VAR - admits three mistakes from last night

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Tony Currie

Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Premier League confirms wrong penalty decisions
The overarching theme in last night's games was more VAR frustration, as the Premier League admitted wrong penalty calls were made in all three matches.
Here's a reminder of those incidences:
  • Bruno Fernandes won a spot-kick which he scored in Manchester United's 3-0 win over Aston Villa.
  • James Ward-Prowse hit the bar after a disputed penalty as Southampton drew 1-1 with Everton.
  • And Tottenham should have had a penalty for a Joshua King shove on Harry Kane in a 0-0 draw with Bournemouth.
The Premier League confirmed United and Southampton should not have been given penalties - but Tottenham should have been awarded one.

VAR needs a total rethink for next season!

Clear and obvious errors are supposed to be over ruled by the video assistant referee, but in reality the VARs bend over backwards not to undermine the decision of the on pitch referee.

I think they should take a lead from cricket where LBW decisions are repeatedly changed and on pitch umpires seem capable of continuing to do their job regardless.

If the on pitch referees used the pitch side monitor, the undermining issue would be removed - and maybe each team should be able to request such a review on say 1 or 2 occasions during the game
There will always be controversy.

Take the Man Utd penalty. Solksjaer still says it’s a penalty...he says Fernandez did a drag back and pirroet.
Roy Keane in the studio said it wasn’t a penalty but says from the refs angle probably looked like a penalty
He also says he can understand why VAR never over ruled it.....because it’s not a clear and obvious mistake.

Even the Harry Kane incident....there was clearly a push but Kane goes down very easily and makes a meal of it.

My point is that experts will often have different there will always be controversy.
It is weird how the PL are saying these decisions were mistakes.....but that is only their opinion....VAR isn’t supposed to get involved too much regards opinions.

The only technology that doesn’t have controversy and was supposed to be perfect was “goal line technology”
but after our non-goal against Villa even that isn‘t infallible.

The only thing "sending the ref to the screen" does is waste even more time. I suppose, at a push, it may give slightly more credibility to the argument that the on-field ref is actually in charge.

That's because, with no hard evidence at all, I'm going to say that 99.9% of the time the referee just awards the decision the video ref has suggested. I've never seen that overturned once in any Spanish game where the ref has gone pitchside - because if a ref does that he will undermine VAR

Clueless pricks like Gary Neville and the rest of the football punditry circuit who clamoured for the introduction of VAR without recognising there would be downsides until they became obvious, have learned nothing
I read that fifa are going to standardise it next season, so the EPL's "unique" way of operating VAR might be finished.

Imagine if there was an amazing device that showed video, but was only the size of your hand or palm. If it could show hd video, but be light enough to be carried by the referree, it would be a modern day miracle !
But, could such witchcraft ever be invented??? 🤔 🤔
Clueless pricks like Gary Neville and the rest of the football punditry circuit who clamoured for the introduction of VAR without recognising there would be downsides until they became obvious, have learned nothing

I think it’s down to expectation. Many thought VAR would be perfect and stop all controversy.
However whilst ever decisions are based on opinions then there will always be controversy.

Think it’s important to remember that this seasonreferring decisions has definitely improved.
Last season there was 2 or 3 wrong decisions almost every fact refereeing was a disgrace and they needed with VAR wrong decisions are rare.
Also has anyone noticed how there’s hardly any intimidation or crowding of refs this season....that is a massive positive.

The big negative is VAR though is the half celebration.
When we scored in the last minute against Wolves my first thought was VAR.....and if they could find somones big toe being offside.
I read that fifa are going to standardise it next season, so the EPL's "unique" way of operating VAR might be finished.

If Collina calls for it then it happens. Nobody dares argue with that guy, best ref the world ever saw!
With the ref having access to his own screen, should there be any need for Stockley Park at all? Takes no more time for the on-field ref to check it himself than it does for him to stand there with his finger in his ear waiting for one of the old boys club on the industrial estate to check it
I read that fifa are going to standardise it next season, so the EPL's "unique" way of operating VAR might be finished.

If Pierluigi Collina says it's happening, then it's happening. Would you dare say no to this man?


They should put the replays up on the big screen for all the fans to see (when fans are allowed back). Then see if the referees would dare make a dubious call with thousands of fans viewing the same thing.
They should put the replays up on the big screen for all the fans to see (when fans are allowed back). Then see if the referees would dare make a dubious call with thousands of fans viewing the same thing.

I've said the same since it started, put the replays on the big screen and mic up the ref like in Rugby so we can hear the reasons behind the final decision. Also stop the clock so people can't moan about time being wasted.
My ongoing frustration is still that they admit mistakes but they never tell us why the mistake was made. What harm could it do to give us some elaboration on how the VAR refs understood the situation with respect to the laws of the game in coming to their decision?

I don't need them to tell me they got it wrong, I can see that with my own eyes. I'd love to know what they thought at the time before realising they were wrong.

