Sitting or standing

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Grey Blade

Active Member
Mar 10, 2015
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First ever post (anywhere)! I'm happy to sit or stand at away games with the proviso that the person behind me is equally capable of standing if we have to. At Barnsley on Saturday, I had a terrific central position on row L.I noticed the chap sitting behind me had a walking stick and sure enough as the game started there was much "sit down, sit down" coming from behind. To be fair a considerable number did sit down, but the people directly in front kept standing. I asked the chap in front of me to sit - but he declined - didn't really blame him, as he pointed out at half time he didn't want to provoke the fellows in front of him who were about a foot taller and he would rather fight me!

I didn't have the heart to stand so I spent most of the first half trying to crouch above the seat - as you would do if you thought a toilet seat was dirty. Second half i sat on the seat edge which was equally uncomfortable. I imagine I saw 75% of the game.

Whilst in league 1 I've been to a lot of away games, and this sitting/standing issue is quite tedious. People bleat that they've paid for a seat (understandably), but I would bleat "I've paid to see the game". If there's a small away following at a distant ground, there is rarely much of a problem as people can move, but local away games seem to be a bit of a nightmare.

The problem as I see it is that we are supposed to sit down, but most converted terraces give a lousy view so you are almost forced to stand up. I suggest the first two rows should be sold to people who definitely want to sit. I realise the front row is the worst place to get a decent view - but it's better than no view! I apologise if this has been discussed before - I think it must have been - but I can't wade through all previous threads to check.

I wish they would recognise that a good number of people want to stand and make attempts to organise seating accordingly.

I'm a "stander" myself :)

Stand in seated areas at away games, sit at home games. I'm sure the world and indeed our club has bigger issues to worry about... Like sorting the facilities, quality and services on the kop.

And whilst the police and stewards can't even sort out people bringing smoke bombs and flares, plus reading the reports of some idiots shoving at the train station in Dingle ville yesterday I don't think our fans are responsible enough yet to be trusted to play nicely.

And before the 'it works in Germany' argument comes up, they're a different breed
Stand in seated areas at away games, sit at home games. I'm sure the world and indeed our club has bigger issues to worry about...

Of course, you could start another thread about the bigger issues, and I'm also sure the club could even consider more than one issue at once.

Oh, and it works in Germany.


Of course, you could start another thread about the bigger issues, and I'm also sure the club could even consider more than one issue at once.

Oh, and it works in Germany.



It's ok there are plenty of threads on those issues and they get discussed at the SLO meetings ;)
It's ok there are plenty of threads on those issues and they get discussed at the SLO meetings ;)
I'm not sure I understnad why this isn't a valid point that shouldn't be discussed then. You're saying the world has bigger issues, such as the number of pies for sale on the kop, but these are being tackled via the SLO meetings?

I'm not sure I understnad why this isn't a valid point that shouldn't be discussed then. You're saying the world has bigger issues, such as the number of pies for sale on the kop, but these are being tackled via the SLO meetings?


Sorry it was probably the way I wrote it. I've no issue with it being discussed, the point I was making was that if we can't sort the simple things out then were a while off even addressing standing.

The club I believe can't do anything legally to bring in standing areas even if the whole crowd wanted it, so let's deal with the issues that can be solved now. And get them solved

My concern would also be that if it did happen, then it would be the Kop that suffered...
What he said

I have a feeling that you and I had a chat before kick off, Grey Blade, as I was also central on row L. The issue was the three younger chaps on row G/H right behind the goal; I spent most of the game sitting on the back of my seat in midway position between sitting and standing, painfully aware that at 6'3" I would block the view of the two teenaged girls (one of whom had an outstanding vocabulary :D) if I stood up fully.

On the bright side, we did have a fantastic view of Holt's goal.
We did mention it at the previous meeting and were told that in most instances, the club are told what order to sell tickets in and are unable to separate by front for sitters, back for standers.

It's also up to the home side to steward the crowd and whether they choose to allow unreserved seating.

I'll keep mentioning it if there are any particular issues at certain grounds.
Sorry it was probably the way I wrote it. I've no issue with it being discussed, the point I was making was that if we can't sort the simple things out then were a while off even addressing standing.

The club I believe can't do anything legally to bring in standing areas even if the whole crowd wanted it, so let's deal with the issues that can be solved now. And get them solved

My concern would also be that if it did happen, then it would be the Kop that suffered...
Good points. The trouble is they (not the club) are ignoring a problem and for some, at away games, it spoils it. As with the OP.

Good points. The trouble is they (not the club) are ignoring a problem and for some, at away games, it spoils it. As with the OP.

