Is something cooking again?

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Once a Blade, always a daft ****
Jan 10, 2010
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God's country ...... Rovrum!
For those who may not have seen it on BM and who may be interested (although we've seen it all before), one or two saying that something's going down (apart from relegation) regards investment again.

No mention of rich oil sheiks, or anything like that, or that it will happen to stop the slide this season, but they are adamant it's on the cards and there will be something in place for next season

God, it's beginning to read like the Wendy investment saga isn't it?

It's a long thread!!! :)

The ITK'ers desperate need to be loved is going to get them into trouble.

If it turns into a Wednesdayesq investment saga the posters only have themselves to blame for building up expectancies.
As the club aren't saying anything I would suggest that is because they don't want it discussed yet either that or there is nothing to be discussed.

Eitherway you'll be left to speculation until the summer.
Still the extra money will come in handy in League 1, shame we've got Adams to spend it on more non-footballers.
Indeed there is something cooking.

Stuck a nice shoulder of lamb in at a really low temp. at 8:30 this morning (nice sprigs of rosemary and a few cloves of garlic), covered in foil and will be falling off the bone at around 3pm. A few "greek style" spuds (cooked slowly in olive oil and lemon) will be going on around 12 (step daughters memory permitting) and the whole lot will be ready for when I finish work.
The club aren't saying anything so for me it doesn't exist until they do.

Player rumours are one thing, but I don't have any interest in investment rumours.
Time to put the spuds in, better give her a call Greeshie.
i use a slow cooker, same lamb shoulder joint but I add cumin and coriander. I let it cool overnight then pick off and throw away the white fat on top of the gravy Heat the rest up and enjoy with a baked tatie (which we used to call roasters).
i use a slow cooker, same lamb shoulder joint but I add cumin and coriander. I let it cool overnight then pick off and throw away the white fat on top of the gravy Heat the rest up and enjoy with a baked tatie (which we used to call roasters).

Isn't that what we used to call dripping? And you throw it away???

Eee tha' must 'ev bags er money!

Ah. Fray Bentos again then.

A few years ago, I had a Spanish friend over (in the UK) for a couple of months. One evening he came back steamed and headed into the kitchen to rustle up some food. After a while, and some odd noises coming from in there, he called me in for help. He needed an explanation about what was happening to the Fray Bentos pie he'd put into the microwave. Unopened.

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