Billy Tightshirt

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Jul 31, 2018
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Saw Billy Whitehurst's name mentioned in another thread and it got me wondering. I remember he was due to bring out a book but it got pulled at the last minute, does anyone know why? Mystery seems to surround Big Billy Tightshirt.

Saw Billy Whitehurst's name mentioned in another thread and it got me wondering. I remember he was due to bring out a book but it got pulled at the last minute, does anyone know why? Mystery seems to surround Big Billy Tightshirt.

I heard there were a number of people waiting to sue including Paul Bracewell who’s England career was effectively ended by a ‘tackle’ by Whitehurst. Apparently Billy admitted he set out “To Do” Bracewell in retaliation for something that happened in a previous game.

Bracewell suffered a broken leg and missed out on a World Cup
According to Wiki Bracewell was still on Fulhams Books aged 37 , so he had longer in the game than most ? Delving a bit further it was indeed a Whitehurst tackle that broke the lads leg on NYD `1986
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According to Wiki Bracewell was still on Fulhams Books aged 37 , so he had longer in the game than most ? Delving a bit further it was indeed a Whitehurst tackle that broke the lads leg on NYD `1986

Never played for England again was the sore point I believe.
Saw Billy Whitehurst's name mentioned in another thread and it got me wondering. I remember he was due to bring out a book but it got pulled at the last minute, does anyone know why? Mystery seems to surround Big Billy Tightshirt.

Yes he talked about it in his Talksport interview about 5 years ago.
He was a guest on (I think) the Nightboat to Cairo show where they interview a different football personalities each week.

Whitehurst confirmed that he has loads of stories and he was asked to write his autobiography.
His backers forwarded him a small advance with the promise of more money at regular intervals as he was writing it.
He said he was writing it but they stopped paying him the he stopped writing it.
He said it’s currently half finished because his backer pulled out of the deal.

Does make you wonder if Billy just couldn’t be arsed to finish it off.
Never played for England again was the sore point I believe.

Imagine being primed for a World Cup spot. Going to an actual World Cup and someone purposely takes that away from you and you never make it!
Yes he talked about it in his Talksport interview about 5 years ago.
He was a guest on (I think) the Nightboat to Cairo show where they interview a different football personalities each week.

Whitehurst confirmed that he has loads of stories and he was asked to write his autobiography.
His backers forwarded him a small advance with the promise of more money at regular intervals as he was writing it.
He said he was writing it but they stopped paying him the he stopped writing it.
He said it’s currently half finished because his backer pulled out of the deal.

Does make you wonder if Billy just couldn’t be arsed to finish it off.
Bet you dare not ask him :-?
Was never a fan of Tightshirt. I remember him for keeping Agana out of the team for a bit, being shit, and lots of stories about him thumping or threatening to thump people.
Was never a fan of Tightshirt. I remember him for keeping Agana out of the team for a bit, being shit, and lots of stories about him thumping or threatening to thump people.

Yes , he was a complete thug .

The fact that he was our thug cannot be used to justify some of the awful things he got up to .
Yes , he was a complete thug .

The fact that he was our thug cannot be used to justify some of the awful things he got up to .

That team was full of blokes who could handle themselves, but most of them produced something in terms of football (albeit Bassett football) to go along with it. I don't recall any footballing contribution from Tightshirt, just that he threatened Neil Ruddock once.
Was never a fan of Tightshirt. I remember him for keeping Agana out of the team for a bit, being shit, and lots of stories about him thumping or threatening to thump people.

He ended up in Sunday League football around Sheffield and was a thug in that too. Seemed to take a perverted pleasure in deliberately hurting people.
Yes , he was a complete thug .

The fact that he was our thug cannot be used to justify some of the awful things he got up to .

He used to enjoy intimidating players but he used to do it off the pitch away from the bright lights as well as on the pitch.
They asked him if his team mate Vinny Jones was a real hard man like most people think.....Billy replied the fact he’s gone into a career of acting answers that question.
When he was Ina genial mood, his story times in the Cricketers of a Sunday could be hilarious. When he wasn't, drink pint down quickly and go elsewhere.
I didn't realise, takes the shine off the old memories, shame.
My memory's fucked now but remember him sliding in at the back post in the last minute at Blackburn midweek near the end of the season. Think we drew 0-0 and the slightest of touches would have seen us promoted on the night. Could be wrong.

Had he scored at Blackburn in the last minute and he should have, the 5th of May 1990 would have been a lot more enjoyable before kick off,

Remember the way to Ewood Park, slow traffic on the motorway due to road works and the lovely Jackies husband shouting to the rosdworker sunning himself on the back of a flatbed?

"Get some work done you idle twat" wasn't it? Whereupon traffic came to standstill as said navvy got down, picked up a huge shovel and began walking down to the car!!!

Luckily, we began to move and bravery returnrd as we all laughed giving him the v"s.
Tony Agana turning away from Blackburn's goalie who then fumbled the ball, dropped it or summert. TA could have finished it then but the GK managed to grab it back before Agana got to it. Everybody was screaming turn round, madness. Heart stopping moment when linesman put flag across chest indicating a penalty for Blackburn.
Ref was having none of it.
That particular flag signal is not recognised now by Rule makers.
Remember the way to Ewood Park, slow traffic on the motorway due to road works and the lovely Jackies husband shouting to the rosdworker sunning himself on the back of a flatbed?

"Get some work done you idle twat" wasn't it? Whereupon traffic came to standstill as said navvy got down, picked up a huge shovel and began walking down to the car!!!

Luckily, we began to move and bravery returnrd as we all laughed giving him the v"s.

I remember him deciding the hard shoulder would do, seeing as we were behind schedule because of those roadworks,and the pub after working out all the permutations for Saturday .

Think it’s fair to say, nobody even mentioned the possibility of the Pigs going down, it just seemed so far fetched
Used to bump into headbangers like Whitehurst every Saturday night in the 80s and 90s. But their excuse was the booze. That was the working class mantra of the time. If you couldn’t get a fuck you always get a fight.

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