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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2007
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Not been tonight, had to work instead, but had the pleasure of catching being able to follow bits of the second half on the way home, and had arrived in to Sheffield at half past 9. Bumped in to LS26BLADE s brother John. Asked him what had gone wrong and he said "Brownie, it was shocking, i left at half time", and had another quick conversation with an old Blade walking through the station and asked him if we was a bad as the scoreline sounded and he said, what i had been saying all season along with countless others, and that was we wasn't good enough.

The first thing we need to look at is the manager. Nigel Adkins for the poor start he has got off to has got a pedigree and given time he could be the man to take us out of this division. First up we need to accept that we aren't getting out this division this season, so we need to make a decision, do we cut our losses on him and sack him, which given the results and sacking managers in the past hasn't served us well, or do we accept we are not going to get out of this division this season, and give him a license to cut all the crap and embark on a drastic rebuilding exercise. I think we should give him a few more games, but he needs to understand that he has to start wielding the axe and trying to do something positive. If we continue with the same old failures then things will never improve, so it needs a change of tack.

First of all we need to address two big matters. One is that we have a few players who are under-performing, or not up to the required standard, and secondly, individually and as a team it is quite apparent that we are going through the motions.

For the next couple of months we need to strip it back and get back to basics. Try and use whatever resources we have, and whatever personal we have to build a strong spine of the team. I've always believed that a side is always better with a decent keeper, a hard bastard at centre half who takes no prisoners, a midfield scrapper who takes no prisoners, and a forward who is a complete hard cunt who asks for and gives no quarter. At the minute non of the current first teamers have that in them, but there will be plenty available on loan, or even give a couple of the under 21s a chance to become that. I don't know much about the under 21s but we have got to start giving them a chance as they can't be any worse than the first teamers.

I would start by telling several of the current players in and around the first team they are dropped and to look for new clubs. They haven't proved themselves, and don't seem to have the aptitude to prove themselves. When was the last time any of them ever walked off looking they would run through walls or bust a gut? I can't remember.

Starting from the back, we look shocking, George Long has the makings of a decent keeper but he is continually let down by the shit in front of him. Mark Howard is an average League One stopper.

Then the defence. Kieron Freeman is the worst full back i have seen at the club, it is shocking how often he is caught out of position, David Edgar is piss poor, granted he is a big lad but he is as week as piss, never been a centre half. Neill Collins has been part of this malaise for the last 5 years but still remains here, as a centre-half he is just pure fucking awful,but he has the captains armband yet is the one who is the quickest to have a pop at others when we concede but never accepts responsibility for his own failings. Chris Basham is marginally better than Collins, but he isn't a centre half either, but he isn't a midfielder either. McEveley, don't even get me started on him. Then on the left side we have got Kieron Wallace, a young lad plucked from non-league as a midfielder but suddenly finds himself battling manfully as a left back because we didn't have no other options there, and then now the regular left-back returns Bob Harris, looked a player when he first signed but along with a lot of others seems to be going through the motions, and then we have got the returning hero, John Brayford, a half decent player returning from injury thrust in to all this shower of shite. He could be the best player in the world but is going to suffer with this lot.

Midfield looks to be vastly under-performing. Centre of the park Dean Hammond looks to be a huge disappointment, it is quite obvious why he has spent the vast majority of his career languishing in the lower two divisions. Paul Coutts looks to be a talented player, albiet one who is severely diminished by injury, and James Wallace the same. Then you have Stefan Scougall who seems completely and utterly bereft of confidence, and seems a shadow of the impish midfielder who ran through opposition defences at will a couple of seasons ago. Louis Reed who was absolutely outstanding when he first broke in to the side but has seemed to go backwards ever since. Jose Baxter would be a great player if he wasn't thick as fuck, drugs ban, always looks overweight and will be the bloke who is skint in his mid 30s wondering where it all went wrong. Then out wide we are still limited, JCR battles on manfully, has more heart than a lot of players we have got and never goes hiding, always looks for the ball, never fearful of getting clattered but there is never no end product. However I'm puzzled how Martyn Woolford has ever made a career out of professional football, and then you have Che Adams, the segway king, got his new contract and scored a handful of goals and now in his own mind thinks he has made it, yet his attitude fucking stinks.

