Drunken coked up old Blades "wanting it".

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Get to fuck!
Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
Can't remember the name of the pub, but stuck at a junction near Wembley, and these relics of the past giving pure grief to every city fan that passed by.
Getting in faces of shirters with kids. About half a dozen of them. bouncing about like a stand full of pigs.
I'm 55 and look baby faced in comparison. Absolute fucking cringe.
I hope they eventually got their jaws swiped.

Can't remember the name of the pub, but stuck at a junction near Wembley, and these relics of the past giving pure grief to every city fan that passed by.
Getting in faces of shirters with kids. About half a dozen of them. bouncing about like a stand full of pigs.
I'm 55 and look baby faced in comparison. Absolute fucking cringe.
I hope they eventually got their jaws swiped.
Seemed to me like half our fans fitted that description.
Seemed to me like half our fans fitted that description.
i didn't see anything else, but we were very late geiing there and went straight in the ground, and straight back to the car after.
We were getting grief from some short arse drunken old blade in The Green Man. We were minding our own business and this cunt kept saying to the four of us, "you're not real blades" and then to me (I'm 52), "how long have you been a blade" so I said "all my life, though obviously not as long as you".... then he started going on about had we seen Eddie Colquhoun play, "no mate, I'm not old enough", "ah well you're not real blades". He was getting quite worked up and even punched a nearby van. At this point, the lads he was with who I think was his son was trying to calm him down and even said "don't do this again". Embarrassing. He was clearly smashed and doubt he'll remember much about the day. There's no fool like an old fool.
i didn't see anything else, but we were very late geiing there and went straight in the ground, and straight back to the car after.
The majority that I had the unfortunate experience of exiting the stadium with were either absolutely hammered or shoving Columbian marching powder up their snozzes walking (sic) down the staircase. Absolute pondlife.
Sad innit that some of these idiots haven’t grown up and life has passed them by. Still defined by who they are on matchdays. Probably used to think they were respected cuz they could windmill a bit back in the day. Now they just look like sad old men attempting to be relevant.

Sorry to anyone who had to deal with one of those retards today!
Fat bastard on the way back to the coaches looking for a scrap. Couldn't get a bite so he nicked a scarf from one child in a City shirt and threw horseshit (with his bare hands) at another. Then tried to throw more horse shit up from the road to the stadium level.
Sad innit that some of these idiots haven’t grown up and life has passed them by. Still defined by who they are on matchdays. Probably used to think they were respected cuz they could windmill a bit back in the day. Now they just look like sad old men attempting to be relevant.

Sorry to anyone who had to deal with one of those retards today!
Tbh i've nothing against like minded people having a ruck if they wish to do so. but don't pick on people who are very obviously not of that breed.
it's utterly cowardly, and i've no doubt a few kids days were ruined today by these throw backs.
Fat bastard on the way back to the coaches looking for a scrap. Couldn't get a bite so he nicked a scarf from one child in a City shirt and threw horseshit (with his bare hands) at another. Then tried to throw more horse shit up from the road to the stadium level.
Sounds like a surprise he didn't try eating it
Hello Stegosaurus,

Pretty embarassing. i am guessing they only peacocked to who they thought were easy targets, and would be as quiet as lambs if some brutes went walking by.

I have a mental image of a group of blokes -- fat, bald, red-faced, ugly. Some wearing too tight Blades shirts over their bulging bellies, shit tattoos covering their arms. Probably used to be pretty hard back in the day, but now the only person they can beat up is their wife when she "cheeks them off" AKA tuts at their embarassing behavior.

Have absolutely nothing go on in their lives and have achieved absoliutely nothing other than being a bit hard "back in the day" Desperate to relive the "glory days" and are desperate to be respected by the younger lads in their Stone Island jackets at the pub. The type of person who gets a cheap flight to a Spanish island, gets pissed up at 'Spoons before the flight and spends the entire three hours drunkenly harassing the air hostess.

Can't remember the name of the pub, but stuck at a junction near Wembley, and these relics of the past giving pure grief to every city fan that passed by.
Getting in faces of shirters with kids. About half a dozen of them. bouncing about like a stand full of pigs.
I'm 55 and look baby faced in comparison. Absolute fucking cringe.
I hope they eventually got their jaws swiped.
The shit u post is cringe, your social media must be driven by likes honestly grow the fuck up an don't reply with get to fuck!!! Boring
The shit u post is cringe, your social media must be driven by likes honestly grow the fuck up an don't reply with get to fuck!!! Boring
People who hate your posts, but don't put you on ignore because....... i've no idea.
As for social media, i guess thats twitter, instagram etc. I don't have those. So.... GET TO FUCK. :)
Tbh i've nothing against like minded people having a ruck if they wish to do so. but don't pick on people who are very obviously not of that breed.
it's utterly cowardly, and i've no doubt a few kids days were ruined today by these throw backs.
Nah fuck that packed that game in when it started to hurt
1978 down west bar steps 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It was peaceful in that respect on Block 126.

