Is anyone else concerned

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Sep 5, 2018
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By the clubs seemingly rigid wage structure? I fully appreciate the "no Billy big balls" view, but we are sitting 7th in the prem. If teams in 1st to 6th are paying their players twice as much then as much as it pains me to say it then our lads deserve the same. I'm worried that we will end up losing some of our key players eventually.

I’d be more concerned if we were chucking it round like Villa tbh.

we’re building something special. Improving with time not looking for some instant miracle. Although Sir Chris was almost an instant miracle.

im 100% sure our wage structure will be raised once the management team have finished their plans for the future and I’d wager it’ll start by rewarding those already here with new contracts
By the clubs seemingly rigid wage structure? I fully appreciate the "no Billy big balls" view, but we are sitting 7th in the prem. If teams in 1st to 6th are paying their players twice as much then as much as it pains me to say it then our lads deserve the same. I'm worried that we will end up losing some of our key players eventually.

We've only been in the division half a season - what makes you think the "wage structure" is "rigid"?
I’d be more concerned if we were chucking it round like Villa tbh.

we’re building something special. Improving with time not looking for some instant miracle. Although Sir Chris was almost an instant miracle.

im 100% sure our wage structure will be raised once the management team have finished their plans for the future and I’d wager it’ll start by rewarding those already here with new contracts
Agreed. Fleck, Stevens etc all deserve a rise.
I am not concerned as yet as I would hope there is a plan behind it. As we become established and income sustained then salaries move. Villa have thrown it around but will be under huge pressure if relegated and Norwich salaries are the legacy of the prior years as they signed nobody. Right now I think we can only trust the club. Wilder was sorted properly and I’m sure the others will be.
Looking at it logically: As such we have no individual, recognised world class players,(maybe Hendo, but he's a Man Utd player and on their wage structure) our strength is as a team led by a world class management team. Most of our players consequently enjoy their success because of that very fact. Yes they are very good players, but our success is about the team. I can see no reason to break that wage structure, they were all happy to sign their contracts, which lets be fair, are amazing amounts per week compared to us ordinary folk. If any player believes that they are better than the team, then it is certainly time for them to look somewhere else. There are lots of good players ready to step into their boots.
So we have had half a season in the Premier League and people want us to splash millions out on wages? Get real these players already get more than most people can dream of and up to now haven't achieved anything, come back when we are established in the top division not after the first 6 months. We want to build steadily on firm foundations not the fulham or Villa way where it can all collapse like a pack of cards in a breeze.
Burnley don’t pay the highest wages they hold on to some of their best players I’m pretty sure Bournemouth don’t either, there will always be a club tempting players with higher wages but the trade is will they get first team football? Danny Drinkwater is a perfect example he will only be remembered for a near fatal fight in a nightclub and not his PL medal because he can’t get long lasting first team football so has no legacy, our Billy took a pay cut to come home he can walk around this city until his legs pack in and be thought of like a God and he and his family will reap those rewards.
By the clubs seemingly rigid wage structure? I fully appreciate the "no Billy big balls" view, but we are sitting 7th in the prem. If teams in 1st to 6th are paying their players twice as much then as much as it pains me to say it then our lads deserve the same. I'm worried that we will end up losing some of our key players eventually.

Its exactly the same situation as with Wilder.
What ever wage structure we set makes no half clubs can easily double or treble it.

We will offer a big salary with plenty of perks and job satisfaction.
If players are mainly only bothered about money then they’ve failed the Wilder test and will be gone.

We can’t lose really......Wilder knows there’s plenty of fish in the sea.
Wilder hinter in his latest interview that if players delay their contracts then we’ll look at other options and we’ll withdraw the offer.
The Mark Duffy situation proves what can happen when player agents play hardball.
1st year in the PL, I see no evidence of a rigid structure. I see a carefully managed plan of expansion and growth dependent on staying in the PL. We are also at levels where relegation would not cripple the club. Better this slow, steady progress than just spunkin muneh up't wall on ridiculous contracts

....for details on how that works out, about 4 miles that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The wage structure has got us where we are without busting the bank. It will go up again in the summer, and assuming we stay at this level, again the year after that. But it will never go so far as to make a future relegation disastrous, not while CW is at the helm anyway.
A .lot of our players would not be premier leauge standard anywhere else , and probably gratful for what they have , only Jags has the pedigree , Wilder/Knill may just be the main reason for our success,

Keep saying it but I’ll bet we won’t receive a big transfer offer for any of our players.
Many were lower league players who have had 6 months doing well at PL level.
They’ve not achieved anything at PL level and haven’t established themselves yet.
It’s far to early to be offering them average PL wages...the logic is to keep offering incremental pay rises based on performance.

Wilder knows this.....he’ll stand firm and if the players are wavering about signing new contracts then he’ll look for replacements.

The beauty with Wilders system is that its a team.....we don’t rely on a single individual and every player is dispensable.
Our players are cogs in a machine...if anyone doesn’t want to be part of that....they can leave
but I wouldn’t be surprised if their careers stall at other clubs....then they go down to Championship level.