Lastly we need to look at the strike force. Billy Sharp, living off the back of a couple of good seasons at Scunthorpe 10 years ago. He wasn't good enough the first time round, he wasn't good enough the second time round, yet he brought back a third time and expected to be the saviour, thinks he is some sort of talisman but a talisman always produces the goods, i'm a Blade as well, might be in my late 30s, overweight but I'm still a blade, maybe i should get a game as well. Conor Sammon is poor, for a big lad he is poor in the air, doesn't seem to be able to put himself about, and is just pure mediocre, he belongs in the League Of Ireland, then the other strikers. McNulty has the makings of a decent striker but seems to have lost interest which is hardly suprising given some of the others we have got, Higdon had a half decent track record, thought he could do something we but we have never played a style of football that has been to his strengths so we send him out to Oldham where he is impressive, and then we have our saviour, the Range Rover driving, stylish, thrusting man about town Diego De Girolamo who is a world class Italian international in his own mind, but to everyone else is the kid who thinks he has made it despite all the evidence to contrary pointing otherwise.

Personally i would strip the lot back, get them going out there doing long distance runs, get them kicking lumps out of each other at training, and trying to get them to prove they are worthy of being in the first team, rather than letting them walk in to the side week in, week out. If they can't do it, then give some of the younger kids a chance. At least they have will have got a point to prove.

A line needs to be drawn, it is obviously apparent whatever is being tried now isn't working so it needs a different tack. We need to get back to having 11 players out on the pitch that will bust a gut for Sheffield United, if they did that they would be appreciated and respected, not ridiculed. If they don't want to do that, let them rot in the reserves, make their lives not worth living and screw them and their poxy carriers and let them know that Sheffield United isn't an easy wage.

I've been a lifelong Sheffield United nut, a fanatic, someone who has devoted more time, effort and even had the Blades cited on my divorce papers, but nowadays my feelings towards the team on the pitch oscillates between resentment and apathy.

When i grew up, Sheffield United were never the best football club, but i lived through the years of Bassett, where we had a manager who dragged us up through the Divisions kicking and screaming, with players who would die for the cause. I was brought up watching and buying in to a Sheffield United where the sum total was greater than the parts, where we all collectively bought in to something, where even as a teenage fan i would have run through the brick walls if i knew it would be for the betterment of the Blades, and now looking at the shower of shite that courses through the club, that is polluting the lifeblood of the club, it breaks my heart.

Drastic changes need to be made, and made now, because if this continues, i genuinely fear for the future of the club. The changes have to be made firstly on the pitch, Adkins has to make drastic changes and make them fast, if he doesn't see that the drastic changes have to made or doesn't know how to make the drastic changes then i'm afraid that this is just the start of a Kafka-esque nightmare.......

Not been tonight, had to work instead, but had the pleasure of catching being able to follow bits of the second half on the way home, and had arrived in to Sheffield at half past 9. Bumped in to LS26BLADE s brother John. Asked him what had gone wrong and he said "Brownie, it was shocking, i left at half time", and had another quick conversation with an old Blade walking through the station and asked him if we was a bad as the scoreline sounded and he said, what i had been saying all season along with countless others, and that was we wasn't good enough.
Have a "like" for the Churchillian rousing speech.
Pretty much nailed it with that. Not only do I want these utter cunts out of my beloved club, I want them legally banned from entering a three-mile radius of Bramall Lane.
Pretty much nailed it with that. Not only do I want these utter cunts out of my beloved club, I want them legally banned from entering a three-mile radius of Bramall Lane.

Those utter cunts. It is their careers at stake, do they look like they care?
Those utter cunts. It is their careers at stake, do they look like they care?

