RS hang up

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Oct 8, 2015
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a great call last nite on RS.a blade called to say how McCabe had kept with the club and loaned money (interest charged,he is a business man) and that he gets stick off some fans ,but where would the club be without him and his the conversation he mentioned mandaric who came in to the dark side for one reason only to make a quick buck (he is a business man) but yet is held in high esteem by the millions that attend swillsbrough.At no time was the caller derogative or insulting about mandaric.
What happend next!!!
An irate fan, one of the millions phoned in fuming about the previose caller totally getting hold of the wrong end of the stick and going on and on and on,not listening to the radio presenter who tried to defend the blade caller but to no avail so the presenter had no option but to cut him off mid wat through another rant,Quality
I could just imagine the irate caller spitting pork scratching

Gutted I missed that.
a great call last nite on RS.a blade called to say how McCabe had kept with the club and loaned money (interest charged,he is a business man) and that he gets stick off some fans ,but where would the club be without him and his the conversation he mentioned mandaric who came in to the dark side for one reason only to make a quick buck (he is a business man) but yet is held in high esteem by the millions that attend swillsbrough.At no time was the caller derogative or insulting about mandaric.
What happend next!!!
An irate fan, one of the millions phoned in fuming about the previose caller totally getting hold of the wrong end of the stick and going on and on and on,not listening to the radio presenter who tried to defend the blade caller but to no avail so the presenter had no option but to cut him off mid wat through another rant,Quality
I could just imagine the irate caller spitting pork scratching
I would really like to understand the point of this post as I'm completely lost after reading it 3 times.:confused:
I would really like to understand the point of this post as I'm completely lost after reading it 3 times.:confused:
he was defending mandaric when he didnt have to , a blade was saying mccabe gets stick for pumping millions in as a fan and owls love mandaric who did it to make a killing is the gist
I would really like to understand the point of this post as I'm completely lost after reading it 3 times.:confused:

Basically, an erudite Blade fan somehow got through the net that is thrown around Football Heaven - the one that usually only allows the likes of 'Brian the Blade' and 'Pitsmoor, yeah? Owl, yeah?' to miraculously get on every night.
This caller made some extremely relevant points about the unwarranted stick McCabe gets and how, unlike Mandaric, hadn't almost bankrupted Wendy, got the bank (Co-op) to take a haircut, how Wendy had gone cap-in-hand ('Save our Owls') and cared nothing about the pigs apart from getting his 'investment' back, but KMac had kept United solvent and built a superb stadium at BDTBL. I agree with all his points, but the piggies were squealing away.

I'm sure it's available on that Audioboom thingy. Make sure you tune in tonight! Despite Wendy not having a game this weekend, it's a Carlos Carvahal Special!
Basically, an erudite Blade fan somehow got through the net that is thrown around Football Heaven - the one that usually only allows the likes of 'Brian the Blade' and 'Pitsmoor, yeah? Owl, yeah?' to miraculously get on every night.
This caller made some extremely relevant points about the unwarranted stick McCabe gets and how, unlike Mandaric, hadn't almost bankrupted Wendy, got the bank (Co-op) to take a haircut, how Wendy had gone cap-in-hand ('Save our Owls') and cared nothing about the pigs apart from getting his 'investment' back, but KMac had kept United solvent and built a superb stadium at BDTBL. I agree with all his points, but the piggies were squealing away.

I'm sure it's available on that Audioboom thingy. Make sure you tune in tonight! Despite Wendy not having a game this weekend, it's a Carlos Carvahal Special!
Cheers thanks for the warning.
We should play Dynamic bingo ,what minute will he mention the word. I m going for all on its own number 1.
Basically, an erudite Blade fan somehow got through the net that is thrown around Football Heaven - the one that usually only allows the likes of 'Brian the Blade' and 'Pitsmoor, yeah? Owl, yeah?' to miraculously get on every night.
This caller made some extremely relevant points about the unwarranted stick McCabe gets and how, unlike Mandaric, hadn't almost bankrupted Wendy, got the bank (Co-op) to take a haircut, how Wendy had gone cap-in-hand ('Save our Owls') and cared nothing about the pigs apart from getting his 'investment' back, but KMac had kept United solvent and built a superb stadium at BDTBL. I agree with all his points, but the piggies were squealing away.

I'm sure it's available on that Audioboom thingy. Make sure you tune in tonight! Despite Wendy not having a game this weekend, it's a Carlos Carvahal Special!

Pigfest night again on radio wendy ...... surely not ....... well that will be a turn-up for the books !!

Fortunately I have to count the leaves on the tree at the bottom of the garden so I shall be too busy to listen to radio Pig fawning and slobbering over the arrogant's !!
I would really like to understand the point of this post as I'm completely lost after reading it 3 times.:confused:
Sorry Ghadi,new at this game. At least some people understood,I was just imagining the trotter turning red with anger get it
Mick the Rawmarsh Pig was the caller in question and boy didn't he come across as one bitter pig that made himself look a right tit
S6 had a Milan Manderic appreciation day, after he had sold the club. While I admire MM as a businessman, (he always makes money), I think he is on a pedestal at S6 because:-

1. He saved them from the Tax man shutting the club down (literally on the steps of the court, about to pull the plug)
2. He let Megson build a team of big, athletic thugs, who pipped us to promotion
3. When he didn't see eye-to-eye with Megson, he binned him for Dave Moans
4. When things were not going well for for Dave Moans he binned him for Stewpot Gray
5. He went ahead and agreed a deal to the bloke from Azerbaijan, despite RC Lens publicly saying he had not paid in the investment he promised them.
6. He went ahead with the "Land of Fire" logo on the club shirts, before being paid, making a laughing stock of SWFC, at least in Sheffield.
7. After points 3 to 6 above, with the club looking like a relegation scrapping side for the foreseeable future, he manages to off load the club to Tommy Tuna, trouser a few million himself into the bargain, and sail off into the sunset, laughing all the way to the bank (off shore bank, laughing all the way with Harry Redknapp and his dog)

So in effect, I actually think that from point 3 above, onward, especially points 5 and 6, t'owd Milan realised that as he approached his late 70's, his usually keen business acumen was deserting him and he mustered all his negotiating skills to sell the club to Tommy Tuna and his Champ Manager loving son.

