Ndiaye, another post.

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Maurice Maurice

Active Member
Nov 17, 2021
Reaction score
Another fabulous bit of skill for his goal today. Balance, quickness of thought and technical ability ghosted him past the keeper. Quality goal from a quality player etc.

The thing I'm posting about though, is the way he plays the game. He's a marked man who gets kicked, shoved, dragged all over the shop but he stays on his feet. One of the most honest players I've seen in my many years of watching the game, and in today's game that's refreshing to say the least. Watching Everton vs Fulham right now and watching how easy they fall down, I do wonder if he signed for a Premiership team, the first thing they'd drill into him is falling down with contact, or without in quite a few cases. I'm pretty sure his argument would be that if he stays on his feet he can beat players easily, but the Premiership game seems to be more geared up to rolling about and getting free kicks. I'd hate to see him start playing that way, and hopefully he can keep playing the way he is because in a sea of cheating, diving dog shittery, he's an island of hope.

What makes him stand out, for me, is the fact that alongside his undoubted talent he absolutely works his bollocks off for the team too. There are a number of players in the Premier League, and in the other top leagues across Europe, that can match him for skill, pace, trickery and goals, but how many of them track back to their own area to win the ball back? Not many. The boy’s got the lot, and he’s still a baby. I hope we get to see him in the red and white stripes next season in the prem before he gets his big move.

Was going to start a thread but there is this already.

I think some sometimes go over the top with him, we don't yet know how far he will go but he has all the attributes to have a great career.

I genuinely think that one of his best attributes is his grounded-ness. I have no chip on my shoulder but he is amongst the best in this division despite the lack of recognition in the EFL awards.

I've never seen a player quite like him either, it's the such low centre of gravity quick brain and feet and the desire to work hard and put the effort in.
Hecky must love working with him. As must the players. He is a forward more than happy to track back and get stuck in.

I really hope we secure promotion and thus are able to negotiate a new deal for him. Given his trajectory that may mean only another 12 months of him at our club, but you never know it could end up more. But none the less be great to see more of him and in the league above.

We will talk about this lad in years to come I'm sure.
His goal today was so so classy, lightning pace, skill at pace, balance and then smash it home.

What a joy to witness quality of this level.

Definitely sits at the table with Currie/ Woodward and Sabella that's not many in the last 50 years.

He has literally carried this team to this point - utterly fantastic.
It takes a rare specimen to ride the contact as well as he does while keeping complete control of the ball. Can barely think of any comparisons, even at the very top level
Great point and it mirrors the thoughts of the OP. Prem players don’t ride with the tackles because they are too busy rolling around at the slightest contact, conning refs and getting fellow professionals booked. It’s a sad state of affairs.
I can honestly see him playing for a top European Club, Inter Milan, Borussia Dortmund, Seville he’s that good. I love watching a player with great balance, he’s got that low centre of gravity as well, magical close control, opposing players don’t know what to do with him. If we do go up it would be nice to see him for one season at least with us in the Premier League. I wouldn’t begrudge him one bit playing for a top side, the effort he gives as well to the team is second to none.
If he runs his contract down and fucks us off for a free transfer, wonder what we'll all think of him then.
If he runs his contract down and fucks us off for a free transfer, wonder what we'll all think of him then.
So what. If we don't tie him down to a contact that's our problem, we've had plenty of opportunity to do so. The boy deserves to play at the highest level, I can't see many Unitedites begrudging that.

So what. If we don't tie him down to a contact that's our problem, we've had plenty of opportunity to do so. The boy deserves to play at the highest level, I can't see many Unitedites begrudging that.
Yeah it is our problem, there would be nothing we could do about it and he would be contractually able to do whatever he wants to do. Would still be a bit shit though, I'd hope for at least a little gratitude from him. And by gratitude I mean a decision that allows us to either keep him for a year or get at least £15m for him.

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