They're in a good position. A sizeable club paying relatively high wages in a shit league. Plenty of money and zero responsibility.
They don't realise that in a season or two, they're going to do the reverse of Che Adams and end up at the likes of Alfreton having pissed away the best opportunity they ever had.
It's too late for a solution, the rot has well and truly strangled the life out of the club and it's now as dead as a dodo.
The solution will take MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS to put right.
First we have to pay off 90% of the squad
Then we have to replace them with better

Not gonna happen.
Besides, this club could receive an ongoing supply of money from Warren Buffett, Bill gates and Carlos Slim Helu and they still wouldn't be able to sign quality players and put a team out that can play football.
It's a fucking joke of a club.
Remember that team that performed so heroically at the Lane last season, drawing 2-2 with Spurs in the League Cup semi final? What a fantastic team effort that was - best game of the season.

The team was this: Howard, Flynn, Basham, McEveley, Harris, Doyle (Reed - 65' ) JCR (Adams - 74' ), Scougall, Baxter, Murphy, McNulty (Higdon - 74' )
Top post Brownie.

We need to stick with NA. He knows what we need. This season was always going to be a rebuilding exercise.

However he does need to look at himself and ask himself if he should be doing things different and making changes.

The players need to take responsibility and start showing they deserve a second chance. If i performed like they have then I would be sacked.

The first thing I would donis have a meeting with all the staff and players from the first team. Ask questions... Do you want to play for this club? If not then you can leave asap. I would also give a chance for at least a couple of players in the dev squad and U18s.

Any players seen as disriptive i would order them to train on there own and to find another club.

Its time for NA to get tough. Can he do this? Time will tell.
Start by sending Sammon back. Last night Higdon would have done what he did. Not one leader in the team. My mate said we need a Vinnie Jones type in the middle handing bollockings out.
Start by sending Sammon back. Last night Higdon would have done what he did. Not one leader in the team. My mate said we need a Vinnie Jones type in the middle handing bollockings out.
Throw morgs back in, he can play in his coat for all I care. It will be like playing with 10 men but at least the 10 that can still run will have to run their bollocks off if Morgan is stood on the halfway line screaming at them.
Pretty much nailed it with that. Not only do I want these utter cunts out of my beloved club, I want them legally banned from entering a three-mile radius of Bramall Lane.

I seriously despise them. Someone behind me nailed it with the quote " at least they haven't conceded their VIP table at Viper Rooms". Fucking sad when they care more about their shite tattoos and hair, act like billy big bollcocks and then look like lost little rabits on farmer John's shooting range.
Not been tonight, had to work instead, but had the pleasure of catching being able to follow bits of the second half on the way home, and had arrived in to Sheffield at half past 9. Bumped in to LS26BLADE s brother John. Asked him what had gone wrong and he said "Brownie, it was shocking, i left at half time", and had another quick conversation with an old Blade walking through the station and asked him if we was a bad as the scoreline sounded and he said, what i had been saying all season along with countless others, and that was we wasn't good enough.

The first thing we need to look at is the manager. Nigel Adkins for the poor start he has got off to has got a pedigree and given time he could be the man to take us out of this division. First up we need to accept that we aren't getting out this division this season, so we need to make a decision, do we cut our losses on him and sack him, which given the results and sacking managers in the past hasn't served us well, or do we accept we are not going to get out of this division this season, and give him a license to cut all the crap and embark on a drastic rebuilding exercise. I think we should give him a few more games, but he needs to understand that he has to start wielding the axe and trying to do something positive. If we continue with the same old failures then things will never improve, so it needs a change of tack.

First of all we need to address two big matters. One is that we have a few players who are under-performing, or not up to the required standard, and secondly, individually and as a team it is quite apparent that we are going through the motions.

For the next couple of months we need to strip it back and get back to basics. Try and use whatever resources we have, and whatever personal we have to build a strong spine of the team. I've always believed that a side is always better with a decent keeper, a hard bastard at centre half who takes no prisoners, a midfield scrapper who takes no prisoners, and a forward who is a complete hard cunt who asks for and gives no quarter. At the minute non of the current first teamers have that in them, but there will be plenty available on loan, or even give a couple of the under 21s a chance to become that. I don't know much about the under 21s but we have got to start giving them a chance as they can't be any worse than the first teamers.

