Brewster and McBurnie Charged

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Good point. The article doesn’t say 😂

It implies the police though by mentioning the voluntary interviews. Really bad precedent to be setting unless of course there is also a string of charges against pitch invaders too. I am sure the PFA will have something to say about it.
In relation to the two here charged doesn’t mean convicted of course so it will be for the courts to decide but seriously the decision to charge them and not do anything, if that is what happens, about the hundreds running on the pitch is at the very least bizarre.

Was the so called assults before or after Billy got Head butted ?
After which makes it all the more stupid commen sense is gonna dictate that brewster and mcburnie are gonna be abit jumpy/keen to defend themselves and their teammates after they've just seen someone split Sharps head open
So, a few footballers, surrounded by 100's/1,000's of rowdy fans (including one who injured Billy Sharp) and they get no protection from Stewards or Police, and are expected to just stand there and be attacked?

I'm afraid to say the CPS are a fucking joke.
Spot on.
Incredible decision, especially when contrasted with the decision to not take any action against Viera.
If they've done nothing wrong there's nothing to worry about, hopefully it will show one way or the other what went on.
I suppose we ought to wait for more facts but if it is criminally charged, then I can see Notts constabulary being cunts about it for a few reasons.

I'm just amazed the CPS have gone along with it.

If this is the case I can see a lot of people within football speaking out in support of them both.
Charged by the police according to the press report I read
Must be thoroughly deserved because Simon Jordan said his reporter mate said it was all their own doing because they were saying things back to the crowd 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
What about the entire Forest fanbase that came on the pitch which is technically a criminal offense?

Mind you idiot Forest fans think they are as both as bad as the guy who headbutted Billy!

On the face of it, I'd say its fair fucks to OM and RB. Not watched any footage other than some dipsticks iPhone clip saying 'he's kicked him' or some nonsense though to be honest.

I am not a fighter but if 1000 emotionally fired up people piled into my office I would feel pretty intimidated and be on super high alert to defend myself. I think 1000s of people breaking the law in the environment as it was at the city ground has to be mitigating circumstances. Assuming nothing more sinister, I hope they defend it and win to be honest with you.

I know what you are saying about legal action against forest but by that rationale, could network rail sue a football club, could wetherspoon etc etc?

When you see Viera clear as day kick a fan and no charges are brought … then you see the grainy McB video on which you can’t tell one way or the other if he stamped and they are charged … WTF?

You can see Brewster pull the kid down but what was he supposed to do leave the kid in Bogles face?

This is wrong on every level , who was where they shouldn’t have been?
Presumably this means anyone can walk into the EFL and start knocking the staff around safe in the knowledge they aren't allowed the basic right to self- defend?

The issue here is whether it was indeed self defence

As part of self defence- as a defence in court, you can also put in a preemptive strike . Had Billy seen that idiot running at him lowering his head he could have hit him and would have been preemptive self defence - Viera would have used that, he feared for his safety with a bloke in his face giving it some so he kicked out before he was assaulted

The issue here maybe that they have viewed , or have additional footage that shows McB standing on a yoof on the ground - no lawyer in the world can try to sell self defence on that one

Mitigation around fans on pitch, taunting players etc
But if the case against is in isolation did McB stand on someone who was on the ground, then with his previous it’s gonna be worry
This is unbelievable when you are attacked is
It not automatic that you try to Defend yourself and make sure the assailant cannot continue the attack.

Nottingham Forest football club are at fault here for failing to provide a safe working environment
Regardless of the merits or not of the case (Which I think if there is any justice be an open and shut not guilty) all stuff like this does is encourage an environment where people think it is okay to invade the pitch and get in players face (and in some cases assault them). Hecky is right if the authorities don't get a grip on this soon, at some point something dreadful will happen to a player on the pitch; it could have been Sharp if he had fallen wrong after that headbutt. Unless they send a clear signal with big punishments to fans and clubs for pitch invasion im afraid we are coming closer and closer to a player receiving life threatening injuries or being killed on the pitch by fans, this is the end point of the wave of violence we have seen since the lockdowns.

Rather than taking the easy option of going after high profile young players the police and authorities should be taking the hard/tough decisions that will mean incidents like this won't happen again.
Not sure buddy, just sharing the pst I saw on Twitter.
Yeah, no bother. Just wasn't obvious from the tweet whether it was an EFL or police charge and if so what they'd been charged with.
I know people will say that no-one will give a toss because it's us, but I'll be really surprised if various groups representing players and clubs don't have a lot to say about this.

Even with a not guilty verdict, the fact players can be criminally charged in these circumstances should set alarm bells ringing.

Anyone know what came of the Port Vale incidents BTW? Clear footage of Vale fans and Swindon players trading.
I'm not one to call for sanctions but if this doesn't provide the rationale to ban Forest fans from Bramall Lane, I don't know what does.

They were inadvertently rewarded for good behaviour with a plan B seating plan for the home playoff leg, which didn't achieve its purpose anyway.

That's already 2 instances of disorder before you consider the events after the second leg finished.

There will likely be a poor relationship between the clubs now and I don't see how banning away fans for safety reasons would make it worse. I'd suggest 5 years or 5 Forest visits, whichever is longer, then reviewed with a possibility of a significantly reduced allocation.

Note the statement from Stevens that the police were stood around doing nothing. Smacks of arse covering going on here. Players and coaching staff attacked. Assailants not charged yet those defending themselves are. Too easy for the CPS to pick out high profile football players.

EFL and FA completely silent on action to be taken against Florist FC for the cowardly assault on Sharp. Only mutterings of if it happens again we'll do something. PFA need to be all over this and insist sanctions are taken against Clubs now if players are prevented from defending themselves.

The whole football world and media applauded celebrity footballer Patrick Viera for carrying out an assault on an Everton fan. Yet little ole SUFC will not get a tenth of the coverage or support for our players.
I'm not one to call for sanctions but if this doesn't provide the rationale to ban Forest fans from Bramall Lane, I don't know what does.

They were inadvertently rewarded for good behaviour with a plan B seating plan for the home playoff leg, which didn't achieve its purpose anyway.

That's already 2 instances of disorder before you consider the events after the second leg finished.

There will likely be a poor relationship between the clubs now and I don't see how banning away fans for safety reasons would make it worse. I'd suggest 5 years or 5 Forest visits, whichever is longer, then reviewed with a possibility of a significantly reduced allocation.

Wouldn't want to see it but I think it's a reasonable suggestion.

If we draw them in the Cup next season or are in the same league the one after, it will be a right kick off.
A part of any Police, CPS or EFL assessment/decision to charge may hinge on what Rhian & McBurnie (and indeed Sharp) were doing there, on the pitch/sidelines themselves. After all, none of them were "footballers" that night, they weren't playing.

I was amazed at how many non-participants were just hanging around, not on the bench, there wasn't enough room, just hanging around. The defence could get a bit tricky if the legal process goes deep.

(Remember, Viera was directly involved in the game being played, and had to cross the pitch to get to the dressing room)
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