CONFIRMED Slaviša Jokanović

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If u were in Quatar earning a fortune u probably wouldnt bother applying. We will have to approach him...he will have earned a fortune out there and might be on for a hat trick of promotions to the premiership.

He might want to prove Fulham wrong in sacking him after he got them there too....think of him as the managerial equivalent of Norwood...which means us sacking him after our first season back in the top league 😀
If Jokanovic is available and wants to come then it is a no brainer. He is head and shoulders above anything else realistic out there.

If were to get him then we have fallen on our feet.

It'd be like getting dumped by Miss World but then picking up Miss South America on the drunken night out.
He’d be a decent appointment but interested doesn’t mean he’s desperate to come I’d imagine he’ll have stipulations for taking the job if asked and the club might not be willing to acquiesce to them.
This is where we find out how much money the owner has to throw at it.

We’ll get to see how serious he is about getting us back up

Might have to pawn a few of these football clubs he keeps buying

This would be a great move, he has that sort of character we’ll need in someone to have following Wilder.
This is spot on, and when I look at potential candidates this is the first attribute I think of. Thats why people like John Terry and Lamaprd are in a better position than a Howe or Cooper.
Can he do it on a tuppence h’appeny budget? 😉

Massive rebuild needed if we jump to Jokanovic. I’d get him in now if he’s free, but can’t see us having anywhere near the budget he would want and need.
He had a lot of quality and more than a decent budget at his disposal at the Cottage. A lot less will be available at BDTBL.

Personally if it gets as far as an interview with him I think he would laugh his bollocks off at us...

Blades board/PA: "So for next season we're wanting to keep spending to an absolute minimum really, we're hoping to only make around 4 or 5 quality loan signings despite receiving our first parachute payment as these have already been accounted for and borrowed against."

SJ: "Right... err...OK..."

He walks out of the interview room and that is that.
Hopefully this is not the board putting out 'smoke and mirrors' so that if we do end up with someone shite they could make excuses like "well we did try to get (...) but it wasn't possible so Karl Robinson is our man"...
think it might just be the time to bring somebody like him in its all gone a bit stale but yeah have to be a big rebuild guess we will find out just how much the prince wants us back in the premier league if we go ahead with this appointment
So long as we get someone in that is capable (preferably managed at this level before) and we stay away from the generic dinosaur managers i'm not arsed who it is. I wouldn't object to Slav, he has a pretty decent record.
Can't see this happening.

PA is going to want somebody who is grateful for the job rather than somebody who will want money to spend and may need some persuasion.
This is where we find out how much money the owner has to throw at it.

We’ll get to see how serious he is about getting us back up

Might have to pawn a few of these football clubs he keeps buying
No it isnt
Fulham fan friend: "We love Slav. He is brilliant if you can afford him." It was looking good until the last bit ;)

Can't see this happening.

PA is going to want somebody who is grateful for the job rather than somebody who will want money to spend and may need some persuasion.

What makes you think that?

If anything I would suggest the complete opposite, PA knows he has lost a lot of faith with fans by sacking Wilder, (well with the gobshites on social media who keep telling him he is a cunt anyway) and will know he has got to come up with a manager to restore faith, belief and more importantly get as many of the 25K season ticket holders returning. Jokanovic would do that, a very exciting appointment indeed.....if his agent has put the feelers out that he would be interested we should do all we can to get him in.

My previous preference was Howe but if there is the slightest whiff that we could get Jokanovic that blows everything else out of the water for me.

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