I would start by telling several of the current players in and around the first team they are dropped and to look for new clubs. They haven't proved themselves, and don't seem to have the aptitude to prove themselves. When was the last time any of them ever walked off looking they would run through walls or bust a gut? I can't remember.

Starting from the back, we look shocking, George Long has the makings of a decent keeper but he is continually let down by the shit in front of him. Mark Howard is an average League One stopper.

Then the defence. Kieron Freeman is the worst full back i have seen at the club, it is shocking how often he is caught out of position, David Edgar is piss poor, granted he is a big lad but he is as week as piss, never been a centre half. Neill Collins has been part of this malaise for the last 5 years but still remains here, as a centre-half he is just pure fucking awful,but he has the captains armband yet is the one who is the quickest to have a pop at others when we concede but never accepts responsibility for his own failings. Chris Basham is marginally better than Collins, but he isn't a centre half either, but he isn't a midfielder either. McEveley, don't even get me started on him. Then on the left side we have got Kieron Wallace, a young lad plucked from non-league as a midfielder but suddenly finds himself battling manfully as a left back because we didn't have no other options there, and then now the regular left-back returns Bob Harris, looked a player when he first signed but along with a lot of others seems to be going through the motions, and then we have got the returning hero, John Brayford, a half decent player returning from injury thrust in to all this shower of shite. He could be the best player in the world but is going to suffer with this lot.

Midfield looks to be vastly under-performing. Centre of the park Dean Hammond looks to be a huge disappointment, it is quite obvious why he has spent the vast majority of his career languishing in the lower two divisions. Paul Coutts looks to be a talented player, albiet one who is severely diminished by injury, and James Wallace the same. Then you have Stefan Scougall who seems completely and utterly bereft of confidence, and seems a shadow of the impish midfielder who ran through opposition defences at will a couple of seasons ago. Louis Reed who was absolutely outstanding when he first broke in to the side but has seemed to go backwards ever since. Jose Baxter would be a great player if he wasn't thick as fuck, drugs ban, always looks overweight and will be the bloke who is skint in his mid 30s wondering where it all went wrong. Then out wide we are still limited, JCR battles on manfully, has more heart than a lot of players we have got and never goes hiding, always looks for the ball, never fearful of getting clattered but there is never no end product. However I'm puzzled how Martyn Woolford has ever made a career out of professional football, and then you have Che Adams, the segway king, got his new contract and scored a handful of goals and now in his own mind thinks he has made it, yet his attitude fucking stinks.

Lastly we need to look at the strike force. Billy Sharp, living off the back of a couple of good seasons at Scunthorpe 10 years ago. He wasn't good enough the first time round, he wasn't good enough the second time round, yet he brought back a third time and expected to be the saviour, thinks he is some sort of talisman but a talisman always produces the goods, i'm a Blade as well, might be in my late 30s, overweight but I'm still a blade, maybe i should get a game as well. Conor Sammon is poor, for a big lad he is poor in the air, doesn't seem to be able to put himself about, and is just pure mediocre, he belongs in the League Of Ireland, then the other strikers. McNulty has the makings of a decent striker but seems to have lost interest which is hardly suprising given some of the others we have got, Higdon had a half decent track record, thought he could do something we but we have never played a style of football that has been to his strengths so we send him out to Oldham where he is impressive, and then we have our saviour, the Range Rover driving, stylish, thrusting man about town Diego De Girolamo who is a world class Italian international in his own mind, but to everyone else is the kid who thinks he has made it despite all the evidence to contrary pointing otherwise.

Personally i would strip the lot back, get them going out there doing long distance runs, get them kicking lumps out of each other at training, and trying to get them to prove they are worthy of being in the first team, rather than letting them walk in to the side week in, week out. If they can't do it, then give some of the younger kids a chance. At least they have will have got a point to prove.

A line needs to be drawn, it is obviously apparent whatever is being tried now isn't working so it needs a different tack. We need to get back to having 11 players out on the pitch that will bust a gut for Sheffield United, if they did that they would be appreciated and respected, not ridiculed. If they don't want to do that, let them rot in the reserves, make their lives not worth living and screw them and their poxy carriers and let them know that Sheffield United isn't an easy wage.

