Nicknames for Fans (you do not know)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Following on from my thread (United u23's v Hull 23's) about the fan that I dubbed Mumbled Man, I got thinking and thought about the number of Blades fans I have sat with in different season ticket seats or seen on trips away from home. It may be at the pub or just in passing that you often see.

I have to be careful as some may be on here. I am sure people have seen me and have a name for me as well (report knob etc) but wondered if other fans have names / nicknames for fans around them or that they see; funny how you often never get their names and can sit with them for years!?

Some may seem nasty but they are not really and no offence really meant. All meant jovially, Care to share anyone else who does this?

Over the years I / my wide / mates have names of fans as follows.....

The Manager - Guy who sits behind me in the stand and is obsessed with tactics, sayign what formation we are playing and discussing subs even after 5 minutes.

Fart Brigade - Guy with silver hair and glasses who always goes away. Few conversations he has had with his party he seems obsessed with real ale and Wetherspoons. Sat behind him at Blackburn and he was breaking wind constantly and grinning. To the point where everyone around him felt sick. Others seems to be as bad but he was head fart henchman. Hence the name.

Lawnmower man - Man who sits near us who seems to be high up in this trade travellling the world selling aformentioned products. Disappears for weeks to the States etc and then pops up again. Nice guy actually.

The twins - Two ahem...twins that go home and away that seem to be continually with each other whether in the pub, on the train or at the game.

Hat w*****r
- Sure she is a nice woman but the one who wears the hat with all the badges. Harsh she got the W. I blame my mate.

Simos mate - Someone who over that season was a Simonsen apologist to the fact it was ridiculous even in the face of error after error.

Scunny lads - Two decent lads who were brothers who used to come from Scunny and sit near us on the Kop for 4 or 5 years. Never got their names. Just knew they came from Scunny.

Annoying face - Always seems to be pop up, grinning. Mid 20's. Does not seem to have any friends or anyone he is with most weeks; just latches on to whoever Got a really silly gurning face and often shouts ridiculous things out. Mainly on away trains or pubs.

Beer Machine - He got this name as he used to go the Beer Engine and come in late but he dubbed it the Beer Machine. Used to always come in late, drunk and talking of strippers. Most of his stories were utter crap.

Will think of some more....

I remember when I was a kid there was a bloke (with 2 mates) about 40, he started off one day by calling one of his mates 'a lackey' but eventually it got to the point where he just uttered the word time after time. He did say other stuff too but 'lackey' was about half the words he said. It evolved into a point where he was feeling people's ears and saying 'lackey', this sounds so weird as I type it I'm expecting myself to finish with a crap joke but there isn't one as this was all he and his mates ended up doing for most of the match. We moved away in the end he was just too weird.
I remember when I was a kid there was a bloke (with 2 mates) about 40, he started off one day by calling one of his mates 'a lackey' but eventually it got to the point where he just uttered the word time after time. He did say other stuff too but 'lackey' was about half the words he said. It evolved into a point where he was feeling people's ears and saying 'lackey', this sounds so weird as I type it I'm expecting myself to finish with a crap joke but there isn't one as this was all he and his mates ended up doing for most of the match. We moved away in the end he was just too weird.

Well used to stand near him on Kop back middle mid to late 80s think he was a postman,always feeling people's ears.
I remember "owd mi coyte', late 70's, half way down Kop on the right, always got his mate to 'owd his coyte' whilst he ran down to the front to attempt to get on the pitch and smack the ref for whatever misdemeanor at that particular point in the match, two or three times a match sometimes!!
'Blackwell Out'.
Used to say nothing all game, then shout this as he stormed off with 10 minutes to go, every home game.

'Tha what pal'. Ex hoolie I think. So I won't describe him as I'm a bit scared (apart from he's black and about 50).

That's about the location kop slightly right of centre towards the back.
From your descriptions, I can put a name to a decent number of these.

Though thankfully none of them appear to be me. At least I think :)
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Is the guy with the pink mohawk still at the back of the kop?

When I had season tickets on John Street there was a guy who screamed mild abuse hilariously, no obscenities, just ridiculous insults and analogies. Front middle just to the right.
Rubbish United

Always tutting, can't ever find anything positive to say, tries to engage all his neighbours in conversation - all resolutely ignore him.

south stand, gangway c, row kk.
Nerdy reporting dude, guy who sits in front of us spends all match jotting notes to write a report.
Do you sit in johns street stand London. There's a guy sits near us does exactly same think and wears one of those coats like arsene wenger. We nicknamed him 'anorak' !
The twins - Two ahem...twins that go home and away that seem to be continually with each other whether in the pub, on the train or at the game.

Pretty tall, dark hair and err.. facially challenged? If so they used to have ST's on the Kop in the early-mid 2000's

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