Pitch Invasion (our lack of)

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In our case, I think it’s a very sobering moment to see our captain and club legend being attacked during a pitch invasion. It just doesn’t seem right for us to invade the pitch after that.
that's a big part billy sharp was a shocking thing for us all & its the respect we have for this team & this manager. it came from the players didnt it. dont go on the pitch & we are the only team who have listened

as forest proved, all it takes is 1 person out of 28,000 to drag your club through the mud. because he thought it was cool because he was drunk, on drugs or just an idiot. did to an opposition player like what happened to sharp, brewster, mcburnie. & who knows who else got done

We could invade after they've partied on the pitch.

Not going to lie.. my (our)celebration is more important to me than any of the players. On account I've(we've) been a Blade since birth and they've been blades about 3/4 year on average.

Their celebration is more important than yours, on account of them actually doing the work to get the club promoted.
Unless you put fences back up, then it’s physically very difficult to stop 5,000 fans invading the pitch at the end of a match like last night. The mindset is that the police/club aren’t going prosecuted or ban thousands of fans, so there is little to no risk to the individual.

There needs to be a big deterrent to stop pitch invasions, whether that’s points deductions, behind closed doors matches or massive fines (e.g. £500k+). That’s the only way to really make fans think it’s not worth it.

In our case, I think it’s a very sobering moment to see our captain and club legend being attacked during a pitch invasion. It just doesn’t seem right for us to invade the pitch after that.
With all the crowd-facing CCTV at grounds now, coupled with the need for a customer account to get a ticket in the first place, it should be possible to identify most if not all of those who go on the pitch. Just the manpower and admin time involved that makes it impractical I guess, so then it's a case of how badly does anyone want to set the example. You'd only have to effectively enforce this once to put fans up and down the country off doing it.
We need to group up, raise a few k and take them piggy loving cunts on..
Before that happens, one needs to send a quite strongly worded, yet subtle, email, to SAG. Then the EFL with examples of fines given to other clubs for the same thing. Start low, work up. 👍
With all the crowd-facing CCTV at grounds now, coupled with the need for a customer account to get a ticket in the first place, it should be possible to identify most if not all of those who go on the pitch. Just the manpower and admin time involved that makes it impractical I guess, so then it's a case of how badly does anyone want to set the example. You'd only have to effectively enforce this once to put fans up and down the country off doing it.

True, like you say it comes down to how determined they are to stop future pitch invasions.

They could hand out fines and bans to say 50 fans that were on the pitch at each of the recent invasions. After that gets shared on social media, it’s less likely fans would take the risk of being one of the few that’s picked out for punishment.
I personally thought that the celebrations we had without a pitch invasion were just as impressive. Looking up and seeing all 4 sides of the ground full to bursting, all singing and chanting as the players did their lap, quite a sight.
West Ham match - which was widely reported
Fucking Barnsley fans the same invaded the pitch when they them Told not to. I hope they both get points deducted and a hefty fine. because if they get away with it every other club's fans will do the same thing.
Invading the pitch at any time is sad, but doing it for a play off semi final is embarrassing.
Pitch invasions are tinpot and cringeworthy. I'm glad we didn't do it
We could invade after they've partied on the pitch.

Not going to lie.. my (our)celebration is more important to me than any of the players. On account I've(we've) been a Blade since birth and they've been blades about 3/4 year on average.
Wow what an incredibly selfish attitude. Stay away from Bramall Lane if that’s your attitude. The club doesn’t need fans like you
Pitch invasions are wank. What do you do when you're on there? Fuck all.
Wow what an incredibly selfish attitude. Stay away from Bramall Lane if that’s your attitude. The club doesn’t need fans like you
Because I put the celebrations of passionate lifelong fans ahead of the players that would be off like a shot should a better offer come along? You'd be eating your prawn sandwich in a silent 10k crowd without fans like me so get off your high horse and have a word with yourself.
Because I put the celebrations of passionate lifelong fans ahead of the players that would be off like a shot should a better offer come along? You'd be eating your prawn sandwich in a silent 10k crowd without fans like me so get off your high horse and have a word with yourself.
Any thought to those fans who can’t go on the pitch and want to be able to celebrate by watching the players do a lap of honour and applaud the fans?
Bet your the type of fan that’s thinks pyros are a great laugh and insists on standing up in the kop. Your parents must be so proud.
Any thought to those fans who can’t go on the pitch and want to be able to celebrate by watching the players do a lap of honour and applaud the fans?
Bet your the type of fan that’s thinks pyros are a great laugh and insists on standing up in the kop. Your parents must be so proud.
My dad is, he stands next to me 🤣
Sadly I'm not quite the lout you're probably picturing. Just someone that's enjoyed a good natured pitch invasion in the past and very aware that ultimately its the fans that make a club.. .players come and go very quickly.

I will concede to a few posters above that a tiny minority has spoiled invasions for the rest of us and yes I understand why we're feeling negative towards them now.

However my main point is: If they don't throw the book at the Pigs & Dingles (including the much threatened bans) then you can be sure that's the equivalent of encouraging fans to do it next season.
I'm struggling to imagine us having a desire to invade next season in a relegation fight, but we live in hope.
were the thug stewards we have on the pitch at the lane not on duty at the sty then ? just seems that theres one rule for one sheffield club but not for the other but thats no suprise is it 🤔

were the thug stewards we have on the pitch at the lane not on duty at the sty then ? just seems that theres one rule for one sheffield club but not for the other but thats no suprise is it 🤔
They would of knocked the Lane down if it was us
After seeing the jubilant scenes at Swillsboro yesterday, I can't believe we've become so easily cowed by the powers that be.

If they don't receive a harsh punishment then I'm never respecting instructions again re pitch invasions.
Or the pathetic wrist slap that Forest got. After our players were assaulted by their moronic fans
You can see how it's going to be hard for our fans to respect this if Wednesday get away with it scot free. Those that don't like pitch invasions should be hoping they throw the book at Wednesday surely?
The people who “like” pitch invasions could come to the games in a taxi.

Just to remind everyone that 10 years ago, we had a pitch invasion. Against Yeovil in the Play offs…in the first leg? And we lost the tie of course. Can somebody explain why this happened? If this happened now the forum would go absolutely apeshit
With all the crowd-facing CCTV at grounds now, coupled with the need for a customer account to get a ticket in the first place, it should be possible to identify most if not all of those who go on the pitch. Just the manpower and admin time involved that makes it impractical I guess, so then it's a case of how badly does anyone want to set the example. You'd only have to effectively enforce this once to put fans up and down the country off doing it.
seems like a job for AI, wouldn't surprise me to start seeing photo-card season tickets and china-style CCTV employed at football matches in the next 5-10 years
They haven’t even won anything yet. As my Wednesday supporting mate said, “we’ve still got one more chance to fuck it up”.
Can’t remember there being a pitch invasion when we came back to beat Forest after we were 2 goals down with 45 minutes left either?
45 ?????

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