Chrissy Wilder's Red and White Army

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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
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North-West Leodis
We managed 20 minutes at Shrewsbury singing this on repeat, let's have 30 minutes at Bratfud.

All the best to them Blades travelling up to see the red and white wizaaaaaards. Great to see we are now travelling away with hope and not dread

Gi 'em a shout from me lads and lasses.

UTB forever and always.

I always hope for a day when we do the slow, loud, choir like version of "oh when the blades go marchin in" like we did for an entire half at Oldham in the 90's. Was brilliant.
Even better with the extra lines.
"Oh when dem blaaaaaaaades'
Go marchin' iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn'
I wanna beeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Right in dat numberrrrrrrrrrr"

We sang that at a slow pace for an entire half once at Swindon, and my mate in the home end said it sounded like some middle east religious chanting.
Even better with the extra lines.
"Oh when dem blaaaaaaaades'
Go marchin' iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn'
I wanna beeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Right in dat numberrrrrrrrrrr"

We sang that at a slow pace for an entire half once at Swindon, and my mate in the home end said it sounded like some middle east religious chanting.

The only Blades song I can still sing coherently after a skinful. Spent many an away day swaying away bellowing that out after a gallon of ale.

What a club this is! Memries!
Even better with the extra lines.
"Oh when dem blaaaaaaaades'
Go marchin' iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn'
I wanna beeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Right in dat numberrrrrrrrrrr"

We sang that at a slow pace for an entire half once at Swindon, and my mate in the home end said it sounded like some middle east religious chanting.
The game was dire, but the chant was great. Most boring game I think I have ever been to.
We managed 20 minutes at Shrewsbury singing this on repeat, let's have 30 minutes at Bratfud.

All the best to them Blades travelling up to see the red and white wizaaaaaards. Great to see we are now travelling away with hope and not dread

Gi 'em a shout from me lads and lasses.

UTB forever and always.

The whole Chrissy thing is starting to grow on now Rodders.
I'm thinking of starting my own variation.
What do you think?
"Chrissy Whissy's red and white army" :mad: ;)

We haven't had a super-extended "Sheff United *bang bang* Sheff United" for a while. I've known those top the 20 minute mark before.
Doesn't scan

Substitute "Ethan" for "He's". Simple. Sadly, holding a tune does not come easy to the vast majority of our fans. Most regard a song as a race.

Wilder, like his namesake Morgan, is anything but a fucking "Chrissy". It will do his head in every bit as much as daft talk about "holding" and "sitting" midfielders. He answers to "Tufty" and that's what we should sing.
Even better with the extra lines.
"Oh when dem blaaaaaaaades'
Go marchin' iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn'
I wanna beeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Right in dat numberrrrrrrrrrr"

We sang that at a slow pace for an entire half once at Swindon, and my mate in the home end said it sounded like some middle east religious chanting.

Love it. Always one reyt broad bloke who did something akin to a backing vocal line after each line too. Need to try and get it going again.

We haven't had a super-extended "Sheff United *bang bang* Sheff United" for a while. I've known those top the 20 minute mark before.

Best on of those I remember was a great Tuesday night at Palace in around 2004 I think? We went 2 nil up early (Nuddy and Chief I think) then Paddy went off injured and cause Warnock never had a sub keeper Jags went in net. Andy Johnson scored a pen then about 500 Blades there just sang Sheffield United non stop for the entire 2nd half. It was brilliant and we managed to hold out for a win. My hands were sore for about a week after!

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