At away games I've no problem standing in seating areas, but I doubt I'd go if it was old school terracing. I've no desire for pissed up 18 year olds to be surging me down a terrace. Went to Exeter a few years back on the last game of the season and it was a bit shit
I like to stand.
I think it makes for a better atmosphere.
At away games I've no problem standing in seating areas, but I doubt I'd go if it was old school terracing. I've no desire for pissed up 18 year olds to be surging me down a terrace. Went to Exeter a few years back on the last game of the season and it was a bit shit
I'd go more often if it were terraced. :)

The over sanitisation of football is the most likely killer for me, not that I'd ever stop.

I have a feeling that you and I had a chat before kick off, Grey Blade, as I was also central on row L. The issue was the three younger chaps on row G/H right behind the goal; I spent most of the game sitting on the back of my seat in midway position between sitting and standing, painfully aware that at 6'3" I would block the view of the two teenaged girls (one of whom had an outstanding vocabulary :D) if I stood up fully.

On the bright side, we did have a fantastic view of Holt's goal.
Yes, we did have a chat before the game and it was a great view of Holt's goal
I'd go more often if it were terraced. :)

The over sanitisation of football is the most likely killer for me, not that I'd ever stop.


What's "over sanitised" about sitting down though?

I can see not being able to get a drink in sight of the pitch, clamping down on swearing/flags/banners etc.,but having a seat doesn't seem a huge sacrifice to me.

Can't argue with that. Standing meant you could/would congregate with "your kind", whether that meant the singers, quiet watchers, wannabee hoolies, whatever.

I think we have to appreciate it all changed (some of it for the better, some of it not) 26 years ago this month. What went off before that day won't ever be allowed to come back. Different era and a different game. I wouldn't have missed it for the world but I wouldn't actually want it back either.
Yeah, I think they should implement it. I imagine the Kop would have an amazing atmosphere if it was safe standing and a bit steeper too. Could hold a lot of people too!


Saw this strand on Soccer AM recently, almost makes me dizzy to think of sitting on it. Have any Fellow Blades been there?

Saw this strand on Soccer AM recently, almost makes me dizzy to think of sitting on it. Have any Fellow Blades been there?

Christ, that's crazy. I remember watching England play Andorra at old Trafford and sitting on the 3rd tier of the Sir Alex Ferguson stand and thinking it was incredibly steep but that looks even scarier!
That's the Mestalla in Valencia isn't it? I went years ago but didn't go in that top tier! I don't think that would get past H&S in this country, but then again neither would letting massive bulls stampede down narrow alleyways or torching massive effigies within 5 metres of residential buildings. Our BLUT is the perfect rake on a stand for me, steep enough to feel on top of the play but not so much as to induce vertigo!
I'd love standing to return to Football,I think it helps the atmosphere...just watching the old YouTube clips of a full Kop and it brings back the memories of standing on the white fence as a younger Blade,and then moving to the back when I was a teenager..what a laugh it was surging and singing.
I don't think I sat down at a game more than twice before all seaters took over....not even sure now if I'd stand or sit if it was brought back,but I'd even have the old terracing back,as it is safe as long as you don't overcrowd the area,and not as restrictive as the safe standing idea.It was the fences that were the problem for Hillsborough that day how different it would have been if the fans could have got out on the pitch.
I realise if it did come back it would be the SS version,and it would be better to give people the option of standing or sitting...hope it happens soon.
ive only ever known all seater stadium & sitting down, so i dont know personally but in the videos of fa cup games from 70's 80's it does look dangerous especially when they are surge to the front, also the the tales of the golden pocket. but from the away games ive been to standing up does make the game better somehow
Of course, you could start another thread about the bigger issues, and I'm also sure the club could even consider more than one issue at once.

Oh, and it works in Germany.


and Austria..
however Swiss is correct.. they are much more sensible over here. they let off flares but only the capos are allowed to do it and they come over the megaphone and say ' we're going to let off the flares. .everyone behave'.. and everyone does.
mayzhern ;)
my main beef with sitting down is that it kills the atmosphere.. you get your seat surrounded by a bunch of people you don't know and are expected to sing.. perhaps i'm a bit shy and need the mob mentality
Being born post-Hillsborough I don't remember standing. But I know there are loads of people who want standing back so I think the FA may consider having safe standing sections depending on how the Celtic experiment goes north of the border.
Technically this thread should be "Option A - Sitting only at the game, or Option B - a choice of Sitting or Standing at the game"

I think I got the thread title wrong.

My query was really "do we have the right to stand if the person behind is incapable of standing ( because of age/disability etc)".

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