the spontaneity of what was a heartwarming gesture.
About 25 years ago, I asked local businesses if they would be prepared to donate towards some prizes for an event I was running. United sent me a letter to pass on to whoever won that entitled them to obtain two tickets for a match of their choosing. Wednesday sent some pencils with owls on.

As for the OP original question, it irritates me, because it has taken away the spontaneity of what was a heartwarming gesture.
Exactly the spontaneity of the moment, and someone receiving a gift, they were not asking for or expecting, which makes them treasure it even more
I am so, so sorry. I know it comes across as if the Carrier Bag Firm have a story for every occasion. And it's all self promoting & self congratulatory. But, I'm afraid we have a Shirt Begging story. I'm always loathe to tell this one. Because the CBF are famously non-violent, and the story unfortunately includes threats of violence against our own players!!!!
It revolves around the events of July 23/24/25 1989. The CBF had decamped to Germany for United's pre season. With Dave Bassett in charge & Derek Dooley wearing the blazer & pressing the flesh, that tour was effectively hosted by the British Army on The Rhine. The first game was a 2 all draw with TuS Celle. Absolutely superb Clubhouse. The management, players, the opposition, the British Army guests & the CBF were all in there after the game. There were various speeches & thank yous. But, natch, we were just in pursuit of alcohol. At one point, Bassett was telling various players to take their trakkies off & he was presenting them to random "soldiers". One of the CBF (sadly no longer with us) had his young son with him. Various "Oy, Bassett, ne'er mind them, what about some kit for my Lad" noises were made. Olive branches were extended. Promises were made. Deals were brokered. The upshot was a promise of a match shirt at the end of the final game of the tour. Next day. Won 6-0 at TSV Havelse. Superb Clubhouse. (Incidentally, the British Military Police were called to arrest us at Celle station after that one, I took great pleasure in explaining their lack of jurisdiction & they'd need German Police & it probably wasn't worth the hassle). Next day. Final match of the tour. Shirt promised for the young 'un day. Lost 2-1 v TSV Friesen (Wilder scored). Superb Clubhouse. Spectacular last match of the tour drinking celebrations by the CBF. To this day, I still don't fully know what happened. But, somehow (I'm going to say "unsurprisingly") the management & team took exception to our antics. And when Dad n Lad requested the promised shirt for their (and the CBFs) dedication in following the team to Germany - the request was REFUSED. Well, in common parlance, the lot has gone up. Strong words exchanged. The team left in no doubt what "we" thought about them. Fs. Cs. Ws. Etceteras. They left to get on their bus. But, I think they had some straggler issues & must have sat on it for ages. Because, when our taxis arrived, the bus was still there. Recognising us, and presumably still fuming at the earlier war of words, a largish group of players got off the bus to confront the frankly rag, tag, CBF physically. (imagine....). The then CBF hard lad simply stepped forward & said "go on then, what are you going to do next.....?"
No answer, bus refills.
Look I'm not proud of that story. But, Shirt Begging is nothing new & essentially can't end well.
New shirt sign today, wanting Baldock shirt for his sister. He did get it so if anyone is bidding for it then it won't be a match worn one

I am so, so sorry. I know it comes across as if the Carrier Bag Firm have a story for every occasion. And it's all self promoting & self congratulatory. But, I'm afraid we have a Shirt Begging story. I'm always loathe to tell this one. Because the CBF are famously non-violent, and the story unfortunately includes threats of violence against our own players!!!!
It revolves around the events of July 23/24/25 1989. The CBF had decamped to Germany for United's pre season. With Dave Bassett in charge & Derek Dooley wearing the blazer & pressing the flesh, that tour was effectively hosted by the British Army on The Rhine. The first game was a 2 all draw with TuS Celle. Absolutely superb Clubhouse. The management, players, the opposition, the British Army guests & the CBF were all in there after the game. There were various speeches & thank yous. But, natch, we were just in pursuit of alcohol. At one point, Bassett was telling various players to take their trakkies off & he was presenting them to random "soldiers". One of the CBF (sadly no longer with us) had his young son with him. Various "Oy, Bassett, ne'er mind them, what about some kit for my Lad" noises were made. Olive branches were extended. Promises were made. Deals were brokered. The upshot was a promise of a match shirt at the end of the final game of the tour. Next day. Won 6-0 at TSV Havelse. Superb Clubhouse. (Incidentally, the British Military Police were called to arrest us at Celle station after that one, I took great pleasure in explaining their lack of jurisdiction & they'd need German Police & it probably wasn't worth the hassle). Next day. Final match of the tour. Shirt promised for the young 'un day. Lost 2-1 v TSV Friesen (Wilder scored). Superb Clubhouse. Spectacular last match of the tour drinking celebrations by the CBF. To this day, I still don't fully know what happened. But, somehow (I'm going to say "unsurprisingly") the management & team took exception to our antics. And when Dad n Lad requested the promised shirt for their (and the CBFs) dedication in following the team to Germany - the request was REFUSED. Well, in common parlance, the lot has gone up. Strong words exchanged. The team left in no doubt what "we" thought about them. Fs. Cs. Ws. Etceteras. They left to get on their bus. But, I think they had some straggler issues & must have sat on it for ages. Because, when our taxis arrived, the bus was still there. Recognising us, and presumably still fuming at the earlier war of words, a largish group of players got off the bus to confront the frankly rag, tag, CBF physically. (imagine....). The then CBF hard lad simply stepped forward & said "go on then, what are you going to do next.....?"
No answer, bus refills.
Look I'm not proud of that story. But, Shirt Begging is nothing new & essentially can't end well.
Best poster on this forum
Why wouldn't you want a heroes shirt, big kid or little kid.

We assume that adults are well rounded, we assume that being a full size human means you've grown up, but maybe not, catching a ball or shirt might be the highlight of your life.

I'm big into American sports and this week some middle aged bloke jiffed a kid out of a hockey Puck, so the teamsters buy the lad a shirt and a Puck etc...

The guy that snatched the Puck might have been wanting that for years, he may have been a kid that missed out..

Some kids have less than others..
I mean honestly who cares, what difference does it make to anyone's lives if some kid holds a sign up wanting a players shirt. Granted I wouldnt do it or my kids but if there is some out there, they're not doing me or anyone else any harm.
My sons 9 and would most likely love a players shirt.But I’m not not bringing him up an entitled little brat, so no sign begging from us.

Years back you could buy it from the club shop pre signed..

Dunno if they still do it..

I've a signed England shirt at the top of my staircase, Beckham, Gerrard, lampard, Rooney it's a beauty.. From svens time..

Won fuck all.. But it's a great shirt..

I have a black and white signed shirt with all the squad on it, drumroll.. Including hai hao dong..

Bet the nipper doesn't want that one..
I blame the parents. And society.

Does this happen in the women's game too, asking for a friend.

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