Roy's View From... Pre-Match View From Burnley

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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Thanks Roy.

I think we are starting to see more & more the difficulty teams like us face when gaining promotion to the Premier League. Because of the size of transfer fees for players deemed good enough the gap between promoted clubs & established Premier League teams is huge, & it is only going to get worse. Burnley spent what, £140m, yet are no better than us & fans want Kompany out.

It is very depressing, we can't even enjoy games, just worry about how many we will ship this week.
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Cheers Roy.
Got to win, there's nothing left to say, if we lose Hecky has to go.
Sharp has asked to train at the club, and thats the very least we should do for him!, he will lift everyone just being there, I really don't understand what is happening with our club, apart from, it looks like the ponce and Bettis are trying to run us into the ground!?

Cheers Panchero!
If they think we’re going to bully them, I can only think they’ve either not seen us at all, or they’ve been watching the 1989/90 season video by mistake.

Not sure if "Bully" is the right word, but if we start with Robbo (we will) and Oli McB (we hope) Burnley will get roughed up a bit and know they have been in a game.

Not sure Sander will want to end up in a one-on-one situation with JLT, knowing him as he does, as an ex-team mate..........
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Written entirely by members of this forum ? Sounds like both clubs should pack up and go shopping tomorrow !

I'm honestly considering pretending the match is postponed and putting up the xmas decorations etc on Saturday. Will be horrible to watch us lose tepidly to Burnley.

Come on you Blades....
We’ve have got bully these from the off let’s set up like we are the home side.
On Saturday, football will be the loser for allowing this event to go ahead. We are 20th in almost every statistical category. Burnley are 19th. Remove Koleosho from their team and they are almost as bad as United. Their ability to be defending a lot but down the bottom in tackling statistics is almost as wild as how far United are behind the rest of the league, and Europe in carrying the ball towards goal

At least it's not on Sky. We cam all say it was a brilliant game and nobody will know otherwise
Some very reasonable comments there. I concur that it's likely to be the promoted three going down, and that we could do with at least 2 of last years relegated 3 swapping places with us.

I don't think we're well placed mind for next season by any means, but the weaker the division the better.
Cheers roy, seems berge divides them as much as he did us, i can see both teams loosing this one and as for us bullying them i cant see anyone in our team bullying anyone
Normally the last comment is taken from a deep cover Pigs poster, not here

"Bit of a pub side, Sheff United. They’ll try and rough us up a wee bit because they are not very good.
The points they acquired recently were from a dodgy last minute pen and, somehow, surviving a fearful battering at Brighton.
We should play slick, attacking football with the side that started v WHU if possible and hope officials do their fricking job.”

Anybody looking for the customary pig quote it's here...

"fricking" is the give away...

Cheers Roy, Do I win £5 in classic Viz style.

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