Which was quite a relief after the carnage that went on around me during the Hull semi.

I only went because I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with a cousin and his family in London, that I'd not seen since the last family funeral many years ago
We were getting grief from some short arse drunken old blade in The Green Man. We were minding our own business and this cunt kept saying to the four of us, "you're not real blades" and then to me (I'm 52), "how long have you been a blade" so I said "all my life, though obviously not as long as you".... then he started going on about had we seen Eddie Colquhoun play, "no mate, I'm not old enough", "ah well you're not real blades". He was getting quite worked up and even punched a nearby van. At this point, the lads he was with who I think was his son was trying to calm him down and even said "don't do this again". Embarrassing. He was clearly smashed and doubt he'll remember much about the day. There's no fool like an old fool.
He had a go at my mate’s lad who’s 22. He was born up north but grew up in the south so has a southern accent. He was having a proper go at him until the lad pulled his sleeve up and showed him his United tattoo. What a cockend or is that coke-end? Quite surprised someone didn’t deck him to be honest
Wasn't going to say anything, but if we're in the trust tree... We were sat near one of the 'youtubers' who occasionally vlogs and he didn't stop F'ing C'ing all game. Which is personally doesn't offend me but he was sat behind a family with a young kid and next to a couple of kids who were a bit older but still.

But seeing a grown man call Grealish a 'fucking cunt' at the top of his voice every time he touched the ball and then hurling abuse at City players for 90mins...

Just enjoy the game! We've been travelling all day! Breathe in the occasion, cherish the moment. Nah, they're all fucking cunts... Apparently.

Assumption is, there's a lot of angry men out there who either need a hug or a real good kicking. Maybe both...
Must admit when I saw the 4:45 KO, combined with previous experiences, I thought twice about taking my daughter (6). Certainly not calling the above accounts into question, but thankfully saw nothing of the sort. Special mention to the lad in front, who'd clearly enjoyed his fair share of ale, for passing my daughter any balloon that landed near him and thus keeping her entertained for the nearly all of the first half.
Must admit when I saw the 4:45 KO, combined with previous experiences, I thought twice about taking my daughter (6). Certainly not calling the above accounts into question, but thankfully saw nothing of the sort. Special mention to the lad in front, who'd clearly enjoyed his fair share of ale, for passing my daughter any balloon that landed near him and thus keeping her entertained for the nearly all of the first half.
95% of people are capable of being drunk and not ruining other people's day thankfully
I found the Grealish booing petty and a bit hilarious
I can only assume they haven't seen the video of him helping the kid with cerebral palsy... Certainly not the actions of a "fucking cunt" and definitely doesn't warrant "Baldock snap the cunt in two" ...

Honestly, what kind of trauma did these guys suffer to have so much bile stored up???
He had a go at my mate’s lad who’s 22. He was born up north but grew up in the south so has a southern accent. He was having a proper go at him until the lad pulled his sleeve up and showed him his United tattoo. What a cockend or is that coke-end? Quite surprised someone didn’t deck him to be honest
It was very nearly me, but I didn't want to ruin my day when it had only just started.
The guy couldn't even look straight ahead and must have been in his 60's so there wouldn't have been any kudos in laying him out.

We were getting grief from some short arse drunken old blade in The Green Man. We were minding our own business and this cunt kept saying to the four of us, "you're not real blades" and then to me (I'm 52), "how long have you been a blade" so I said "all my life, though obviously not as long as you".... then he started going on about had we seen Eddie Colquhoun play, "no mate, I'm not old enough", "ah well you're not real blades". He was getting quite worked up and even punched a nearby van. At this point, the lads he was with who I think was his son was trying to calm him down and even said "don't do this again". Embarrassing. He was clearly smashed and doubt he'll remember much about the day. There's no fool like an old fool.
The sad thing is that I bet in all these instances the common denominator is alcohol (too much) or exotic substances.

I don't drink, but certainly got nothing against people wanting a few drinks, but it feels like these days people can't enjoy anything without being off their heads on something.

I used to drink, and if you've had "that" much do you even enjoy an event at that point?

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