I've been a lifelong Sheffield United nut, a fanatic, someone who has devoted more time, effort and even had the Blades cited on my divorce papers, but nowadays my feelings towards the team on the pitch oscillates between resentment and apathy.

When i grew up, Sheffield United were never the best football club, but i lived through the years of Bassett, where we had a manager who dragged us up through the Divisions kicking and screaming, with players who would die for the cause. I was brought up watching and buying in to a Sheffield United where the sum total was greater than the parts, where we all collectively bought in to something, where even as a teenage fan i would have run through the brick walls if i knew it would be for the betterment of the Blades, and now looking at the shower of shite that courses through the club, that is polluting the lifeblood of the club, it breaks my heart.

Drastic changes need to be made, and made now, because if this continues, i genuinely fear for the future of the club. The changes have to be made firstly on the pitch, Adkins has to make drastic changes and make them fast, if he doesn't see that the drastic changes have to made or doesn't know how to make the drastic changes then i'm afraid that this is just the start of a Kafka-esque nightmare.......

brownie When you wake up out of the scratcher you need to put this on a word document and print it off and send it to Phipps/Mcabe.

Failing that put it on an email to Jim Phipps.

If you cant be arsed someone put the clubs email address on here and I'll do it.

Excellent post.
Send Hammond, Edgar and Sammon back.

Pay off Collins, McEveley, Baxter, Flynn, Higdon, JCR, Howard, Long, Scougall, McNulty, Coutts, J Wallace, Woolford.

Buy young and proven League 1/2 talent.
great post mate .where's the forward button. forward to Kevin McCabe
i'm still behind Adkins but he has to do something now. i don't think his positive approach has is a licencse for shirkers..he has to come out and say something
me.. i'd put the kids in. they can't be any worse and they'll bleed for the shirt

This season was always going to be a rebuilding exercise.

Where did it say that on the marketing guff? Look, teams like Wigan were shocking last season, sold their better players, rebuilt and will go up this season. If ever a team needed a 'rebuilding exercise' it was them. With a few strategic buys (and everybody but Adkins knows where the weaknesses were and still are), there was no need for major surgery with United. Will we be talking of next season being a 'rebuilding exercise'?

The first thing I would do is have a meeting with all the staff and players from the first team. Ask questions... Do you want to play for this club? If not then you can leave asap. I would also give a chance for at least a couple of players in the dev squad and U18s.

Any players seen as disriptive i would order them to train on there own and to find another club.

Its time for NA to get tough. Can he do this? Time will tell.

So it's taken almost half a season - another wasted season - for Adkins to (maybe) exercise some discipline? It starts at the top. Too many players are taking the piss because they know they can get away with it. Adkins is a weak manager who is happy to see players hiding at every throw-in, consistently waste dead balls, lose to teams we should be burying and then go out on the piss.
Great OP and one I found myself nodding in agreement to right the way through.

Firstly, there's no point in sacking Adkins. There is on paper no one better out there. Sacking managers each season hasn't helped us up to now and the club is crying out for a bit of stability. Adkins does need to be told though that the board expect changes, and that they expect him to start bringing some of these highly paid, under-performing players to task for just how poor they've been this season. That needs to start now and the team needs to be drastically changed by as soon as Saturday.

For Saturday I'd change a heck of a lot. Dropping Long for one, I don't blame him for last night, and actually think he's been decent for the last 3 games, but there's no point shattering his confidence again by playing him more than he needs to with the rest of these feckless players. Bring Howard back in.

Defence - Collins needs dropping out of the squad entirely and told he can go. He had his reprieve under Adkins, he didn't deserve it IMO as he's a big part of what's wrong with this club. He has failure etched in to his core. He's been at a defence which has gradually declined year on year for the past 5 years and he's been the only constant during that time. New defenders come in and he continues to make mistakes on a regular basis, he continues to bollock players for his own shortcomings and never accepts responsibility. I'd replace him with Edgar for the time being, who is a slight improvement. We really need to have 2 new centre halves ready to join at the start of January.