Its a bit weak on Wilders behalf to turn a postmatch interview of a Arsenal draw to a contracts discussion. It only adds fuel to the parasite agents and PL managers to distract our journeymens mindset to envy the likes of £350k a week for crap like Ozil - 10 times most of our guys.
Echoing some of the comments above
No I am not overly concerned
In fact I’m quite happy
In all honesty when we were stuck those six years in league seeing our players Moving for what seems like peanuts at the time I would have moments where I would think fuck it let’s just get some big investment and buy ourselves out of this quagmire
Fuck the consequences are lots of other clubs seem to be thriving I going down this route
Luckily the blades didn’t act in that way
You know in all honesty I suspect that some of the shit press we have been getting and lack of respect that is sometimes shown is not just about the fact that we are in unglamorous club in their eyes
I think it’s because we are bucking the trend and not conforming to what the money and media moguls Expect of their business machine
As has been mentioned before many times football is going to go pop in if we’re not careful
And some clubs are going to go under
Well of course Chris and Alan want us to progress, all us fans want us to progress
We may or may not be challenging for a Europe position this year, or next year or the year after
But this is Wilder’s world now
If we are going to get to that position we will get there in a different way to the established routes
And that will be a good thing for football in my opinion
We’re not going to be held ransom by agents
Or players demanding more than they’re worth just because they can get it elsewhere
Yes we have to give people just increases commensurate with the work that they’re doing
But no I don’t see us Chasing those big-money signings and giving people ridiculous contracts anymore
We aren’t going to buy into that
And I hope in the future more clubs follow our example and slowdown this bloated money machine
Look at that video on the earlier thread with troopz
The Arsenal dude
Money thrown all over the place and yet its the Youngbloods That actually seem to give a shit about the shirt they are wearing
McBurnie is apparently on £30k a week which I think is about right for the first team. Maybe Fleck is worth a bit more, say £35k a week but I don’t think anyone else is worth more bar Hendo. I’d hope we could push the boat out a bit to get a bit of class in though, maybe 50k a week tops.
Its a bit weak on Wilders behalf to turn a postmatch interview of a Arsenal draw to a contracts discussion. It only adds fuel to the parasite agents and PL managers to distract our journeymens mindset to envy the likes of £350k a week for crap like Ozil - 10 times most of our guys.
Pretty sure Giddings brought the subject up. Wilder just repeating what he's already said in the past.
I'd expect us to keep the same 'structure' for at least another couple of years.

But why not longer? Why should the 'stars' earn a fortune compared to other players in the same team. They all do the same job for the team, whether that be defending, or attacking. Yes that philosophy will only get you so far, but it's served us well thus far hasn't it?

Start handing out huge contracts, without a reduced percentage upon relegation could cripple the club if we were to go down at some point. Look what's happened to other teams over the years chasing the PL dream only to crash and burn financially.

As others have said, you only need to look across to the other side of the city to see what handing out huge contracts does for the team.
I’d be more concerned if we were chucking it round like Villa tbh.

we’re building something special. Improving with time not looking for some instant miracle. Although Sir Chris was almost an instant miracle.

im 100% sure our wage structure will be raised once the management team have finished their plans for the future and I’d wager it’ll start by rewarding those already here with new contracts
It's an ongoing process but saying top 6 are on twice as much is an understatement most will be on 3 or even 4 times as much as our squad.No way can we compete with top dogs for wages.
We can compete on the pitch though ! which we are doing.
No not at all. At the start of the season it would have been folly to up everyone's wages on the assumption we would stay in the division, now half way through it looks like we will, but it is still too early to mess with the wage structure. That will happen organically as & when we progress, if we stay in the top ten until the end of the season then the same players will deserve more than if we drop to just above the relegation zone, it will also mean that we are looking a much better prospect when it comes to attracting new players, but we will not allow ourselves to be held to random & possible unrest by breaking our wage structure, which I am sure will be fair.
It does concern me that we’re liable to lose players we can’t easily replace, but that always comes with success.

But I’m not concerned that we’re about to do a Stoke and get relegated by buying complacent stars who are on the decline. The management don’t operate that way, and fans need to accept it too.

As an example of the dangers in buying proven names, I watched an interview with Jamie Redknapp yesterday talking about his decline and move from Liverpool to Spurs. He said Spurs were still a “top club” and you have to try when playing for them. It was a throwaway comment but hugely revealing in the tacit admission of how players like him view the smaller clubs.

We need to continue to buy players on the rise rather than be seduced by famous names. And that’s not only for the sake of financial prudence.
Maybe the teams above us are paying their 'stars' more than they are worth, and Wilder has got the SUFC wage structure about right.

Normally Wilder uses the wage structure to test a player character and motivation.
The number of times he says “player X had offers to join other clubs offering more money but he’s likes what we’re offering and our ambitions“

His approach seems to be.

You’re currently on £10K a week...join us and you’ll be on £20K a week.
Appreciate you can get £30K a week at Everton but we’ve studied your game and have big plans for you.
We genuinely feel that your game will improve massively which could get you international football.
Also we are an ambitious club that wants European Football and all salaries will increase in line with results.

Wilder doesn’t like mercenary type if they reject a fair offer...then they’ve failed the test and can leave.

Mercenary players are the big managerial test for Wilder because you don’t tend to experience them in the lower divisions.
Whereas at PL level the main motivation for many seems to be all about “money”....maybe Wilder will need to change his thinking.
Remembering that unless HRH raises £45-£50m from outside of the club's income, the repurchase of BL etc will come out of the budget.

There we have it folks. Any talk of paying the same as ‘Top 6’ sides is flotsam.
Our players do deserve the same as the club's around us, but they're not stupid. They know full well we can't get close to matching that. It's in their interests to keep doing what they're doing, help establish Sheffield United at the top end of the table and the money will come

Not at the minute I’m not as everyone is well contracted - Lunny aside.

But I do think we’ll have to start handing out improved contracts in the summer to our consistent and key performers, which at the moment is the back line and Fleck. The new signings will be on better money and none have justified a rise. That uplift would be to between £30k-£40k.

Whilst it’s ok to keep the structure we can’t really be pricing players at £40m/£50m and keeping them on £15k pw. The two figures have to meet somewhere in the middle.

PS. I have no idea of anyone’s wage but the above is just a for example

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