To anyone attending Rochdale on Saturday

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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Friend of mine is a Rochdale fan and has asked me to share, i hope nobody minds me doing so:

ASKING ALL DALE FANS TO TAG OTHER DALIES AND SHARE THIS LIKE HELL PLEASE ................................................
As some of you may know and some may not I lost a very special friend Denise Webb on the 3rd December last year. Denise and her husband (mike) and kids have been and still are very true,staunchly loyal and hardened Rochdale a.f.c supporters with 42 years service to the club her loss was felt by many of her friends at the dale as we discovered on the day of her funeral. In last week's of her life OUR CLUB paid tribute to Denise by the manager, the club CEO and her favourite player Calvin Andrew going to spend time with her which to say the least made her and her husbands Mikes and families day.But on Saturday her husband mike and his family will be returning to the dale for the first time since Denise passed away I PERSONALLY AS A DALE FAN ARE ASKING YOU AND ALL THE SHEFFIELD UTD FANS TO JOIN ME AND HOPEFULLY MANY MORE DALE FANS IN CELEBRATING DENISE'S LIFE AND THE FACT SHE WAS A TRUE ROCHDALE SUPPORTER WITH A MINUTES APPLAUSE ON THE 63RD MINUTE WHICH IS DENISE'S AGE PLEASE LET'S DO THIS FOR THIS WONDERFUL LADY WHO IS GREATLY MISSED BY MANY BUT WHO CAN BE FONDLY REMEMBERED BY US AS SUPPORTERS ON SATURDAY I'LL FINNISH THIS BY SAYING THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE AND UP THE DALE CHEER TOMMO

Not an unreasonable request. I Hope those that go will join in the applause in memory of Denise..

No problem, so long as I havn't fallen asleep ...........................
Good gesture and I'll do it but i don't think anyone will hear my applause from Whitley Bay.
Count me in. Crawley were exceptional in observing Shred’s memory and I’d like to think our club would show the same sort of decency to much loved fans of other clubs. I would recommend that they also contact their club about it (although I assume they will have) to see about an announcement on the PA system so everyone in the ground knows.
Yeah I'll join in.

How come it's always done on a certain minute during the match these days? Why not the old minute silence/minute applause before the match?
Yeah I'll join in.

How come it's always done on a certain minute during the match these days? Why not the old minute silence/minute applause before the match?

I don't think it's an official thing organised by the club, just by the fans. They've chosen 63rd minute because she was 63

I'm sure no one will have any difficulty with this, but for those that do remember this game last season was Shred's final away day with the Blades.
And it's shreds day out tomorrow one year on we lost the leader .#dst
Gone but never forgotten and he would have been 63 same as the Rochdale lass
Well done to all blades at the game for taking part in the applause. Sounded like all if not most joined in (certainly around me anyway).

Doesn't make for as dramatic story as chucking plastic forks and milk around at half time but thought it was worth mentioning

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