View from the Hill

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Mad Mick

Active Member
Jul 25, 2009
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Hello, everyone, I'd like to tell you about my new book. It's called View from the Hill and is a book of photographs that I took in 1969 and 1970 whilst at Sheffield College of Art. The images are all black and white and reflect Sheffield at the time. Also as a resident of Park Hill flats, there are a number of photographs of people and places around that area. I have posted a number of images in the thread "Old Photos for no reason Whatsoever", so you can get a flavour of my work. I've now got permission to mention the book in General Chat. Sadly there is only one photo of BDTBL and even that is very hazy. You can purchase the book at :
An interesting URL don't you think?
Below is the double-page spread that was published in the Telegraph and The Star.Small 2020-11-12-Sheffield_Telegraph-NSTE-NSTE-57 (2).jpg

Our paths nearly crossed. I went to the Sheffield College of Art from 1970/71 before moving out of Sheffield for my degree and Masters. I've always thought the Arts and football strange bedfellows but we are what we are. I wish I had taken more photographs when I was younger. I have a few, but not the range that you and Andingmen have. I love looking at them as pieces of social history and reminders of my youth. Keep posting.
Hi Mad Mick
Just ordered it, any chance you could sign it to me?
Sure anything specific? Send me a pm please with your name and message. Thanks for the order. Alternatively, I'll be going a book signing at the exhibition. This is on hold until things improve and lockdown is eased.
Our paths nearly crossed. I went to the Sheffield College of Art from 1970/71 before moving out of Sheffield for my degree and Masters. I've always thought the Arts and football strange bedfellows but we are what we are. I wish I had taken more photographs when I was younger. I have a few, but not the range that you and Andingmen have. I love looking at them as pieces of social history and reminders of my youth. Keep posting.
I suspect you went to Psalter Lane, we were based at the Union Road Annexe. I was studying Graphic Design and the department went over to the Poly in 1970 I think.
Yes. Psalter Lane for me. Great times for a callow youth. Afternoons spent in the Banner Cross Hotel or Stag, culminating in a promotion to the first division for United. What a time to be alive😀
We went to Psalter Lane for some of our lessons. I always say it was the best time of my life. But that's now of course. Retired with no worries about jobs like some poor buggers.
Yes you have the period with those photos great times in our city.
I know a good few of the names you mention particularly Vinny Golland still see him out and about on Eccy Rd he married the best looking lass on the Park.
Received my copy today, thanks Mick, a wonderful production. Although I wasn't brought up in your neck of the woods, it still brings back many memories from my teenage years.
Although I don't recognise your face our paths must have crossed as I think we both followed the Blades home and away during the 60's and 70's (SUT from Pond Street). A few of the faces in the book are familiar from down town during that period but unfortunately I think most were of the blue and white persuasion.
Anyway take care and good luck with the book.
Thanks for your kind comments chipsncake. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Up on the hill
People never stare
They just don’t care

I’ll be singing this all day now..

I went to the old Park Hill School for a few years until they flattened it.
Can still remember wandering through the abandoned building with text books ripped up and scattered everywhere. Can still smell it in fact.
Look like cracking photos them mate. Can you imagine though in the year 2081; somebody pops up on a footy forum and says ............ hey guys I've got some cracking photos of Sheffield in 2021, in fact, I've written a book. Anybody interested?

The reply would be......... you, me and about 10,000 other old fogies have got pictures from that era mate.

Oh for the days before the camera phone 🤣

I thought you were actually Bob Stocks :D
Didnt get mine signed ,obviously not important enough 😢
Im Silent btw ;)
I'll be doing a book signing at the exhibition mate. I'll put details on here when we have a date.
3 Stocksy anecdotes :
Our van pulled up alongside a group of mean looking hells angels coming out of Norwich ,they were looking at us menacingly Stocksy in the passenger seat wound his window down and said 'What da looking at Grebo' and they fucked off to everyone relief.
Coming away from Elland Rd ,think we won with Foley scoring (not sure) again in a traffic jam surrounded by Leeds scum ,Stocksy got out walked up to a Leeds fan about 30 years old and made him take his shirt off ,got back in the van with it and he just walked off half naked with Leeds fans giving it the big un but not daring to do owt.
Mrs Sitwell used to babysit stocksy's lads before I met her.
Hi Mick, ordered the book from Amazon fuming as it cost me an extra £6. You know me, It's Willie King (Keiser) from the Flats. Brings back real memories. Bet you can'nt remember when we went to Ecclesfield to play footy on the Civil Service ground then went along Woolly Wood bottom and ended climbing the embankment to Concord Park and finding all them pitches and we were amazed. There was a bunch of us including your Shaun, Alan Gray, Dave Wright and few others. What fab times.
Hi Mick, ordered the book from Amazon fuming as it cost me an extra £6. You know me, It's Willie King (Keiser) from the Flats. Brings back real memories. Bet you can'nt remember when we went to Ecclesfield to play footy on the Civil Service ground then went along Woolly Wood bottom and ended climbing the embankment to Concord Park and finding all them pitches and we were amazed. There was a bunch of us including your Shaun, Alan Gray, Dave Wright and few others. What fab times.
Hi Will, Thanks for buying the book. Always best to order from the publisher and it's a lot cheaper. Also, Amazon pays us less than £3. And that's between me and the publisher. Mind you we don't have to do owt for it. I remember we used to play a lot of footy together but can't remember that actual game. I'd have been Ted Legge (Leggy) in them days lol. :)
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You were Leggy, for obvious reasons. When & where is your exhibition Mick ?
It will be at the Bubba Bar, Steelyard Kelham. No date yet due to COVID. But the photos are up and ready for the doors opening.
Got the book yesterday, Mick, it’s a great read, nice to see a mini skirt again as well...😍

Thanks for signing it mate


thanks Mick, got mine this morning, really looking forward to looking at it tomorrow morning with a cup of good old cha, in bed, a lazy Sunday morning, esp after a blades win, any win will do.
On a side note i did a lot of photography (plus developing my own films and making my own prints, in the 80's mainly at airshows, one year though was special.
Between 1984-88 the "City of Lincoln" Lanc was going to do a flypast over Ladybower Dam. So i arranged with a friend of mine we would go. Unfortunately the plastic clutch pedal gear mechanism on my ford fiesta broke, Cut a long story short i still went by starting the car in 1st gear at junctions, going from 1st to 2nd and 3rd wasn't the problem, changing down was without a clutch.
Anyways, I had a Zicoh 35mm SLR with a autofilm feed for snap shot shooting, cost a bob or two,, we got to the dam and setup, took loads of pics, I developed the film but one stood out.
As the Lanc flew across the Dam at lowlevel, one of my snaps caught it perfuctly between the trees and the dam, also though the 3 identifications letters on the side were the exact initials of my name.
I did a big A2 size blow up of it in our bathroom, My mum loved it..unfortunatley as time passed i lossed everything inc the negatives or positive? as i was using slide film at the time.
Cheers Mick and Thanks

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