Roy's View From... Pre-Match View From Spurs

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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Not confident of getting a result against these but neither are they, by the sounds of it.
Thanks Roy, but fucking hell that read like a load of random words thrown into a pile, if that is Spuds trying to be clever or funny they have failed miserably, hope their defence is as bad for the game.
Hopefully they play as negatively as a Mourinho side normally would, if they come and attack us then we're in for a bit of a pounding I reckon. Tip for the players....... don't stand off Son around the edge of the box.
Slipped in the pool of sarcasm dripping from most of those comments! Wow not a happy bunch are they?

Heavy Set!!!!! That’s what the mother in law calls me, a underhand way of calling me a fat twat!!! Let’s av em 1 nil win for blades
I think that we could win this one. One thing that I have noticed about Spurs lately is that they are probably the biggest divers, across the whole team, of any side in the league. Touch them and they are down. I also noticed that when Fulham had a dangerous free kick in Wednesday, they all stood over the white line. The ref moved them back, turned round and they all edged forward again. By the time Reid had taken the kick at least half of them were a meter closer to the ball. The ref should have penalised them but didn’t but it is just a typical Mourinho side, always cheating
I honestly think if we can get a result in this we have a great chance of staying up. The confidence would almost be back to next season levels and hopefully performances to match
What are you expecting our confidence to be like next season ? 🥺 UTB
Cheers Roy! Strange comments from some of them. And what's with the picture of the four blokes that look like they're wearing clothes in 7 year olds sizes?
Or have they washed everything at 80 degrees?
Fuck knows,but predict a hard earned point.

What's with the Primark kids range photoshoot?

It’s photo of lads on a night out that went viral because of how ridiculous they look. They’re basically ‘peak lad’. Social media is full of people taking the piss out of them, including this belter.
It’s photo of lads on a night out that went viral because of how ridiculous they look. They’re basically ‘peak lad’. Social media is full of people taking the piss out of them, including this belter.

I think that's the All-Bar-One in Canary Wharf. HammerInPeace which one is you?
A good friend of mine who was a Leeds fan until he lost his big C battle got us tickets for the Tottenham v Notts Forest FA Cup final when Spurs returned them on the Friday. We sat amongst the Spurs fans and what a dismal negative bunch they were until they were leading with a few minutes left and then it was never in doubt. I see a hard earned draw here.
Aerial threat? We have an aerial threat now?
Wow wasnt expecting that are you sure we're not playing Newcastle again going by those comments ?

Are we expecting again after match comments

"Blades only won because we played crap again, Jose has no idea" etc

A good friend of mine who was a Leeds fan until he lost his big C battle got us tickets for the Tottenham v Notts Forest FA Cup final when Spurs returned them on the Friday. We sat amongst the Spurs fans and what a dismal negative bunch they were until they were leading with a few minutes left and then it was never in doubt. I see a hard earned draw here.
You been lucky enough to spend a match on Shoutbox?

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