SWFC fans love Milan for points 1, 2 and 7, but towards the end of his reign, a few were turning on him and saying he needed to sell.
Apparently Carlos Kickaball has been cancelled due to the exciting news of Redfearn's appointment at Rovrum

I like listening to Praise or Grumble as I get to hear the opinions of other Blade's fans and other clubs fans. I hate Praise or Grumble because I get to hear some reyt bloody thickos try to string a sentence together. (Pitsmoor Pig, Rawmarsh Pig) to name but two. 90% is utter shite and the smug patronising presenters don't help but once in a while you get a decent call.
It's a good show if you don't take it too seriously, and Brian I'm told gets called by the show when things are a bit quiet to liven up proceedings..

The drive home from the lane wouldn't be the same without it I tell thee..
Mick the Rawmarsh Pig was the caller in question and boy didn't he come across as one bitter pig that made himself look a right tit

Yes, he was the usual Jeremy Kyle-type who latch on to Wednesday. To be fair, the RS presenter did eventually cut him off but not before he got a low dig about the Prince in - mentioning human rights in Saudi.

Unlike those paragons of virtue in Thailand. Or Azerbaijan.

Apparently Carlos Kickaball has been cancelled due to the exciting news of Redfearn's appointment at Rovrum

Don't worry! RS has the video of his interview online.:D
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I like listening to Praise or Grumble as I get to hear the opinions of other Blade's fans and other clubs fans. I hate Praise or Grumble because I get to hear some reyt bloody thickos try to string a sentence together. (Pitsmoor Pig, Rawmarsh Pig) to name but two. 90% is utter shite and the smug patronising presenters don't help but once in a while you get a decent call.

Me and HMB Jnr always listen until we hear Adkins' interview, if the reception holds out as we edge towards the M1. We look forward to the caller that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but change to whatever live commentary is on once the manager has spoken.

I still can't get my head around the equal footing for Cheesy, Donny, Dingles and AFC Chuckle.
I would really like to understand the point of this post as I'm completely lost after reading it 3 times.:confused:

I understand it, but I had the benefit of having heard the show. Mick the Rawmarsh Pig had either deliberately or inadvertently got hold of the wrong end of the stick. The original caller wasn't making an anti-W*dnesday point, he was simply comparing and contrasting how McCabe saved United and is unpopular, whereas Mandaric did the same with them and is idolised. Mick went off on a real rant, including Saudi Arabia's human rights record. The presenter tried to explain that he was missing the point, but he wasn't having any of it, he was right the presenter was wrong.

If you want to read the aftermath, it's on the Football Heaven 2015/16 thread on *wlstalk and he posts as Lawrie Madden. It starts on Page 104 and he's still missing the point, even though a number of his fellow oinkers think it was right for him to be cut off.
I like listening to Praise or Grumble as I get to hear the opinions of other Blade's fans and other clubs fans. I hate Praise or Grumble because I get to hear some reyt bloody thickos try to string a sentence together. (Pitsmoor Pig, Rawmarsh Pig) to name but two. 90% is utter shite and the smug patronising presenters don't help but once in a while you get a decent call.

Same as me , somtimes its boring and tedious , but still listen.

Always like to here the opinions of that bloke , David from Bolton , who has balanced , sensible views .

The best bit is when it comes back on after the summer break , and you know the football season is starting . Little daft things , but at least it makes the world go round , and in a way realise you supported the right club.

It is dull and repetitive with the air time given to the same people who now believe that they are celebrities with an opinion that is on a par with the professionals.

Why some of them see the need to ring in multiple times in a week to deliver thier wisdom is beyond me.

What is laughable is how many of them ring into other programmes because they love the sound of thier own voices so much.

It is a programme that is desperate for a rethink and certainly doesn't need to be on 6 nights a week.

I too listen until NA has been on (normally after yet another interminable Rob Station interview with the pigs manager that enquires about every member of the squad and thier shoesize) and then tend to turn off.

Mick the Owl is a pompous patronising now nowt!
I understand it, but I had the benefit of having heard the show. Mick the Rawmarsh Pig had either deliberately or inadvertently got hold of the wrong end of the stick. The original caller wasn't making an anti-W*dnesday point, he was simply comparing and contrasting how McCabe saved United and is unpopular, whereas Mandaric did the same with them and is idolised. Mick went off on a real rant, including Saudi Arabia's human rights record. The presenter tried to explain that he was missing the point, but he wasn't having any of it, he was right the presenter was wrong.

If you want to read the aftermath, it's on the Football Heaven 2015/16 thread on *wlstalk and he posts as Lawrie Madden. It starts on Page 104 and he's still missing the point, even though a number of his fellow oinkers think it was right for him to be cut off.
Cheers Trig I think I'll take a raincheck to listening to the original:)

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