And again, this whole have the ref use the monitor works on the basis that the ref on the pitch won't make bad decisions either. Why will the ref on the pitch be less worried about undermining himself than the VAR refs are about telling him he's wrong? The ref on the pitch still has to deal with the fall out from saying "That's a wrong decision", and now he has to do it with managers and a crowd on his back while he's trying to correct it.

The refs in the VAR room are already Premier League refs. The quality of the ref on the pitch and the one in the VAR room is essentially the same. VAR was always going to be bad and now we're coming up with non-solutions to its problems so we can have another season of saying "Well, what if we try this?". Just scrap the system and work out the bugs before we try it again.
I read that fifa are going to standardise it next season, so the EPL's "unique" way of operating VAR might be finished.

Collina should be in the VAR room telling refs how it is.

I've said the same since it started, put the replays on the big screen and mic up the ref like in Rugby so we can hear the reasons behind the final decision. Also stop the clock so people can't moan about time being wasted.

Yes then we will be listening to the ref panic as he tries to come up with a bullshit reason to give Man Utd their 150th penalty of the season.
Even worse was Ole’s post match interview when he was adamant it was a pen!
I was hoping the interviewer was going to push that further but of course he didn’t!
Oh and I also read that FIFA are taking control of VAR as they want it consistent around the World.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned.
This is of course a good reminder to all of those people who after the Villa game were asking "Why is it always United?", "Why are we so unlucky?", and other such nonsense. It isn't - high profile mistakes are made all the time, and in fact they very rarely involve us.

If Villa were to stay up by one point, hardly anyone outside of this forum will be making a big deal about the 'goal' we scored against them, because so many other major things have happened since.
My major problem with VAR, is that it's not being used to overturn clear errors, it's been implemented in a way that takes responsibility away from the on field officials.

The offsides are by far the biggest problem I have with it. It should be a quick check to see if there was an obvious error by the linesman. If not after 20 seconds then it should stick to the on field decision. These 1mm overturn decisions are utterly ridiculous.

So our goals at Spurs and Man City would have stood and no one would have had any complaints, just like there were no reactions from the opposition players during those matches, they knew that the onside decisions weren't glaring errors.

All the current implementation is doing is totally undermining the on field officials and hence they are becoming less accountable as they know VAR is covering their backs even if it is a shit show.

The handball law also needs another look at, as Kane's first half goal against us should have stood imo, but that is down the the current law not VAR.
Imagine if there was an amazing device that showed video, but was only the size of your hand or palm. If it could show hd video, but be light enough to be carried by the referree, it would be a modern day miracle !
But, could such witchcraft ever be invented??? 🤔 🤔
absolute nonsense, it’s like saying you could put an hd video on a watch which the referee could wear at all times and refer to for decision making... the stuff of fantasy i tell you
Hopefully with Collina kicking that clown Rileys version of VAR into touch next season and cutting off his mate Ellerays influence at the IFAB we will see an improvement in the use of VAR. It will mean the referee goes to the monitor more but thats what VAR was intended for to assist the referee on the pitch not make decisions for them.

Riley should step down from his role in the PMGOL. Last night's shambles is further evidence of him seeking to manipulate a system to suit his own agenda of avoiding criticism of referees. He has failed miserably and made his VAR a laughing stock within football causing FIFA to take action and step in.
My ongoing frustration is still that they admit mistakes but they never tell us why the mistake was made. What harm could it do to give us some elaboration on how the VAR refs understood the situation with respect to the laws of the game in coming to their decision?

I don't need them to tell me they got it wrong, I can see that with my own eyes. I'd love to know what they thought at the time before realising they were wrong.

Exactly this. It's like getting the black box out of a plane when it's come down. There was some conversation that will explain what happened. Release the thing and let's hear why the hell two "qualified" referee's can get things wrong.
If it's the same conversation time after time:
VAR: "Might be an issue, do you want to review it?"
Ref: "No, I'm good with my original decision"
Then we know it will never work OR at least we'll know the level of incompetence is so ingrained it needs a mass overhaul.

Even worse was Ole’s post match interview when he was adamant it was a pen!
I was hoping the interviewer was going to push that further but of course he didn’t!

and it all starts with managers.
He either agrees with the decision or calls his player out as a fucking cheat. He's never going to do the latter.
As for the "pundits", ex-players who accepted it when they played and are tolerant of it now.
said it before, before VAR it was the on field refs decision , now there's 4 refs in the ground and 6 at stockley park making 10
all with differing views
its a fucking balls up , its not more clear its 10 times more divisive

let the on field ref be the sole arbitrator , let him view the videos and let him make the decision

Does anybody think by admitting to these and possibly any more VAR " mistakes " in the next few games this is to undermine any possible legal action from either west ham or us etc if it goes to the end of the season and wet spam go down by one point or we miss out on europe by one ?

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