Basham needs taking out of defence as he just isn't good enough there. His energy in midfield will add something to us, but on the whole I don't think he's good enough. He's okay in short bursts, will do the odd run or bit of skill, but he seems to make poor decisions when in possession and plays the wrong passes too often. I'd put McEveley back at centre half for a while, just until January.

Harris needs dropping for a while, he's not made a difference since returning from injury. Wallace was doing very well there, offering us more of an attacking outlet, and can consider himself very unlucky to be dropped.

Freeman has gone off the boil. Maybe it's the imminent return of Brayford playing on his mind, but as a professional footballer you cannot do that. I'd keep him in for Saturday as I think it will be too soon for Brayford, but once he's back fit he needs putting back in there.

Midfield - Hammond needs dropping and sending back to Leicester. He isn't good enough, we are spending far too much money on him and he's a passenger for most of the game. I'm not letting his goal last night cloud my judgement. He was at fault for one of the goals last night for cheaply losing possession in our own half, a trait which is all to familar with him. He looks like a good footballer, but he's been away from this level for too long now and expects too much time on the ball. Drop him and put Basham in his position.

Reed is a decent player but he isn't ready to be starting games. I'd like him to have a spell out on loan in league 2 to toughen him up a bit.

Baxter is a very good footballer, as everyone knows. He needs to play in a midfield 3 or not at all though. I'd support switching to 3 in the middle because I really don't like 442, but if Adkins is going to persist with it then I don't see how he fits in which is a real shame as I think he's the best player at the club, and is showing this now on a regular basis. I really expect him to be sold in January. He's out of contract in summer and he's playing well this season. He's still very highly regarded in the game and I think he'd be even better in the Championship. No doubt he'll be the next one to hand in a transfer request.

Adams needs dropping for a while too. I don't really blame him too much, he shouldn't be starting week in week out, he should be used sparingly and start the odd game here and there and not the amount he's being used. I blame the board for that though, for selling Murphy and not putting up the cash to replace him. I'd play Woolford and give him a chance. I know he hasn't really impressed up to now but he also hasn't had a decent run in the side.

JCR needs to start! Yes he's inconsistent, but he's one of the few that doesn't go missing and will keep trying. How he keeps getting dropped I've no idea.

Attack - DROP BILLY SHARP. He isn't doing anything like enough to warrant selection and his scoring record is poor. He has 7 goals in 21 games in all competitions with the vast majority being starts. The much maligned Marc McNulty managed 8 in 22 at the start of last season despite being on the bench for about 50% or more of the time. Matt Done scored 8 in 17 after signing last season. What he offers for his no doubt bloated salary, which McNulty and Done don't offer I don't know. Being a Blade isn't good enough. Matt Done embarassed him with his work rate after coming on in the second half. Sharp doesn't do anything like enough closing down and spends most of his time strutting around the pitch looking pissed off and battling defenders. Matt Done needs to play upfront, I don't really care who with, probably Sammon, but Billy Sharp needs dropping as he's bringing nothing to the table at the moment.

The club have made no secret they intend to spend in January. If so, they need to line their cards up now and not slog through January until the window closes before making additions. Get the deals sorted now, ready to be completed at the beginning of January.
The sweeping changes should have been made in July,now it is nearly December,too late!
It was a big mistake to access the squad and give these players a chance when everyone,apart from NA obviously,knew the issues and that only 5 or 6 of NC's squad were good enough.
There are 4 or 5 out on loan at present,send Hammond back now,try and loan out 4 or 5 more and we can then get 4 or 5 decent loans,or signings in to address the problems we have before it's too late!
I would only keep Brayford,Adams,Sharp,Basham,JCR and maybe Baxter and Wallace,would listen to offers for any of the rest.
I would make Lee Turnbull earn his wages and recruit a GK,2 x CH's,at least 1 CM,a left winger and another good target man to play alongside Billy.
There are loads of players available on loan from prem and championship teams who will improve the team,but unlike other teams we don't seem to identify them.
Major changes are needed now!
Top post brownie

We are simply watching our fine club destroy itself at the minute & it really is soul-destroying.

The worst part about it all is you simply cannot walk away, it's a marriage you can't divorce from & one day they will make you remember & realise why you bother with them, when that day is set to arrive, at this moment in time I'm not entirely sure....

The frustration is now reaching boiling point & I'm not too sure where we as a club turn to.

There's been calls for Adkins to go already after the shambolic display last night. The majority of players still here are the same ones who finished 5th last term & reached a League Cup Semi-Final, the nucleus of the squad should still contain enough within it to be competing at the top end of League One so what's going wrong?

Nigel Adkins seems a bloody lovely bloke, a proven manager who in the PAST has achieved promotion out of this division. At the minute his car salesman politician manner is starting to grind on me & many others. He & his backroom staff aren't producing, the players aren't producing & it's simply not good enough. I don't want him out by any means, I never want to see a manager sacked however it cannot be argued that his incomings, tactics & substitutions have been highly questionable with the resources he's working with. The players need to take a long hard look at themselves if they haven't done so already. Since Swindon away as a collective unit they've not been anywhere close to producing a performance worthy of a side that emblazes the crest of Sheffield United Football Club across it's chest. Matt Done (when he's given chance) is one player who epitomises what every Blade wants from a player, for them to come off the pitch with absolutely nothing left in the tank.

Have many others in this squad produced week-in week-out performances that show the desire, passion, bottle, spirit that is the absolute given & expected of every player when they cross that white line wearing red & white? Absolutely not. Too many timid, scared players with no confidence & not enough of a 'man' in them to roll their sleeves up when the going gets tough to make things happen. The worse & worrying thing is it's apparent some of them haven't got the ability to 'get us going'.

So where do we turn? That's what I'm struggling with.

You can't just pay off player's contracts, realistically that's not going to happen.
The manager? Adkins keeps saying the right things but results speak for themselves, we're sliding towards mid-table & lower.

Promotion is not even worth thinking about at the minute. We're miles off. By miles off I mean we aren't producing performances that look anything close to being a side vying for promotion. If anything it's the complete opposite. Everytime we're on the backfoot defending we look like we'll concede.

If anything I'm worried, extremely worried now that we're heading towards Christmas with no sign of direction. There's no plan, no consistent spine in the side (besides Hammond who looks a mainstay in the side whilst Adkins is in the hotseat) & I'm lost for words on where we go next...

I understand fellow Blade's frustrations, I understand the built up frustrations that we are all feeling right now, today I'm seething, infact I'm absolutely fucking royally pissed off at how this fantastic football club can't seem to get it fucking right on that pitch & get us promoted out this sodding division & then the one above & get us back in the Premiership where this fan base deserves to be. Do we deserve to be higher than we are right now for performances on the pitch? Absolutely not. We deserve to be right where we are.

Every fan pays their money & there entitled to say what they like, there entitled to boo 'em, slag 'em off & call those players & management staff every name under the sun. Do I agree with it? No course I don't but that's my opinion.

I won't stand & boo them, I won't slag them off, do I want an award for this? No absolutely not. Their my club, no matter how shit, good, bad, crap, horrendous that bunch are playing out there I'll keep willing them to do well & hope that eventually they'll get it right. Because one day they will get it right again, trust me you might not believe it now, but they will do.

When that day will be I'm not entirely sure but if this football club teaches you one thing it's to be thick skinned & to keep believing, keep that fire in your belly & more than anything to keep hope. Hope that at some point the players on that pitch match the passion in the stands & produce the results we all crave.

I fell in love with this football club long before any manager, any set of players & any boardroom & I refuse to simply give up. There stuck in me like a messed up love affair that keeps beating you up but you keep going back for more. You've got me United, I'm yours, any chance of you repaying me anytime soon?

If you believe that your faith will not fade, then now & forever son, you'll be a Blade.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off & we go again...

Take my hand…
The solution would be to work out which players he wants to keep and make sure they play every game. Get shut of everyone else as soon as he can and try some of the youngsters out to see how they do.
The only good thing about this season so far is they haven't played in or shamed our proper red and white stripes.........
The worse thing is the team gets poorer every time he makes a new signing....

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